A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1055: Hunt down!

When Wang Baole was in the Federation before, he heard a saying that there is a kind of person, and often with one sentence, all the atmosphere can be destroyed.

After hearing this statement, Wang Baole was very excited at the time and tried many times, and finally reached a considerable height before he left this road lonely as a master.

But now... he finally understood the feelings of the people around him at the time, because at this moment, he was immersed in the previous life, in the infinite tenderness and longing, and the words spoken to the mask fragments received the response of the young lady.

It's just this response... it's a sudden change in style!

"That girl is all hairy, her body is stinky, her face is rotten, she's disgusting, fat guy, don't use my palace to have **** with you, or my palace will never end with you!!" The young lady sounded like goosebumps all over her body, like being disgusted It came quickly, with a strong dislike.

"Unexpectedly, fat man, your taste is so heavy, huh, I really underestimated you, I thought you just like to peep, and your heart is dirty, but I didn't expect you to have such a unique taste. I'm going to tell Li Wan'er, tell Zhou Xiaoya, tell Zhao Yameng, let them know your true face!"

"Oh my God, you actually like a zombie girl. It's dysfunctional. I'm going to throw up. I'm going to leave you as soon as possible. The most unforgivable thing about you, this pervert, is that you even look beautiful and super god. , With a gentle personality, who gathers heaven and earth together, does not touch the world, and combines the beauty of heaven and earth in one body, I will act as a zombie girl to commit adultery!!"

Miss Sister’s words, sharp sentences, made Wang Baole’s body aroused one after another, like basins of ice water, which made him completely awake from the memories of his previous life. Seeing the young lady, she seems to have to speak, Wang Baole Shout out quickly.

"Stop, stop, can I make a mistake!!"

"Wrong? Then tell me, what is my previous life?" The young lady was obviously a little angry.

"Little fairy!" Wang Baole said immediately without thinking.

"Well, before..." Miss sister's mood improved instantly, but there seemed to be some residue, but before the words were finished, Wang Baole had already answered in advance.

"The previous life was the sister of the big fairy, the previous life was the sister of the little fairy, and the previous life was the little daughter of the fairy emperor and the fairy queen!"

"..." The little sister was stunned. Although she knew that Wang Baole had a good way before, she still did not expect that the other party's Taoism had reached such a level. The big fairy's sister was naturally the little fairy, and the little fairy's sister was also right. It's a little fairy. As for the parents behind are all emperors and queens, the little girl is naturally a little fairy.

This made the young lady don't know what to say for a long while, although she usually calls herself her own palace...but the title of little fairy is indeed her favorite in my heart.

So I could only snorted, letting go of Wang Baole in my heart.

Seeing that Miss Sister is no longer true, Wang Baole also breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel proud. She secretly said that there is no girl in this world who dislikes the name "Little Fairy". For this, she used countless actual battles at five Experience proved it.

But when Wang Baole was proud, the young lady seemed to react, and suddenly a word came out quietly.

"Fat man, how many girls have you spoken to?"

Wang Baole suddenly looked solemn and spoke softly.

"Miss, no matter how many girls I have said these words before, but I hope that after you, I will not say similar words to anyone!"

"..." Miss Sister was in the mask world, even though she felt a little false when she heard the words, she still snorted in her heart and did not continue to target her.

Wang Baole chuckled, his heart was even more proud. He didn't remember when he realized a truth. As long as he is good, girls often don't care how many boys have experienced before they meet her, and they care more about after they meet her. , Will there be other experiences.

The former is called the prodigal son, and the latter is called the prodigal turn back!

"Oh, I think it's a bit wasteful to go to practice. I don't know if there is a generation of love saints in my previous life." Wang Baole gave a dry cough, but he didn't even notice it. After flirting with the young lady, he himself This place has completely returned from the experience of Huisan.

Not only that, but even the masked girl in the memory of Huisan has no sense of familiarity with the young lady. This situation is actually a bit unreasonable, but Wang Baole has no consciousness at all. It is naturally difficult to see, at this moment, in the world of mask fragments, the seemingly happy young lady has a touch of remembrance deep in her eyes.

