A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1042: Ten days and ten lives!

After saying this, Li Waner's figure went away and gradually disappeared from Wang Baole's eyes, but although she was gone, her voice remained in Wang Baole's mind for a long time, so that his eyes were At this moment, it seemed to stop being agile, and the whole person fell into a kind of dead silence.

It was really this sentence, in line with Li Wan'er's expression before, the impact formed was like a huge wave, which turned into countless sky thunders in Wang Baole's mind, and continued to explode.

It was not until a long while later that Wang Baole's eyes moved slightly.

"There are gods three feet above your head..." Wang Baole muttered, raising his head to look at the sky, naturally, his gaze is more than three feet. With his current cultivation base, he can see through the sky and see beyond the stars.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of the record Xie Haiyang said, which caused Wang Baole to speak quietly in his heart.

"Miss sister, are you there."

no respond.

Wang Baole furrowed his brows slightly, and his divine sense dispersed into the fragments of the mask. He didn't see the young lady, it seemed that she was hiding and didn't want to be disturbed.

Without forcibly looking for it, Wang Baole withdrew his consciousness and sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, watching the sky gradually darken, feeling the mainland underneath him slightly shaking with the movement of the giant snake, his mind was slowly drawn from the words of Li Wan'er. Get out.

If you don't understand, don't think about it!

Wang Baole knows that his current self is just a planetary cultivation base. Knowing or not knowing a lot of things is actually not important, what is important is the present!

How to make yourself stronger and stronger in the moment is the focus of life. As for why the only ancestor of the Moon Star Sect, Wang Baole has some speculations about his invitation. In any case, both parties are considered to be fellow villagers, and if Taking the time when the Moon Star Sect left as a node, then after this node until now, in the entire solar system, he is also considered the first strong.

"Perhaps because of this, but why fix it on such a detailed time?" Wang Baole shook, and while burying the matter in his heart, his expression moved slightly. He raised his head and looked at the mountains in the distance. The figure, not flying, but following the ups and downs of the mountains, is taking strides, rushing towards him.

Although the sky is dark, only the moonlight is shining, and the person is still far away, not too close, but the person's high-up hair bun and almost reflective light made Wang Baole recognize immediately after seeing it. The identity of the coming person.

This person, also regarded as an old person, is the incomparable head in the land of Xingyu, and is extremely concerned about face... Gao Ren brother Gao Qu.

Seeing this guy, Wang Baole's heavy heart was relieved, and a smile appeared on his face. When the opponent came quickly, Wang Baole also stood up, clasped his fists and bowed.

"Brother Gao!"

"Brother Mainland!" With the voice coming, there was a hearty laughter. Soon the expert brother appeared in front of Wang Baole with enthusiasm on his face. After he came, he raised his right hand and made a fist. Wang Baole hit the shoulder with a punch.

There was an uncheckable flash in Wang Baole's eyes. He saw that the other party should have no malice, just familiar, but letting the other party punch in this way, after all, there is still a certain risk. After all, the hearts of the people are separated and the two are not familiar. At that level, once there is malicious intention, oneself will fall into passivity.

But if he avoids it, a situation of distrust will be formed. Based on his understanding of the expert brother in front of him, if the other party is really not malicious and dodges himself, he is afraid that his enthusiasm will disappear.

After these thoughts flashed in Wang Baole's mind for a moment, there was no need to think too much. Wang Baole laughed, and also raised his right hand to make a fist, and touched it directly at Brother Gaoren's fist.

In an instant, the two fists met, and they immediately found that the other party hadn't started a little bit of cultivation, but just greeted like a mortal, so Brother Gao Ren laughed louder.

"Just directed at Xie Dalu, you didn't hide. Believe me so, this is to give Gao Mou face, then I don't care whether you are Wang Baole or Xie Dalu." As he said, brother Gao Ren retracted his fist and turned it over. Next he took out a jade slip and threw it to Wang Baole.

"Brother Mainland, this jade slip, but it took me a lot of hard work to get it. No one else gave it. I heard that you came before, but I will give it to you."

When Wang Baole heard the words and took the jade slip, his expression did not hide his curiosity. When he looked at it, his eyes suddenly widened, revealing a hint of surprise.

Brother Gao was always observing Wang Baole's expression. After seeing the curiosity and surprise, he immediately laughed again, looking very proud.

"how about it!"

"How did you get this kind of news? I remember the trial of giving a birthday greeting to the Venerable. It was always unknown to others before it was announced." Wang Baole was indeed surprised, because this jade slip actually recorded this birthday greeting. The content of the trial.

He already knew on the way he came, every time the heavenly man’s birthday banquet, the other party will start a trial, and all the juniors who wish him will choose to enter it, because once they are qualified to win in the trial , You can be given a chance to flip the Book of Destiny.

It is precisely because of this that the content of the trial is ever-changing and will only be known after the announcement. It is difficult to prepare in advance. Wang Baole asked Xie Haiyang. Even Xie Haiyang has countless channels and resources, and does not know the content of the trial. .

But now the expert brother in front of him seemed to know, especially the content in the jade slip, Wang Baole also felt that it should be true in all likelihood.

"I have said that I have spent countless hard work, how about the mainland brother, Gao Mou doesn't talk about loyalty, so I will show it to you!" The Gao Ren brother was even more proud, and raised his hand to touch his high erection. Bun.

"Thank you Brother Gao!" Wang Baole took a deep breath and immediately clasped his fists to bow.

"What are you polite with me? Besides, although we knew it in advance, this trial was a bit strange and completely different from the previous ones. This is very strange. In addition, it is also very difficult for us to prepare anything in advance. The news and the mainland brother showed kindness, and I hope we will watch and help each other in the trial." Gao Ren brother did not hide his thoughts, and said straightforwardly.

Wang Baole was also willing to accept this kind of straightforwardness, so he nodded, swept through the jade slip in his hand again.

"Using the illusion as the trial environment, it divides countless areas. Everyone who enters will be alone in an area for a ten-day test. During this period, they can be in their own area or go to other people's areas... This is nothing!" Wang Baole said softly.

"Yeah, if that's the case, there is nothing special about this trial, but the content of the trial is actually an experience of previous life fragments!" The expert's eyes showed a strange light.

"Ten days, ten lives, this is the rhythm of one life!"

"I feel the power of the previous life in order to pick up the power of the previous life in the reincarnation. Although it cannot be integrated, only some of it can be integrated, but it is also a chance. The biggest chance is our previous lives. Does it exist or not? Existence means emptiness. If it exists, then who are we in the previous life?" Brother Gao took a deep breath. Obviously, he had thought about this trial for a long time after he knew it.

"There is no rule that mutual interference and mutual interruption of each other's perceptions are not allowed. The only condition for winning is that who first perceives the tenth life... the first ten people who have perceived it first are given the qualifications to flip the Book of Mandate!" Wang Baole Squinting his eyes, he thought of what Master had said to himself, that he had obtained an opportunity to see the figure in the previous life and merge with him from the Master of Heaven.

Looking at this opportunity now, it obviously overlaps with this trial, but he still vaguely feels that this trial is more like a paving...for him to get the master's opportunity for a change.

"Brother Gaoren, do you know what the birthday banquets and trials were?" Thinking of this, to confirm his guess, Wang Baole looked at the brother Gaoren and asked.

"Last time I fetched birthday peaches from the eternal tree, last time I deployed their magical powers in the sky to show fireworks-like totems, last time they faced each other...So this time is very strange!" He said a lot, Wang Baole listened, his inner thoughts became more certain, and his eyes gradually revealed expectations!

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