A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1057: Those masters I used to!

The sky...a piece of nothingness, countless lightning seems to be shining all the time, and sometimes connected into a big net, making the whole world tremble in the fierce roar.

The earth...the same!

There is no soil, no mountain peaks, no vegetation, and only endless nothingness!

Regardless of the top, the bottom, the surroundings, any place you look at is lightning, nothingness, like an abyss everywhere.

But I... still like to call this place a tomb, and the only time my stupid third master is smart is at this point, consistent with my understanding.

In view of this, although he was stupid, I still managed to give him my power, but he didn’t know. The reason why I think this is a tomb is because I am buried here, or to be precise, I... Born here!

I can’t remember when, I have consciousness, or at what moment, I can perceive the surroundings. In this empty tomb, there may have been other lives like me, but it seems to be in me. The moment they were born, they were all trembling.

Maybe it's afraid of me.

But they shouldn’t be afraid, because food...does not need to have emotional ups and downs. Their purpose may be to become my nourishment when I am hungry.

If you are hungry, you have to eat. This is my fourth master. I often say something that I think makes sense every time I recall.

So even though they are hard to eat, they are hard and make me uncomfortable to eat, but in the end I found a way that I like, that is, after crushing them, they look like pieces and taste them slowly.

This way of eating continued to my eighth master, but he didn't like it and stopped me many times, so I simply ate him.

I'm old...so memories will always be led by twigs, so let's go back to my favorite food.

My favorite thing to eat is actually their soul, which is delicious. Sometimes I am obsessed with forgetting to sleep and being immersed in the state of being swallowed. Even if I am not hungry, I can’t help but enjoy the soul being swallowed. After the pleasure.

In my memory, since birth, in the past countless years, some rebels have occasionally appeared in the food. They don't seem to want to be swallowed by me. Every time I encounter such food, I will be particularly happy...According to my seventh master That is not happiness, but bloodthirsty and cruelty.

Because I like to abuse them to my heart's content, let them struggle again and again, and despair again and again, until the whole body exudes an obsessive taste, and then take another bite, let them feel the pain of being bitten by their bodies until they die in wailing. .

But unfortunately, until I met the thirteenth master, I didn’t meet anyone who could hold on for more than three days. This made me miss my thirteenth master very much, and I also regretted that I went crazy once and took her. It sucked dry.

But it doesn't matter, being able to be sucked dry by me shows that she is not the master I have been waiting for.

I can’t remember when, maybe it was the moment I was born. It seemed that a voice was telling me to wait for someone. I don’t know who this person is. I only know... This should be my destiny.

But waiting is not my character, so when I almost ate up the food in the grave one day, I want to leave here and want to go to the outside world to find new food... To be precise, looking for new resistance and strugglers, But I will not say this directly. If someone asks me in the future, I will tell him that all I have left the grave is because I want to find my master.

I don’t know who’s the owner.

So, I dispersed my breath, guided countless outside wills, and let them feel me, just like that, one day...in the grave, someone came.

That is an old man with a sense of decay in his life. I don’t like him because I think he is a madman. Otherwise...why after seeing me, after catching me, he was frightened. There, the sky was laughing wildly, tears of laughter came out, and the body of the laughter was trembling, as if the whole person was excited to the extreme, and even some inexplicable words were shouted.

"I finally found it. The torture and injustice I have suffered in Turing's life, I will definitely let you bear it a hundred and a thousand times, I..."

I was very annoyed, so I swallowed the madman in one bite.

So, my first master is gone.

I often wonder if the masters behind me were swallowed by me for various reasons, is it because when I swallowed the first master, I felt that the soul of the other person was much more delicious than other foods.

No matter what the answer was, I quickly led to another existence. It was a young girl with a sweet body. I liked her very much. I planned to go with her. But when she saw me, she looked surprised. , Turned around and fled...

So, I was humiliated and swallowed her too.

Looking back now, I was too anxious at that time and I shouldn't have swallowed them so quickly, because after that, there was no other existence for a long time, so that I was hungry for a long time.

Until when I was about to pass out of hunger, someone finally came. It was a middle-aged man. His body was full of resentment and coldness, and there was a breath of death. After he came to my side, he was equally stunned. Ecstasy, just as crazy, which made me think he was a fool too, and when he wanted to swallow him in hunger, he said a word.

"No wonder this place is listed as one of the three forbidden places. In this tomb-like abyss void,...a forbidden soldier was born!"

I knew the term grave at that time, and I liked it, perhaps because of this, or perhaps because I was afraid to wait, I would starve to death, so I reluctantly let this stupid third master, Pull me out of the abyss! !

Yes, I...I am a forbidden soldier born in this universe, the three most forbidden places, the abyss void!

My appearance is a black knife that looks like a dragon tooth!

And after I was brought out of the abyss by that stupid third master, my life... began to waver, because my master was bloodthirsty, so after helping him to kill countless and devour countless, I felt that he was a little powerless, So in order to better assist him, I made a request to him.

"Every day, use me to kill 10 million creatures!"

So, the next day, my stupid third master failed to fulfill my request and he was swallowed by me.

Then soon, my fourth master appeared. I recognized his point because he likes to eat and eat everything. I thought we would get along very well, but until one day, when he was taking a nap on me At that time, the idea of ​​wanting to eat me came up and put it into action, but after being swallowed by my instinct, I regretted losing him.

But it’s okay. The last thing I lack is the master. In my expectation, my fifth, sixth, and seventh masters, until the seventh thousand and forty-sixth... , Have appeared one after another.

There are men and women, old and young, and they are of many races, but without exception, they were eventually swallowed by me. That is why I have another name.

Unknown complaints!

It seems that my master has been swallowed by me, and it seems that I have killed too much in my life, and have gathered countless lives and endless grievances from countless races... Therefore, my new name was quickly recognized by all beings. .

But I don’t like this name, because I always think that I’m just a knife who wants to find the Lord of True Life. If the other party does not come to me, then I can only look for it. And in the process of searching, those deceptions I, who induced my former masters, were swallowed by me, and it was only my respect for the real master.

I am pure.

These four words are the words I uttered when I met a new owner several years later, under the question of the other party.

This new master of mine is a young girl, a very beautiful girl in palace costume. When she walked, the smell on her body was very fragrant and sweet.

I thought to myself that she should be delicious.

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