A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1041: Invite!

"So you found it too!" Wang Baole's expression became serious when he heard the words, and he looked around quickly, as if he was afraid that this sentence would be heard by others.

And his actions made Xie Haiyang, who was disapproving of the record, stunned for a moment. Obviously, he was speaking to Wang Baole, which was a little weird.

"Uncle Master, you..."

"Ocean, what you just said to me, remember not to mention it to other people again, because this record you mentioned is the biggest and the deepest hidden secret in our entire Taoist domain!!" Wang Baole took a deep breath. He patted Xie Haiyang on the shoulder. Amidst Xie Haiyang's dumbfounded expression and amazement, Wang Baole sighed and his eyes were deep.

"Actually, when I was three years old, I had discovered the secrets of the entire world. At that time, I was always thinking about who I am, who I am, where I am, and where I am. "

"Until I was five years old, I finally understood that everything in this world, everything in this world, everything in this universe, is actually a void, and everything is because I want them to exist, so they just It exists, I want to see these, so I saw it."

"This..." Xie Haiyang was originally a little shocked by Wang Baole's words, but now listening to it, I feel that something is wrong.

"Needless to say, I understand, this... is the helplessness of being the son of the Chosen." Wang Baole raised his head and looked to the sky, looking like an independent person, Xie Haiyang couldn't laugh or cry.

"Uncle Master, can we be more serious..."

Wang Baole stared at the words.

"Seriously? The record you mentioned almost scared me stupid!"

"If all of this really doesn't exist, what am I now?" Wang Baole looked down at his hand, squeezed it, and looked at Xie Haiyang.

Xie Haiyang could only smile wryly.

"I also think it's ridiculous, and this record is too old to trace the source. Even my ancestor of the Xie family has read it and said this is just a madman's madness."

"Okay, don't think about it." Wang Baole patted Xie Haiyang on the shoulder, just about to continue speaking, but after a change of expression, when he looked up, he saw a long rainbow in the midair behind Xie Haiyang, whistling from a distance.

In Changhong, there was a familiar figure.

"Ocean, I have something private here." Looking at the figure getting closer, Wang Baole said, Xie Haiyang pretended not to see anyone. He knew very well when to be exquisite and blind. For example, at this moment, since Wang Baole talked about private matters, he naturally understood how to do it.

So even if he felt someone flying from behind, he didn't turn his head back. He clasped his fist towards Wang Baole and walked straight away from his side. He didn't look back at all during this time, and even his spiritual consciousness never dispersed.

And neither he who left nor Wang Baole, who was standing there waiting for someone to come, didn’t know that when they were talking about the absurd record, the young lady in the mask fragment of Wang Baole secretly heard those words, her body slightly changed. Zhen, deeply confused in his eyes.

"I seem to... remember something, there are still sixty-eight years... but I have forgotten some..."

While muttering, the young lady sat there, hugging her knees, and buried her head on her knees. While the figure revealed a touch of loneliness, she was confused and thicker.

Miss Sister is at a loss here, Wang Baole is not clear. At this moment, he is looking up at the fast approaching figure in the sky, with a smile on his face.

The visitor was a woman, it was Li Wan'er wearing a mask!

She is wearing a blue flowing cloud dress and a black shawl. Although she gallops in, the long skirt does not lift, the blue silk does not scatter, and the grace is as usual. When she approaches, when Wang Baole looks at it, Li Wan'er's beautiful eyes are also staring. On Wang Baole until the figure fell, she stood beside Wang Baole and spoke softly.

"You should know?"

"I see." Others may not understand Li Wan'er's words, but the moment Wang Baole heard it, he felt the other party's intention. This meant that he knew her identity.

"Uncle Li is very good, and the others are very good, so don't worry about it." Wang Baole thought for a while, said softly, and sighed in his heart. To be precise, the woman in front of him was the first woman in his life.

He always remembered himself at the beginning, and to some extent he was forced by the opponent...

Thinking about it this way, Wang Baole couldn't help but see the image of that year, which made him cough and couldn't help but glance over Li Wan'er.

Li Wan'er was obviously aware of it, but pretending to be unaware, she just smiled and blinked at Wang Baole.

"Zhuo Yifan is also very good, and there are channels, just as good."

Wang Baole's expression condensed. He suspected that Zhuo Yifan and Kong Dao, who had not returned to Earth, might have gone to the Moon Star Sect in some unknown way, just like Li Wan'er.

But there was no answer, even Lin You didn't know it. At this moment, hearing from Li Wan'er, he had fallen a big rock in his heart, but what followed was uncertainty about whether the Moon Star Sect was good or evil.

As if seeing Wang Baole's thoughts, Li Wan'er was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"The Moon Star Sect should not be malicious to the Federation, but they are always investigating one thing. This matter has a very deep connection with the solar system. I am not very clear about the specifics. I only know... the Moon Star Sect has countless years. , Are verifying an answer."

"An answer?" Wang Baole was startled.

"I don't know what it is... But this time I am here, besides birthday, there is one more thing. The only ancestor of Yuexing Sect, the old man Yuexing, let me pass a word to you." Li Wan'er looked at Wang Baole, It's hard to hide the strange color.

These words and gaze made Wang Baole a little bit unable to understand Li Wan'er. His instinct told himself that the other party... and Li Wan'er in his own memory, although they were indeed the same person, there were obviously some differences.

"Tell me something? What are you talking about?" Wang Baole was surprised, pondered for a moment, and asked.

"The ancestor invites you. On the nineteenth day of July, eight years later, on the cliff of the Moon Star Sect, I will see you!" Li Wan'er flashed a deep light in her eyes. It seemed simple, but it fell in Wang Baole's ears, but it turned into a thick suspicion that could not be dissipated.

"Such a specific time..." Wang Baole frowned slowly. He always felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn't figure it out. Obviously Li Wan'er wouldn't say it, so she could only be silent.

"Bao Le, I am not very clear about some things, so I can't tell you, but I believe one thing... the ancestors have no malice towards you. It is only for some special reasons that I have this special invitation."

"The ancestor said, this invitation, whether you agree or disagree, it doesn't matter." Li Wan'er hesitated for a moment and said softly.

"I know." Wang Baole smiled slightly, buried the matter in his heart, and suppressed his doubts, and looked at Li Wan'er, but it was a pity that he couldn't see the face in the memory through the mask, so he could only use his eyes to find the past. Familiarity.

But unfortunately, this familiarity from the past seems to be slowly disappearing.

"You are not the same as before." After a long while, Wang Baole said with emotion.

Li Wan'er was silent when she heard the words, and did not speak until after a while, as the giant snake under them moved, as the sky darkened, and as the bright moon rose, Li Wan'er's voice also came with the breeze.

"Maybe it will be a little different when I grow up, but I...still me." After speaking, Li Wan'er bowed to Wang Baole and turned away silently.

Maybe it was the moonlight, or maybe it was the surrounding environment. In Wang Baole's eyes, Li Wan'er's back was bleak and heavier.

"Yuexingzong..." Staring at this figure, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and muttered in a low voice. Li Wan'er in the distance paused, and then suddenly turned around and looked at Wang Baole, whose eyes made Wang Baole feel the familiarity slowly disappearing. , Instantly became rich again, it seems that in the bottom of her heart, in these few steps away, she has made a certain decision. At the moment when she looks at Wang Baole, her lips move slightly, and the secret method transmits a word!

"Bao Le, there is a sentence engraved on the gate of the Moon Star Sect, that sentence is...there is a **** three feet above the head!"

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