A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1047: 90% resonance!

It’s not just Wang Baole who has this idea. In fact, among the many other light spots, there are eight other Tianjiao who have achieved great resonance in the same degree as him. There are also three who are aware of this time. After the opportunity was about to end, one after another set their goals at the source of all the rules of the silk...the ninety-one groups of light sources!

These ninety-one groups of light sources, whether it is the 89 groups outside or the one in the center area, are vast like the epitome of the star sea, the rules are majestic to the extreme, shaking the earth.

It’s just that... if you compare them with the light source belonging to the Master of Heaven, all of them can only be called the stars of the night sky. Only the light source transformed by the Master of Heaven is like the bright moon and the sun. Go and see, you can see that there is a...book in the light source of the Master of Heaven!

I don’t know how to be clear and specific, I can only see the outline, but at the moment I saw this book, whether it was Wang Baole or anyone else, they instantly understood that it was...the book of destiny!

An instinctive attraction that seemed to come from the depths of the soul caused everyone, including Wang Baole, to see the book at the moment they had a strong idea of ​​wanting to read it, but it was just an idea, because it was stronger. The sense of crisis is constantly radiating from the light source of the Master of Heaven, so that all those who want to approach have to dispel their thoughts.

"I don't have the qualification, so I'm not allowed..." Wang Baole thoughtfully, then withdrew the divine consciousness looking at the light source of the heavenly law, and after sweeping it on the side and other peripheral light sources, his divine consciousness was instantaneous. It was locked on a bunch of light sources.

This light source contains the earth-shattering rules of fire, which is close to the law to a certain extent, which makes Wang Baole's mind shake, and the light spot that has been transformed has also moved forward quickly, heading straight to the light source.

At the same time, the light spots transformed by the other three Tianjiao were the same, approaching the light source of their choice quickly, and as the four of them approached, they all felt each other's identity!

One of them is Xu Yinling!

There is another one, the ninth disciple of God Emperor Giga, Ling Lan!

The last one is not the reincarnated Chen Han from the Seven Spirits Dao, but... from the first sect of the Zuo Dao Sanctuary, the seventh Dao Zi of the Kyushu Dao, this person is not handsome, even looks ordinary, But his eyes are very special, no pupils, only pitch black.

Together with Wang Baole, the four of them turned into light spots at a fast speed, and instantly flew outside the light source of their choice, where they burst out with their full potential, madly absorbing the power of rules.

Wang Baole’s light spot trembles violently, and even his body sitting cross-legged on the robber beast trembles violently. In his mind, the rules of fire that follow the absorption are like patches of fire in the sky. Falling on himself, is slowly drowning himself.

With the submergence, a crisis of death also rose strongly in Wang Baole's mind. The flames around him exceeded all temperatures encountered by Wang Baole, and even the flame galaxy seemed inferior.

But the benefits are also obvious. In this instant, his resonance with the flame has skyrocketed from 60% before to 70%. If he can continue to persist, the resonance will skyrocket, but at this time, Wang Baole has already He couldn't bear it anymore. He knew very well that he had reached his limit. If he didn't return, he was afraid that his soul would collapse in this flame.

In fact, it is true. Not only him, but the other three are also at their extremes. At this moment, they are going backwards and are about to leave. Wang Baole also does not hesitate here, the light spot is about to go backwards...

But at this moment, suddenly, an old voice came from Wang Baole's ear!

"Do you know what fire is?"

The words echoed in Wang Baole's mind, as if he didn't need to answer. The next moment the words came out, the voice continued to speak.

"Give you a chance to see the essence of flame..."

Together with the sound, the countless sky fires that permeated Wang Baole's consciousness, in his senses, all turned into translucent in an instant, and then completely transparent in an instant, as if disappearing!

"This..." Wang Baole was taken aback.

However, after the sea of ​​flames disappeared, the sense of crisis brought about by the temperature was countless times stronger, and it burst out in Wang Baole's consciousness. Under this explosion, his resonance with the flame reached 80% directly... This is the ancient star. The extreme, but with the blessing of Wang Baole's Taoist star, this resonance can still rise.

