A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1056: Crush!

It's just... this regret didn't last long. In the next instant, an astonishing fluctuation came from a distance. After the instant approached, before Chen Han resisted, a wave of great force fell like a mountain peak.

It was a huge palm that overwhelmed the sky and the earth rumblingly, covering all areas around Chen Han directly, locking all its movable areas, and not giving him the slightest chance to struggle, it fell suddenly!

The earth roared, and the fog rolled and spread around under this impact, and a place that was covered by fog was opened up into an empty place.

On this empty ground, there is a palm that is rapidly dissipating, and under this palm, the ground is filled with countless cracks like a spider web, and in that crack, it is directly crushed into flesh and blood. .

"Still not the main body?" The cold voice echoed here as the palms dissipated, visible to the naked eye, the scattered palms were quickly converging into a figure.

It is Wang Baole!

"It's an old guy who has worked hard and repaired!" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. After sensing it again, he once again noticed the fluctuation of his curse, but the fluctuation was weaker than before, but it could still be positioned instantly by Wang Baole.

"I want to see how many such clones you can consume!" Wang Baole snorted coldly. He has enough time now, so for Chen Han, who dared to attack him twice before, has a strong murderous heart. Below, chase again!

At the same time, in the mist within a certain range from Wang Baole, the figure of Chen Han, who was locked by Wang Baole, was galloping. His face was pale, his eyes were horrified, his breathing was disordered, his body shook, and he spouted a big mouth of blood.

"This is too fast. If this goes on, sooner or later he will find my main body, this pervert!" Chen Han was anxious, but he was full of helplessness. It is true that no matter how he weighs it, he cannot fight this terrifying enemy. .

You must know that his clone already possesses the general purpose of planetary Dzogchen combat power, but in front of Wang Baole, he was shot to death with just one slap. What made him shocked was its speed...

All kinds of thoughts were still tumbling in his mind, before he could figure out the corresponding method, in the fog behind him, the earth-shattering coercion came again.

"Damn it, it's faster than before!!" Chen Han screamed, and his speed climbed again, but he still had no time to dodge. The next moment... he was hit by a figure that quickly rushed out of the fog behind him. , With the roar, his body collapsed directly.

But obviously, this collapsed body is still not his main body. At this moment after the death of this clone, Wang Baole also quickly sensed the direction of the other side's figure and continued to chase after him!

In this way, in just three hours, the two of them fled and chased in the mist. Chen Han's clones collapsed and died, until they were wiped out by Wang Baole for more than fifty times, Chen Han was about to cry. .

"Big pervert!"

"Super abnormal!!"

"Ahhhhhhh, I've lost the blood mold for eight lifetimes, how did I provoke this lunatic!!"

"If this continues, there is no need for him to find me at all. The clone will lose too much, and my body will become non-existent!!" Chen Han was anxious, but there was no way he could only continue to escape and delay time.

As for Wang Baole, he was also a little impatient in this pursuit. Although the opponent’s methods were not complicated, they were very single, but this single clone still seriously delayed his time. Now it is the third day of the third life. It's less than an hour to open.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Wang Baole's eyes flashed cold, and there were overlapping phantoms in his body. One avatar after another, quickly walked out of his body in the blink of an eye, rushing to all directions, and his main body , Also caught up with the other clone of Chen Han locked in front.

After the roar, Wang Baole re-locked the clone and chased it quickly. As his clone spread out, the situation gradually changed. Although his clone wandered aimlessly around, instead of The main body stretches the distance, but as the main body feels where Chen Han is, there will often be a place where the clone is located, which is closer than his main body.

In this way, the beheading will be faster, and it will cause Chen Han's side to lose more!

"My ancestors are stubborn, this guy can actually do the avatar, and the avatar is so terrible!" Chen Han is completely shocked, now he has lost dozens of avatars, and basically every After a hundred breaths, another clone would perish. This speed made him almost desperate.

He has been severely affected, and his spirits are beginning to weaken, and his heart is anxiously checking the remaining time of the third day, and then when he becomes more anxious, suddenly there is ecstasy in his eyes.

