A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1048: The trial is on!

Outside the sphere of light, the old man with a rickety body, his eyes were calm, staring at the hundreds of thousands of cultivators coming on the thirty-nine wild beasts around him.

"One more thing, I hope you know that it is not because you have a previous life to be able to realize the emergence. Everything depends on your own potential and comprehension. What the Master can do is just to assist you in waiting and transfer your perception and potential. Just zoom in during the trial."

"So, whether you can succeed or not depends on you. Later, the old man will start the trial. In the trial place, the flow of time is different from that of the outside world. The ten days inside are a stick of incense to the outside world. Time is up."

"This kind of method, this kind of destiny, the Master has never used it before, so this time... I also ask you to cherish it, and I hope you can feel your past lives and gain the power to improve yourself in this trial. Just the same as before, only planets can participate in the trial, not stars!" The old man's words echoed and fell into the ears of everyone around him, causing almost the vast majority of monks here to change their expressions.

Obviously, the trial this time was completely different from what they had judged before, and there was a huge gap with previous records. This kind of change, even to a certain extent, caused them to prepare in advance.

Even so, the meaning revealed in the old man's words still shocked everyone's heart, and while breathing was unstable, they also showed their heartbeat deep in their hearts.

There are only a few people, their expressions are as usual, no surprises, but their eyes are shining. It is obvious that they all know some news about this trial in advance through more or less different channels, so their hearts are full at this moment. It is expectation.

Among them, the seventeenth son of the Seven Spirits Road suddenly flew out of the body, clasped his fist in midair and bowed to the old man, sending out words.

"Senior, my cultivator has practiced throughout his life. Although it is about chance, but more about natural selection, the number of people in this trial is afraid that it will be 100,000. If this is the case...Although it is possible to see who has more previous lives on a large scale, To a certain extent... also lost the meaning of competing with each other!"

"Yes, seniors and juniors also have this doubt. If I wait for hundreds of thousands of people to try together, it will inevitably cause friction and interfere with each other. Is this kind of behavior allowed?"

"Also, if everyone has the opportunity to feel the past life, then this opportunity...can be passed on to others?" One after another, some monks who knew the trial in advance flew out and asked questions.

Each of these people has a good cultivation base, and the words contain ambition. Obviously, their purpose is to maximize the gain this time, so they need to inquire about the details of the various rules in advance.

The same is true for Wang Baole. These questions also surfaced in his heart. Seeing someone ask them at this moment, he immediately looked at the old man outside the ball of light.

"All beings are equal, and opportunities are the same. Isn't it good to be able to succeed without looking at others, but only at yourself? Do you have to compete with each other for each other's chance?" The old man outside the light ball was silent for a moment and slowly said.

"Senior, my cultivator is going against the sky. If everything goes by the rules, how can you live wonderfully!"

"The so-called equality is nothing more than a level. If I am good at myself, work harder, and have greater advantages, then why should I force equality with people who are not good, work hard, and have no advantage?"

"I also ask the predecessors for permission, this time trial, all opportunities, there needs to be contention, so... it is fair!" In response to the old man, there is the seventeenth son of the Seven Spirit Road and the seventh son of the Kyushu Road. There is the ninth disciple of the God Emperor Giga and others.

Although Wang Baole didn't speak, he agreed with it, and stared at the old man outside the ball of light in silence.

The old man was as silent as he was, and finally turned his head to look at the Master of Heaven on the altar in the ball of light, and bowed slightly, obviously waiting for the Master to decide.

The Master of Heaven, sitting cross-legged on the altar, showed a deep look in his eyes at this moment, closed his eyes for a while, and after a few breaths, an old word came out.

"The old man does not ask for rewards, but only for the benefit of sentient beings... But it does ignore your competitive heart, that’s all... To perceive past lives, you need the light of traction. Everyone who enters the trial has the light of traction. , The more this light, the greater the traction, and the higher the success rate of perception!"

"Master is wise!" As soon as his words came out, the arrogances who had spoken before suddenly clasped their fists and bowed.

"But there is one thing!" The Master stopped speaking. It was the old man outside the ball of light who spoke. He glanced across the crowd and slowly spoke.

"I don't like blood at the life banquet, so this trial... the murderer needs to pay for his life!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them changed their expressions, some frowned, some heaved a sigh of relief, and some were murderous.

"It's completely different from the trials I experienced before..." Wang Baole also narrowed his eyes. He listened to the words of the old man outside the light ball, and his previous trials appeared in his mind. If everything the other party expressed was true, then This is indeed an opportunity for the good fortune of all beings.

Because he couldn't see the other party's purpose, after all, after he waited for someone to arrive, until now, it can be said that he was receiving gifts.

Regardless of the previous Daomark perception or the current trial, although there are some crises, the gains will be great, and the latter obviously exceeds the former.

Not to mention that once you have realized the tenth life, you will get the qualification to flip the Book of Destiny and see the remnants of the future. All of this makes Wang Baole's eyes show respect and bow his head.

At the moment when everyone was like this, the old man ricketed outside the ball of light, and his voice was like a sky thunder, instantly becoming powerful and spreading everywhere.

"Past life trial, start!"

As soon as his words came out, he lifted his right hand with a violent wave, and suddenly there was a roar echoing in the crater below the ball of light, and a lot of mist rose from it, and finally between the ball of light and the crater In the middle of the sky, a huge vortex was formed, constantly turning.

"Wait, don't go in yet!" The faint words of the rickety old man, when everyone's minds echoed, immediately there were silhouettes, rushing out from the wild beasts where they were located, among them, the ninth disciple of God Emperor Giga, speed The fastest, the first one rushed out, and instantly disappeared into the whirlpool.

As for the seventh Daozi of the Kyushu Road and the seventeenth of the Seven Spirit Sect, they are also approaching quickly, and there are also Fatty and other Tianjiao, mostly like this, disappearing in the whirlpool one by one.

Among them, Xing Jingzi, who was wearing a black robe and carrying a big sword, was full of icy aura, and Xu Yinling and others also left afterwards.

Seeing that most of them passed, in these short breaths, at least more than 100,000 figures merged into the whirlpool, and Xie Haiyang behind Wang Baole's eyes showed a sharp glow.

"Uncle Master, shall we go there too?"

Wang Baole touched the storage bag. Inside, there were beads gifted by the Master of Heaven. At this moment, the light in his eyes was shining. After hearing the words, he nodded, and then went out. Xie Haiyang followed closely, and the two went straight to the whirlpool. In an instant it got in and disappeared.

As soon as he entered, within the scope of Wang Baole's spiritual consciousness, Xie Haiyang was immediately lost, and he himself was pulled away by a vast and irresistible force, like a teleportation shift.

Fortunately, the whole process was very short. In the next instant, Wang Baole's spiritual consciousness and body returned to normal, appearing in a mist, and the place where he was located was an empty area with a range of only ten meters.

There was no mist within ten meters, and the mist was tumbling from ten meters away, blocking the spiritual sense, but after Wang Baole tried to step in, he found that the mist did not block the monk's body.

It's just that there is no sense of direction, and the divine consciousness cannot be released.

Without going further, after Wang Baole quickly stepped back within ten feet, he also instantly saw his body covered with a faint white light.

After feeling a little, Wang Baole's expression changed. In the white light, he noticed a trace of the spirit that made the soul feel safe and warm.

"The light of traction?"

At the moment when Wang Baole was aware of it and murmured, a majestic voice echoed in the minds of more than 100,000 monks in the more than 100,000 open areas in the entire mist world.

"The first day, the first life!"

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