A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1046: Feel the resonance!

Listening to Xie Haiyang's sound transmission, watching the silhouettes descending on the islands in the ball of light ahead, Wang Baole's eyes drifted with strange light.

He thought of the land of the stars. Compared with this place, the land of the stars is more weird. The countless paper figures and everything between the heavens and the earth are paper-like scenes. Encounter the most bizarre scene.

And here...Although it is not as weird as the stars, but in the vastness and the degree of mystery, it is too much beyond the stars. It can be said that from the moment you set foot on the Destiny Star, the mystery here always pervades until At this moment, it reached its peak.

"Eighty-nine Star Territory Powers...This kind of number is probably comparable to any sacred territory in the side door, especially those people who are obviously beyond the ordinary Star Territory. The feeling that any one gives me is the same as Master Quite." Wang Baole murmured in his heart, and at the same time the sense of shock also turned into a big wave, undulating in his heart.

In fact, he knows very well that although Master Flame Ancestor is not as good as brother Chen Qingzi, he is still standing at the pinnacle of the star realm. In the entire Weiyang Dao realm, he is also a number of super powers, as for himself. Brother Chen Qingzi, he can no longer be considered a star field.

Perhaps there is something secret in him that allows him to kill the **** emperor of the universe in the star realm!

And there are 89 superpowers like Master. The horror of this power is enough to shock Weiyang Daoyu, even if these are only projections, but there are still some inside stories that I don’t know. , And also the reason why the Destiny Star was recognized by Weiyang Daoyu.

In the silence, Wang Baole swept his gaze over the eighty-nine figures, but when he looked at it, his eyes suddenly condensed and his gaze fell on one of the powerful projections.

This projected body looks as usual, but its surroundings are full of distortions. It seems that the whole person is trying to restrain and suppress itself, as if its original body is huge, and now in order to come here, it has to be highly concentrated to keep the projection at A certain size.

As it condenses, it will inevitably disperse and fluctuate, affecting all directions. At the same time, it also makes his body sometimes illusory and sometimes clear. As for Wang Baole’s attention, the top of this person’s head is the third floor of the altar. A unicorn like a giant.

In addition, the body of this figure seemed to have some familiar feelings that made Wang Baole faintly feel a little familiar, which made him feel strange and contemplative, but was quickly interrupted by the sound transmission of Xie Haiyang beside him.

"The islands around the altar where the Master is, the remaining ten at this moment, according to past practice, are reserved for the ten arrogances who are qualified in the trial."

"That is to say, in a short trial, the top ten who successfully obtained the qualifications will be invited to step into the sphere of light, sit on the island, and join other great abilities to worship the Master!"

"Also... Master Uncle will be able to fully understand his magical powers in a while, because before the trial, according to past habits, there will be a discussion!"

Wang Baole nodded when he heard the words, and just about to speak, but at this moment, there was laughter from the heavenly people who sat cross-legged on the altar in the ball of light. The laughter echoed in all directions with peace. The sky and clouds dispersed, and the earth no longer tremors, as if a gentle wind was blowing in all directions, making everyone's heart peaceful at this moment.

It was also when this laughter came out that the figure of the Master of Heaven on the altar was clearly shown in everyone’s eyes, a gray robe, a gray long hair, and Gu Jing’s eyes, occasionally There will be wisdom as deep as the sea of ​​stars, and at this moment, smiling and talking with the mighty power of the surrounding islands who come to pray for birthdays.

And beside him, the figure of an old man also appeared. The old man was wearing a blue shirt. At this moment, his body is rickety, his head is bowed, his hands are in front of him, he looks like an old slave, but the stars are scattered from his body. Fluctuation, compared with other projections around, is not bad at all.

In this scene, Wang Baole's eyes contracted again, and he stared silently. Although he could not hear the detailed conversation of the people in the light ball, the laughter and fluctuations that came out from time to time still made his mind seem to have been baptized in some way, as if from the light These powerful chats and laughs in the ball have affected the surrounding world, making the traces of Tao permeate here, so that all people within this range are all covered by it.