"This is God helping me!"

In Chen Han’s surprise here, Wang Baole’s body speed is faster. This time he has noticed that Chen Han’s distraction is closest to the body, and he has already felt that the other party’s death with the distraction, weaker and weaker, according to his calculations , At most three or five times, he can find the other person’s true body position, so after noticing it, Wang Baole’s body rushes out directly, making a whistling sound in the mist at the extreme speed, and violently shuttles between them. In the mist in the distance, seven or eight figures were seen!

These seven or eight figures are a team of testers. The traction light on each of them is very strong. Obviously, I don’t know how many testers’ qualifications have been robbed along the way, and they are not the top ones. Tianjiao, but not bad, there are three planets Dzogchen, and the others are also the late planets, and one of them is Wang Baole's goal!

It’s just that this time Chen Han’s clone is a bit special. It’s not as seen before, it’s more like being on someone else. The person on whom he is sitting is a woman with enchanting appearance and very charming. When Wang Baole rushed in, She had already noticed it, her eyes showed panic, and she retreated and spoke quickly.

"Brothers, this is the person. This person wants me to be his furnace. If he doesn't agree, he must suppress me forcibly!"

"The comer stopped!" Hearing his companions say, although these seven or eight people felt that Wang Baole, who was coming quickly, seemed a bit familiar, but because he was too fast, they had no time to think about it. One of the planets reached great perfection and immediately spoke up. , Trying to block.

"I'm Wang Baole, chase and kill this person, no one else waits to get out!!" Wang Baole chased and killed Chen Han for a long time. Now it is almost the third day of the third life, and there is no time wasted. At this moment, there was a roar. Its voice turned into sound waves, bursting forward like a huge wave.

As the storm swept across and the sky thunder exploded, the planet Dzogchen was the first to take the brunt, spurting blood, and the look of the companions around him changed. Instinctively they had to resist, especially the young man inside. After hearing the name of Wang Baole, his eyes were cold. A flash of light.

"It turned out to be you, I wouldn't let it go!" As he said, he directly took out a wooden sculpture and excited it quickly, causing the wooden sculpture to emit a star-like light, which turned into the power of a star, and spread out to the front. .

In the roar, as powerful as Wang Baole, he could not help being blocked, but in the next instant, Wang Baole's voice echoed in all directions.


As the sound came out, Wang Baole's body burst into a dazzling, monstrous sea of ​​light, as if his whole person turned into a light at this moment, suppressing everything.

During the roar, screams of screams came from all around, and all the blockers spewed out blood, all rewinding. As for the young man holding the woodcarving, his woodcarving collapsed instantly, and blood spurted out of himself. Zhong was rolled up and fell into a coma.

As for those who were not in a coma, they all had a look of shock at the moment, and their eyes revealed unprecedented panic.

As the sea of ​​light dissipated, Wang Baole's figure reappeared. He raised his head and looked into the distance. When he was blocked before, the woman whom Chen Han was enshrined in had quickly retreated and disappeared into the distant fog. At this moment, he calculated the time. A cold light flashed in Wang Baole's eyes, knowing that time was too late to kill the opponent completely.

But not too much disappointment, after all, the days after that are still long.

However, he didn’t plan to let these people go. After all, if he didn’t know who he was, he still took the initiative to stop him after he said his name. Although it is due to the rules, he cannot be killed, but the price is still To be paid.

And these people were all in shock at the moment, knowing that they had caused a big trouble, so without Wang Baole speaking, they immediately apologized one by one, and took the initiative to send out their own light of traction.

This made Wang Baole's complexion lighten. After taking away their traction, he stepped on the comatose young man who was shattered by the wood carving, crushed the bones of his legs, awakened from the pain, and sent out tremblingly. Traction light.

Afterwards, Wang Baole didn't say a word. In the panic of these people, he turned and left, looking for an open space, retracted all the clones, and let them protect outside. After sitting down cross-legged, his mind echoed with the old sound.

"The third day, the third life!"

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