In an instant, it stopped after 90%, and a huge thrust came along, blasting Wang Baole’s consciousness out of the colorless sea of ​​fire. When viewed from the outside, it was Wang Baole’s light spot. At this moment, it suddenly rolled back, with varying brightness and darkness, as if on the verge of collapse, quickly moving away from the light source.

At the same time, his divine consciousness also echoed the voice of talent.

"The stone falls into the water, causing ripples, and the fire... it's the ripples, just the appearance. What you are looking for is the surface of the water, the stone, or deeper?"

The appearance of this voice made Wang Baole's mind a strong to extreme roar. This perspective, this level of knowledge, was something he had never had before!

When Wang Baole was shocked in his heart, the light spot he transformed into quickly retreated, not only for him, but also the other three light spots, as if they were all like him. They heard similar sounds in the light sources close to each other. , Felt a similar shock.

At the same time, as their four transformed light spots rewind, all the silk rules within this area also return instantly. After incorporating their respective light sources, this strange world of perception also seems to be closed. , Just disappeared.

At the moment of disappearance, all of the thirty-nine robber beasts shook their bodies and opened their eyes to awaken. Among them, four of them spouted a large mouthful of blood at the moment of awakening, and their bodies staggered back several steps. , His complexion was even paler.

Wang Baole is one of them!

"The rule of fire!" After the blood spurted out, Wang Baole suddenly raised his head and looked at the powerful projections in the light ball. He couldn't tell which one he had just touched, but the other party didn't seem to communicate. Like a fixed voice, it still shocked his heart!

This shock rolled strongly, and before Wang Baole pressed it down, the discussion in the light sphere had ended, and the voice from the Master of Heaven also came out again, spreading everywhere.

"You guys come to wish the old man a birthday, you have a heart, the Dao Mark just now, how much you can gain by yourself depends on your own chances."

This voice seemed to be used for tranquility. When it spread to the ears of everyone, it immediately melted the fluctuations in their hearts. The injuries caused by Wang Baole’s spiritual consciousness also healed directly at this moment. At the same time, Respond quickly, already clasped his fists to thank you.

"Thank you, Master!"

"This sentiment can be described as natural luck, thank you Master!"

"The Master has the starry sky in mind, and supports me and other younger generations. This kindness is so great that I will never forget it!"

In the successive thank you, Wang Baole also took a deep breath, clasped his fists and bowed, and then each delivered the birthday gifts he prepared. The birthday gifts of Wang Baole were all prepared by Xie Haiyang. After they were sent, there was a wonderful sound from the sky. Countless phantoms appeared in the sky, dancing lightly, and ancient sounds echoed.

With the meaning of auspiciousness, when it was scattered in all directions, in front of everyone, there was a peach made up of countless notes. From illusion to reality, everyone's expressions were shaken again, obviously by this strangeness. Shocked by his supernatural powers.

The same is true for Wang Baole. This trip to the Destiny Star, too much shock, too much strangeness, too much vastness, made him seem to have opened a new world in cognition and experience.

And just as Shoutao was transformed and the music was swaying, the Master of Heaven seemed to say something to the old slave next to him, then the old man with a rickety body nodded and walked out. With one step, he got outside the ball of light, his eyes swept across the square. , A gentle voice came.

"The alternation of the heavens is just the change of the old and the new ownership, not the beginning and end of the era, so whether it is the Mingzong of the past or the current Weiyang, they only exist in this era."

"And the entire universe, before this epoch, at least the eighty-nine epoch existed, as for the specific number, the Master does not know."

"But it is certain that it is our souls, some are indeed born in the new era, and some... exist in the pre-epoch. This phenomenon is called...the past life!"

"The more Tianjiao, the greater the possibility of having a previous life, so this time the Master decided...In this birthday banquet, I will give you the opportunity to understand the past life, ten days, tenth life!"

"Those who finally realize the tenth world will be eligible to flip the Book of Destiny!"

"If not, no one is qualified, if all are, then all are qualified!"

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