Wang Baole is no exception, the whole person is gradually immersed in an ethereal state.

Not only him, but at this moment, all the monks on the thirty-nine robber beasts, outside the light sphere, are all in peace, entering a similar state.

This state is like a kind of magnification to a certain extent, magnifying the spiritual consciousness and sensitivity of the monks, so that they can see the traces of the rules that they can't see in ordinary days.

Especially in the surrounding area, because of the chat and laughter in the light sphere, because of too many projections, and because of the majestic rules and laws of convergence, it is easier to capture the traces of the surrounding rules after the self-perception is magnified. .

Like Wang Baole, this is what it is at this moment. Although he closed his eyes in his mind, he closed his eyes, but all the pictures around him appeared in his mind. In this picture, there are no monks, only ninety-one huge light sources!

The light source in the center seems to be the beginning of everything, and it is extremely vast, and the slightly smaller light source next to it seems to be permeated with rules, emitting countless flocculent threads, and each thread is connected to the void to form a variety of strange lights.

In addition to the two light sources, one large and one small, there are more than eighty-nine light sources around, each of which emits flocculent silk, and each of them contains infinite rules. In the spread of this light, they affect all directions, making There are countless rules in this area.

As for Wang Baole and other monks, they are like spots of light, located at the outermost periphery. As the silk flutters around, they also seem to be small black holes. According to their aptitudes and personal cultivation, there are speeds and slows. Absorb the traces of the rules around!

Among them, there are nine light spots, among the many light spots, the most conspicuous. The black holes formed by each absorb it the fastest, and constantly **** in the regular filaments floating around. After fusion, they strengthen themselves and make their own light spots more Bright.

Wang Baole was one of the light spots. He noticed the difference between himself and the others, and also saw the extraordinary features of the other eight light spots. Similarly, other people also noticed him here.

There is no time to think about who the other eight light spots are. After a scan, after having a general understanding, Wang Baole no longer thinks about it, but is immersed in the understanding of the rules.

What he first comprehend was his own rules of fire, and among the countless rules of fire in these four weeks, there were a lot of rules of fire, and he was attracted by him. After integrating into himself, he turned out scenes of rules in his mind. Of magical powers.

These magical magical powers are all related to fire, and they flashed one by one. After being comprehended by Wang Baole, he immediately realized that his grasp of the rules of fire was rapidly improving. Although this improvement would not deepen his cultivation, it could Reflected in combat power and resonance with the rules of fire.

Just for this little time, Wang Baole felt that the Flame Spirit Curse under the Rules of Fire was at least twice as powerful as before.

At the same time, all the flame magical powers are also the same, as if they were blessed!

This is exactly the benefit of resonance with the rules. Although the same rules, the higher the level of the fused planet, the greater the power, and resonance is the same.

The higher the level, the farther the limit of resonance is. For example, in the rules of fire contained in the lowest level planet, resonance can only reach 10%, which is the end.

The ancient star’s rules of fire can reach 80%. As for the rules of fire, Daoxing is the only one that can achieve the unity of human rules!

That is the extreme of resonance. At that time, it will be regarded as the real mastery of a rule, and the power formed will naturally skyrocket.

This made Wang Baole excited. He had already noticed that within a short period of time, the resonance of his own rules of fire had reached about 60%, and he was about to continue to understand, but he soon discovered that the silk around him was positive. Slowly shrink back into the light source, once it is fully retracted, it means that this opportunity is about to end.

As a result, the light spot Wang Baole turned into flashed slightly, and he was no longer satisfied with absorbing the fuzz around him, and if he wanted to gain more resonance in a short time, there was only one way!

In the next instant, Wang Baole's goal was immediately placed on the ninety-one group of huge light sources!

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