A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1045: Powerful Shadow!

With a smile from the gentle voice in the ball of light, Wang Baole took a few steps back contentedly. It was just that he thought his birthday greetings should be the best, but he still didn't expect that behind him, another seven appeared one after another. Eight of them are actually exaggerated.

Especially an acquaintance who actually opened his mouth to say a full scent of birthday greetings, and did not repeat it from beginning to end. At the end, even the gentle voice in the light ball coughed and interrupted it. Later, after telling the time of the birthday banquet tomorrow, he stopped talking.

This acquaintance is the little fat man...

"This kid, a little capable!" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, looking into the distance, sitting on the black giant tortoise, a little fat man on a mountain peak, when he looked at it, the little fat man seemed to have checked and swept away. He looked at Wang Baole, but immediately avoided it. Obviously, the shadow Wang Baole left on him could not dissipate for a while.

Seeing this, Wang Baole also retracted his gaze, sat down cross-legged and waited silently, while time slowly passed, and soon it was late at night. Although the starry sky of the Destiny Star was also bright, it sometimes came from other giant beasts. The sound, scattered with the wind, makes this elegant environment more tacky.

It wasn't until late at night that the hustle and bustle faded. After the surroundings were slowly silent, Wang Baole looked at the starry sky with thoughts in his eyes. What he thought in his mind was still doubting about the trial.

But when he was thinking about it, Wang Baole's expression suddenly moved, and an old voice came from his mind abruptly.

"Your master is with me, in exchange for you a chance."

As soon as the words came out, Wang Baole's eyes widened, and he immediately looked around. He soon saw that on his left side, in the empty spot, there were countless gray light spots. These light spots finally gathered together to form Got a bead!

"This opportunity is divided into two parts. Holding this bead well will allow you to fuse more when condensing the figure in the previous life. It is also the key to unlock the second opportunity."

The voice still echoed in Wang Baole's mind, and the beads flew towards Wang Baole at this moment, and finally floated in front of him, exuding a soft glow, motionless.

"The younger generation pays respects to Master, thank you Master!" Wang Baole's chest rises and falls, already aware of the identity of the person speaking to him, and quickly got up and bowed forward.

"No need to worship me, let alone thank you, if you want to thank... just thank your master." The voice was as usual, without any waves, spreading in Wang Baole's mind, becoming weaker and weaker until it disappeared completely.

The feeling to Wang Baole was as if the other party was gradually moving away. It was not until a long while later that Wang Baole raised his head and was silent for a moment before taking the beads in front of him and examining it carefully.

This bead looks very ordinary, nothing special, except that the surface is very smooth and delicate like a pearl, and at the same time it exudes bursts of fragrance. Smell it in the nose, it will make people feel a little trance, but this trance will soon be enough. Was depressed.

"This bead..." Wang Baole didn't see the extraordinaryness of this thing, but he treasured it away, and when he observed the bead here, above the crater in front of it, inside the huge ball of light, At the top of the altar held by the four giants, no one noticed at this moment, a figure appeared there.

This figure seems to be between the real and the virtual, sometimes clear and sometimes fuzzy. It can be seen that it is an old man wearing a gray robe. His hair is also gray. It spreads to the position of the calf on the top of the head. It looks amazing. The old man's chin also had a gray beard hanging down to his belly.

At first glance, this person looks very old, but if you look closely, you can see that the skin next to his beard looks like a baby, white and red, full of vitality, but in this vitality, his eyes are not Gujing. Wavelike, revealing the meaning of death, without the slightest agility and brilliance, just like the eyes of a dead person.

Only... at the moment when his body is transformed from reality to reality, can he see the depths of his eyes, as if the veil was lifted, revealing the wise light like a sea of ​​stars.

"At this point again... this time, what will the result be?" The old man murmured softly, slowly sitting cross-legged on the top of the altar, slowly raising his head and looking over his head.

His gaze, at first glance, seems to be looking at the sky, the stars, and the endless distance, but if someone is qualified and able to come to him, then perhaps he is more sensitive and can feel... what the old man sees is not The sky is not the starry sky, let alone the distance, but... three feet above its head!

Even though there was an empty space, his gaze still fell to the position of three feet. It seemed that in his eyes, he could see the world that others could not see, just like at this moment, he was clearly sitting on the altar, but no matter what It was Wang Baole, or the monk on other giant beasts, even if someone cast their eyes here, all they could see was an empty space.

He, naturally, is the master of the Destiny Star, and it is said that he is the book of Destiny... Master of Heaven!

He sat here until dawn...At the moment of dawn, the bell echoed, there was a loud roar from the sky, and the earth trembled. Clouds and mist swiftly surrounded all directions. All the monks on the thirty-nine behemoths, When everyone, including Wang Baole, looked at the light ball of the crater, as the world changed, bursts of laughter came from nothingness.

"Friends of Heavenly Law, Immortal Dao will always enjoy!"

"Friend Tianfa, in order to wish you birthday, I came from the Far North Star Territory, this time you have to prepare more good wine!"

"Flicker for hundreds of millions of years, Friends of the Heavenly Law, don't come here unharmed."

As the laughter echoed, a wave of coercion spread even more instantaneously. When one after another fell, the entire Destiny Star was immediately enveloped in a terrifying storm of divine consciousness.

And just as this storm formed, and the roaring sound spread to all directions, one after another long rainbows fell from the sky, and went straight into the light ball, surrounding the islands around the altar!

A changhong, an island, at the moment of falling, these changhong transformed into figures, and instantly merged with the island on which they were located, forming a huge form, like a deity, with endless majesty.

Some have wings and a face like an eagle, some have a huge body like Roshan, some turn into countless bones and piled up into a body, and some are brilliant and upright.

It's even more ethereal like a fairy, with fairy sounds lingering after it appears...

And around the altar, there are a total of ninety-nine islands. At this moment, more Changhongs are also heard from laughter, and they fall on the empty islands one after another. In the end, there are ninety-nine islands, of which 89 are transformed. In practice, only ten were left free.

And their appearance also shocked Wang Baole and the others, because he saw that, any of these...the weakest cultivation base is also the star field power!

Although the one who appeared here is obviously not the real body, it is just a projection, but the momentum is still earth-shattering, especially the next to Xie Haiyang. At this moment, he is short of breath, and is quickly transmitting to him.

"Appeared again!!"

"This is the strange scene on the Destiny Star. Every time the people of the Heavenly Law have a birthday banquet, look at these star powers... each of them is supernatural, but their identities are unknown, or even any It never existed in the record!"

"In other words, these great abilities...no one has seen them outside, and no one knows them. At the same time, the place names mentioned in the words they say every time they come do not exist in the Weiyang Dao domain, such as that There is absolutely no such place in the Far North Star Region, whether it is the side door or the left road, or Weiyang!"

"In addition, according to my Xie family’s many explorations and investigations by other forces, the appearance of these people was extremely abrupt, and it was the same when they left, as if everything was out of thin air, even a **** emperor of the Weiyang clan back then, even personally took action. , But it’s like facing the void, crossing with them, unable to touch each other, and better as if they can’t see each other, without any communication!"

"Preliminary judgement, they do not exist, or they existed before endless years, even when there was no Underworld!"

"At the same time, it was precisely because of that divine emperor's temptation that there was an extra rule in the birthday banquet of the heavenly law. This rule is... the stars can be, but the stars above cannot come during the birthday banquet!"

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