A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1101: First life!

This old voice seems to have reached its extreme, as if it were a very weak person, with the last trace of strength, it passed through the endless universe, through the long years, sinking into the cycle, echoing in this dark void, It filled Wang Baole's ears.

It seemed that it touched his soul, causing Wang Baole's consciousness to fluctuate. This fluctuation was still weak at first, but as the reverberation came, gradually his consciousness fluctuated more and more intensely. In the end, Wang Baole's whole body was fierce. The ground shook, his consciousness awakened, his eyes...


What I saw was not the Destiny Star, nor was it the Book of Destiny, nor was it the Master of Heaven, but a...starry sky!

The dazzling stars, the countless stars, and the distance seems to be beyond the end of the eyes. I don't know how many stars that fell here a lot of years ago.

All this seems to be nothing too surprising, even if it is extremely beautiful, but in Weiyang Dao domain, Wang Baole had seen a similar starry sky when he was galloping in the starry sky.

But... it seems a little bit different. Although the starry sky here is more turbid, it is also more vast. Everything reveals unspeakable vicissitudes, as if seeing this starry sky, there will naturally be a kind of eternal years. The sense of grandeur passing by, has the illusion that it is small and insignificant like dust.

Wang Baole looked at all this with a blank look in his eyes. His consciousness was awakened by the echo of that voice, but the memory had not fully emerged yet. He only remembered that he was sinking into his own with the help of the Master of Heaven. In the past life, it seems that all the processes are all in a moment. The moment I just sank in, the next moment I opened my eyes, what I saw was this starry sky.

But when Wang Baole was at a loss, in his mind, the entire seventy-eighth reincarnation memory of the previous lifetime appeared in an instant. The memory of each lifetime was like a sky thunder, which exploded in his mind, and then Turned into a large amount of information and images, filled his mind.

Again and again, and again and again...After all the memories of the entire seventy-eighth life emerged, Wang Baole's body was trembling, and his expression was a little bit painful. This pain did not come from emotions, but the integration of all memories in a moment, which made him The mind seemed to be burst, and the mind was torn apart.

"Sun De!"

"Sun De!!"

"Sun De!!!" Wang Baole roared, repeating the name, repeating this in his memory, the only person who appeared for the entire seventy-eighth life!

In these seventy-eight generations, to be precise, apart from Wang Baole himself, there is only Sun De. It is he who has evolved from one life to another, experiencing Sun De's different lives, as if looking for a direction and an opportunity.

"Instinctively, the opportunity for the remnant soul to wake up..." Wang Baole pressed his beating eyebrows, bloodshot appeared in his eyes due to a large number of memories, but as he merged all the memories, as he absorbed and digested them, His sanity slowly returned, his eyes gradually narrowed, and luminous glow appeared in him.

Everything seems to be completely understood!

Sun De, the remnant of the ancient soul, tried to wake himself up from the second life, but unfortunately, until the seventy-ninth century, the remnant of the ancient soul did not wait for the opportunity to appear, although it was until Wang Yiyi's father Female, but this remnant soul did not wake up after all, and disappeared in the world forever.

And Sun De's continuous reincarnation ended.

Perhaps the next world should be plunged into darkness, with no life remaining, turning into a dead silence like nine secluded, but all of this has changed due to Wang Yiyi’s injuries and the arrival of his father and daughter. .

Therefore, in the 80th generation of this universe, Wang Baole used Xu Yinling's insight to see the bubbles of dreams one after another, and recalled at this moment, that may be the earliest birth of life.

The subsequent texts, pictures, butterflies, etc. are all processes of life growing and enriching itself...

"The last ten generations of this universe were created by the father and daughter of Wang Yiyi..." Wang Baole murmured, he thought of a sentence, there was a **** who raised his head three feet, and he understood at this moment.

Wang Baole also knew the purpose of Wang Yiyi’s father. It was to heal Wang Yiyi’s wounds, and the reason why these father and daughter could create sentient beings in this universe, wanted to come... In the seventy-ninth generation, Sun De said before his death. That sentence is related.

He promised Wang Yiyi's father to help him save his daughter.

And Wang Baole himself, also at this moment, as his memories from the second life to the eighty-ninth life were integrated, he knew that after all, he still owed Sun De a favor.

Because if there was no inheritance from Sun De at the moment when the remnant soul dissipated in the seventy-ninth life, then perhaps he would still be a black wooden board floating in the starry sky. Although he was born instinct, he would not have the real s life.

There is also the origin of the Scarlet Centipede. Wang Baole also guessed two answers. Although he didn't know which one was right, the truth... was in it.

"The first possibility is that when Luo and Gu were fighting for the position of immortality, in countless lives, within the cause and effect, they continued to entangle and fight. In the end, Luo won the victory, but Gu escaped from the remnant soul, making Luo's immortal position incomplete. There is a flaw, but he doesn't know that in the remnant soul... there is still a ray of consciousness from Luo. This consciousness...for some unknown reason, the spiritual wisdom was finally born."

"As for the second possibility..." Wang Baole pondered, and while sorting out his thoughts, he thought of the roar that came from the **** thread during the suppression he instinctively disliked in the second life.

"Ergan Zhenxian..." Wang Baole murmured. This sentence was the source of the second possibility in his guess.

"The second possibility is... that **** thread is not a ray of Luo's consciousness, but it is... Luo and Gu, who competed for a whole circle of... celestial position, perhaps the celestial position itself is alive, Or maybe it has no spirit, but here, under a special environment and conditions, it gave birth to spiritual wisdom. As for the centipede I saw, it was not what it really looked like, it was just a symbol!!!"

Wang Baole was silent. Either one of these two guesses could be correct and logically made sense. Therefore, Wang Baole had no way of judging by himself, but when he wanted to think about in-depth details, suddenly... he felt a sense. In the sense of heart palpitations, when he looked up, he saw a sea of ​​light in the distance of this turbid starry sky.

This light, shrouded in an endless range, with a strong dominance, is coming from a distant starry sky, whistling and spreading. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a universe in the light sea!

The universe is infinitely large, containing countless stars, and even more amazing fluctuations erupted in it. With the arrival, as Wang Baole turned his head, he saw in the starry sky behind him, there was a huge beast with an extremely pale body and roaring. Turned out in time.

This giant beast is like a whale, its size is similar to that of the light ball. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a continent in its body. Countless monks fly out of the continent and turn into the flesh and blood of the giant beast. , Has the power to shake the gods.

In an instant, as the giant beast and Gwanghae touched, a battle that spread across the entire universe violently erupted in front of Wang Baole, and at this moment, he immediately realized that he is now in this first life. Here, what are you seeing!

That was... at the beginning of the second ring, the battle of extinction between the first universe and the second universe that was born. It was... the war between Weiyang Dao domain and the vast Dao domain that took place before endless years!

Wang Baole, who was on the battlefield, watched the war between these two vast universes. He saw countless deaths, saw madness and tragedy, and saw the whole process of this battle.

Whether it is the vast Dao realm or Weiyang Dao realm, the extreme strength displayed is so strong that it makes Wang Baole's heart shake strongly, because he remembered the secret Wang Yiyi's father told the remnant of the ancient soul.

This Weiyang is not the real Weiyang!

The moment this sentence echoed in Wang Baole's mind, he saw the body of the inferior pale behemoth. On that continent, all the monks seemed to kneel down, and they were offering sacrifices!

And the object they sacrificed was a statue!

A statue of an old man!

That was... the first monk born in the vast Dao realm, and the highest will in the entire vast Dao realm. He has no name, only a title.

The boundless ancestor!

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