A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1100: You dare to Zhenxian?

The Sun De in the third life made me find it very interesting. Although he told the story of Luo and Gu fighting for the immortal throne, he became a man in the small town, but by chance, he was favored by a passing monk. Stepping into the sect, opened a bumpy but interesting life.

In this cultivating life, I watched him, who is qualified, rise all the way, and there seems to be a wave of fluctuations contained in his soul, constantly stimulating the world, making Sun De on the way to this rise in trouble.

This is mainly reflected in... his sect. In my testimony, I saw that Sun De worshipped a total of 97 sects in his entire life, and each sect... , Was destroyed by a powerful enemy, three months long and only one day short.

So in the end, Sun De, whose cultivation level was not very high, became a well-known person in the realm of cultivation. He was even taken abducted by demons many times. After he changed his appearance and controlled him, he quickly arranged to the enemy sect. ……Use as the ultimate treasure!

During this process, there were also several incidents where the sect who captured him couldn't hold his supreme luck due to the late cast time, and thus was destroyed.

But on the whole, Sun De’s name is like thunder in the entire cultivation world, especially when his supreme luck shortens the time of extermination, and it becomes almost as soon as he worships and enters. After the catastrophe came, Sun De was already talked about by everyone, and countless sects were defended by day and night.

It's not that no one has thought of destroying it, but...the terrible thing is that all those who are put into action will die because of various accidents.

The most exaggerated one was a powerful man who had prepared for a long time, and even used a number of magic weapons that can resist bad luck, but he still didn’t wait for the shot and was suddenly dropped from the sky by thousands of meteors. , Directly blasted into serious injuries.

As for other people who wanted to harm him, various strange methods of death abound. Some were struck to death by lightning, and some of them stumbled directly and killed them as soon as they rushed.

It is hard to imagine that as a monk, it would be enough to stumble, but he knocked himself to death... At this point, Sun De himself was shocked.

I was equally shocked.

So in this way, with the passage of time, Sun De gradually completed his wonderful life, and when he naturally died of old age, I vaguely heard the cheers of the whole world, although the cheers only lasted for a moment. Germany's breath, the world was wiped out and turned into nothingness.

But I am satisfied and watched with gusto. Although I know that I will forget everything the next time I remember, I am still looking forward to it.

In my expectation, I heard the old voice echoing in my ears.


This time, the voice seemed to be weakened a lot, as if working hard to say this number, but before I had time to think too much, my consciousness was once again drawn into the darkness of nothingness.

"Who am I... Where am I..." I murmured, asking the whole nihility without an answer, but I was patient, because soon... I saw the light, the world, and the Sun De.

This is Sun De's second life.

In this life, it seems that it is not enough to describe him as wonderful. After watching his whole life, I summarized a word.


Only a miracle can be used as a description of Sun De's life. If it is not a miracle, why is Sun De, a mortal, unexpectedly, at the moment when he finishes the story of Luo and Gu fighting for the position of immortality, there is suddenly more earth-shattering in his body Repair base!

The level of horror of this cultivation base is just a thought, and it can make the life in the eye, no matter what level, will be horrified by death in an instant!

If it wasn't a miracle, why did Sun Dexiu suddenly appear? After leaving the town, he could pick up the magic weapon that suddenly appeared in front of him almost every day, even as long as he wanted to, everything seemed to appear.

I saw with my own eyes that when he wanted to have a Daoist companion, hundreds of thousands of female sisters appeared inexplicably on the same day, weirdly fell in love with him, and fell in love...

I saw with my own eyes that when he wanted to have friends, millions of monks appeared on the same day. They flew from all the planets. They were extremely enthusiastic when they saw him, and they kowtow to worship.

I even saw that when he whispered why he had no enemies, the whole world, the whole universe, and all the existences were instantly hostile to him to the extreme.

This kind of omnipotent life that can be realized as long as you dare to think makes me very, very envious.

So, I really couldn't help but quietly passed on a consciousness and guided Sun De's thoughts, so that one day, he suddenly had an idea that he wanted to have children.

So... the whole world, the whole universe, and all the species at this moment, there was a breath of blood belonging to him in the body... The degree of horror of this incident is hard to imagine, and Sun De is also watching it appear in front of him. Of a huge tree, stayed for a long time.

This tree also has the fluctuations of his blood, in a certain sense, this tree is his heir.

Seemingly shocked by this incident, Sun De lowered his head and began to look at me, and I... was exposed because of this incident.

Naturally, there would be no blood in my body, so I became the focus of his interest. In the following days, Sun De, who had already destroyed the entire universe, began to study me.

Whether it is spell suppression, lightning bombardment, or sword cutting, sealing, and burning, or gathering the power of the entire universe to kill, all kinds of methods are being carried out by him one after another.

This makes me very unhappy!

Obviously, Sun De will not have results. No matter what methods or actions he takes, everything is still fruitless. And in the process, I saw Sun De’s body as if he was asleep. An extremely weak remnant soul, this soul has always been asleep, and is in the process of dissipating, it needs some opportunity to wake up, but this opportunity is difficult.

And in this remnant soul, I saw two silk threads, one black and one red. Compared with the latter, although the former spreads to nothingness and does not know where to connect, it is extremely weak. If I want to break it, just a thought is enough.

It's more like a curse, and I don't know how I realized it.

What makes me wary is the red silk thread. It is by no means a curse, and the silk thread and the soul are not a complete one. Even itself seems to be incomplete, not like a foreign seal. It is like this remnant soul trying to obtain something that is trying to forcibly blend into the body.

Personality is very high, extremely high!

what is this……

I don't know, but I think it seems familiar, I think I might have seen it?

But I know very well that the moment I saw this thread, I was very unhappy, because I felt a sense of greed on the thread, and it could pose some threats to me.

So I was unhappy, and after thinking about it, I said a word to Sun De.

"This line will always be suppressed!"

Almost the moment I said these two sentences, the blood-colored thread in Sun De's remnant soul trembled suddenly and twisted strongly. It looked like a centipede, and even made a crazy sharp. Neigh.

"Ergan Zhenxian?!"

The whole world, in the roar of this **** thread, instantly collapsed. After being fragmented, it turned into countless fragments, suddenly rolled back, formed a vortex, swallowed everything, and my consciousness returned to nothingness and heard one The vicissitudes of life and weakness, seem to have reached the extreme, with an old voice that trembles with all strength.



I’ve been writing, I just finished writing, it’s late to update, cover my face

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