At the same time, Wang Baole, who was completely separated from the memories of Huisan, immediately noticed the changes in his own cultivation base and combat power. His cultivation base has improved a bit, and it seems that he is not far from breaking through the mid-planetary stage.

The increase in longevity will also increase the physical combat power brought about by it. More importantly, it can enable his Flame Spirit Curse to start the second stage. This is very important for the improvement of his combat power.

There is also the resonance of the rule of light. After Wang Baole noticed it, his heart was shaken and his breathing became a little quicker. He roughly judged that the gains of the previous two lives were not as huge as the previous one, but they were not small. .

"Now I... I don't know if I can fight the stars? Maybe even if it's not as good, it's not too much difference!" Wang Baole showed a sharp light in his eyes. After checking the time, he found that the distance ended the next day, and there were four Time.

Then there was a murderous flash in the eyes, and the body flew out in an instant, straight to the mist.

His target was the seventeenth son of the Seven Spirits Dao who had received his first flame curse. The other party repeatedly attacked him. Wang Baole couldn't bear this. At this moment, his body was submerged in the mist, his cultivation base revolved, and his physical power exploded. At the extreme, he immediately raised a sound like thunder, and rushed toward the place he cursed and locked with a roar.

The speed is so fast that strong fluctuations are directly set off in the mist, making it surrounded by the area of ​​trialers. Those trialers are shaking their hearts. The whole process is more than sixty breaths. In time, Wang Baole had already traversed all directions, and immediately rushed out of the mist with a leap of his body. When he appeared, he was in the place where his flame spell was branded.

As soon as he entered, he saw a young man sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes in the center of this area. This person was the seventeenth son of the Seven Spirits Road. Without any hesitation, Wang Baole stepped forward in one step, with an astonishing violent momentum, directly. He appeared in front of the opponent, raising his right hand just about to grab it.

"Huh?" Wang Baole raised his eyebrows and noticed something was wrong, but the raised hand did not stop at all. After grabbing it, a large amount of black mist flew out of Qiqiao's body suddenly, forming a huge crocodile head, exuding terror. The momentum of Wang Baole bite towards Wang Baole's right hand!

With a click, the crocodile head bit Wang Baole's right hand, but in the next moment, Wang Baole's right hand was undamaged. As for the crocodile head, his expression was obvious. The teeth collapsed in an instant. Under the strong back shock, he burst open. , The earth roared, and fluctuations spread to the surroundings, Wang Baole's right hand did not stop from beginning to end, grabbing the body of the seventeenth son of Qilingdao, but at this moment, this body, like a frustrated ball, instantly dried up and caught Wang Baole. After coming, what appeared in his hands was actually a piece of human skin!

Looking at the human skin in his hand, Wang Baole's complexion was gloomy. This human skin had the mark of his own curse, but it was obvious that the seventeen had already judged the crisis, so he developed a certain secret method. Jin Chan left all the marks as if he escaped from the shell. .

"How could it be so easy to erase my Yan Ling curse!" Wang Baole snorted coldly, and a flame rose in his right hand, which instantly burned the human skin. Then, in the pinch, a rune flashed on his eyebrows, Yan The spirit curse was unfolding again, and based on Mingming's induction, he quickly noticed that in the south direction, some distance from him, there was a weak curse wave spreading out.

"There!" A cold light flashed in Wang Baole's eyes, his body suddenly rushed out, and he stepped into the fog instantly, and hurriedly chased him toward the place where fluctuations were coming.

At this moment, in the place locked by Wang Baole, the seventeenth son of Qilingdao was fleeing frantically. His eyes were shocked and horrified, and he couldn't help but let out an unbelievable roar.

"This guy...what kind of body is this, perverted!"

"Damn, I knew that, what am I doing to provoke this pervert!" Chen Han felt extremely regretful, and his heart palpitations were strong at this moment. After gritting his teeth, he would not hesitate to pay the price to expand the secret method, and quickly fled!

Although it is stipulated that killing is not allowed, it only says that you can't kill...There are too many ways to kill directly, especially if the opponent is good at cursing, which makes Chen Han not dare to take risks here!

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