A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1099: Different Sun De!

How many times has this world reincarnated?

How many times has this universe restarted?

In different reincarnations and restarts, what kind of identity does each person have?

What kind of state is each soul in different worlds, different lives and deaths?

When he didn't realize his past life, Wang Baole didn't understand all this, and he didn't even have similar doubts in his cognition. But after comprehending his past life, he began to think about these issues.

He wants to know the answer, he doesn't want to exist, he wants to exist.

He wants to know the truth. He doesn't want to be just a building block in different universes and in reincarnation. He doesn't want to appear in different positions again and again. He wants to live to understand.

He knows a lot about the sentiments of the previous ten lives, but with it, there are deep doubts, and all these doubts are not important at this moment, because with the sinking of the spirits, with the heavens The book of destiny behind the person turned upside down, Wang Baole’s past life was also displayed page by page before his eyes, but...his consciousness was also dissipating in this, gradually forgetting himself, slowly Forgot everything and became pure, until he heard the voice of the Master of Heaven.



"Who am I...Where am I..." In the dark void, I heard a voice, whispering in my ear.

It seems to be coming from a long distance, and it seems to be echoing around me. I don't know where the voice is, and I don't know why these two sentences are asked in the voice.

This voice echoed endlessly, as if it was eternally coming out, but I didn’t hear any response. No one seemed to pay attention to the voice, and I didn’t know how to speak, so gradually, this pitch-black nothingness seemed to be Only this voice exists.

Time is also in this emptiness, without any trace passing.

Perhaps, because of this voice, I also began to think, who am I...? Where am I?

I thought for a long time and there was no answer. The more I thought about it, the more I was at a loss, until for a moment, I heard a voice.

"Who am I...where am I..."

The voice was very familiar. After it came out, I waited for a while and heard the echo.

So I understood. It turned out that the first thing I heard was my own voice, and I... seemed to repeat this sentence for an unknown number of years.

This discovery caused some fluctuations in my mood. I didn't know how to call this fluctuation, so I continued to think about it until after a long time, I remembered a word.


Yes, this emotion should be called happiness. I am very happy because I discovered the origin of that voice, but how did I know the word happiness...

I was at a loss, so I continued to think, but this time, before I had time to think of the answer, this dark nothingness that didn't exist in my eyes, suddenly... there was light!

This light seemed to come from the outside world, reflecting the whole nothingness, and then... it never disappeared, and this whole nothingness also changed at this moment. I saw a finger, and it quickly condensed and became one hand.

One seemed to be holding my hand, and then I saw the arm and body until the whole person appeared in my eyes. It was a young man. He closed his eyes and did not open them.

I was surprised, because this young man made me feel familiar, but unfamiliar, but before I continued to think about it, after the first person appeared in this void, ripples echoed all around.

As the ripples spread, I saw a table, and saw other tables and chairs appearing around, until a tea house appeared in front of me, and then the ripples spread again, and other buildings and rivers appeared outside the tea house. The trees, soon a small town, seemed to be drawn.

Then... the ripples spread out in a wide range, and I saw the earth, the sky, the other cities, and a star from blurry to real.

It didn't end. I saw the starry sky outside this star again. In the ripples and echoes, other stars appeared, many, many, as they appeared one after another, a universe, a world, unfolded in front of me.

Then, life appeared.

All beings, all beings, all at this moment, as if they had never been before, appeared in every position where they needed them. There are males and females, old and young, different species, and different breaths, but they remain still. Did not move.

And the young man who was holding me, he was lying on the table and did not move, but he was holding me tightly, as if he would never let go even at the end of his life.

But I don't like him very much.

Just when I was thinking about why I didn't like him, the whole world suddenly seemed to be infused with vitality and vitality, and in an instant...all beings moved.

The wind appeared, the sun softened, the leaves shook, the river moved, singing and laughter, crying and roaring, all came out in every corner of the world.

Inside the teahouse, there was also a lively sound. At this moment, the young man who held me firmly, his body trembled slightly, opened his eyes, and raised his head.

The moment he looked up, I saw his eyes.

I saw myself reflected in my eyes.

It was a black wooden board, and he firmly grasped the black wooden board in his hand, and then...I was lifted up and knocked on the table with a crisp sound.

In this noise, the world in front of me began to continue. I saw this life called Sun De. He became the most watched storyteller in this county, married the daughter of a large family, inherited the inheritance, and had enough food and clothing. He fell in love with his wife all his life until he died smilingly at the age of eighty-nine.

And I was buried with Sun De because he couldn't break Sun De's fingers.

Although I don’t like him, I have to admit that watching his performance in this life is quite interesting. As for being buried with him, it’s okay, because after his death, everything in this world disappeared. Turned into darkness, and my consciousness fell into darkness again.

Until I heard a voice.


The appearance of this sound seemed to turn into a whirlpool, dragging me violently, into...the void without light, I can't remember who I am, I can't remember everything, I'm thinking about one problem.

"Who am I...where am I..."

My voice reverberated until I thought for a long time, the void appeared light, and the world appeared in front of me. The first thing that appeared was the young man formed after a finger slowly spread. He was lying on the table and dead in his hand. Hold me tightly.

His name is Sun De. I am familiar and strange. He has a very good life. He has become a storyteller. Although he did not marry the daughter of a big family in a small town, he returned to the capital and obtained fame. Although he was in jail in his later years, Overall, it is still very exciting. As for me... I was always held in his hand and never left.

Unfortunately, after his death, the world disappeared and I heard a voice.

"seventy - seven."

This sound dragged me back into nothingness, until I who had forgotten everything, saw the light, saw the world, and saw Sun De.








Time after experience, time after time of forgetting, from the time I realized it was wrong, until I was not surprised, because I wanted to understand that I was doing a game. After this life, I will forget this life, and also the past and the future. Special memories...

Strange, how can I feel this way? Why do you know that you are remembering?

If you don't understand it, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a story to read, although this story must be Sun De's different life.

But I’m curious, if we meet for the first time, will there be a different picture

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