A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1102: Three feet black wood!

Wang Baole saw with his own eyes that on the continent inside the vast behemoth, following the worship of countless monks, the statues of the old men standing in the continent changed from the state of the statue to flesh and blood until he opened his eyes.

At the same time, a stronger feeling of heart palpitations, with a certain resonance that made Wang Baole himself vibrate, suddenly spread from the Guanghai Universe of the Untamed Domain!

"This feeling..." Wang Baole turned his head abruptly. At this moment, across the starry sky and across the Guanghai Universe, he saw that there were countless monks in the Weiyang Dao realm at this moment, all kneeling down and worshiping. !

And what they worship... is a whirlpool!

A whirlpool that didn't know what to connect to an unknown place, and following the worship of everyone, and the staring of the vast ancestor of the statue in the pale behemoth, a piece of wood appeared in the whirlpool!

The appearance of this wood made all the monks in the Weiyang Dao realm excited, and even showed enthusiasm in their eyes, even those strong and powerful, and even more enthusiastic!

It was a piece of black wood, more like a black wooden coffin. At this moment, from the whirlpool, the length of a foot and a half was exposed...Although it was only a foot and a half, it made the vast continent tremble, and the vast behemoth wailed directly. It was about to collapse, and the vast ancestors inside also trembled and spewed blood.

Then... the coffin appeared from the whirlpool for another one and a half feet. This time... the vast behemoth collapsed directly, and the terrible roar echoed in the star space, revealing the vast continent within, and all the monks on the continent at this moment. Crazy, rushed out of the figure that seemed to die together.

And the countless monks who worshipped this coffin in Weiyang Dao realm are obviously not easy. Although they are still fanatical, most of the lives that exist are dimmed, as if they have lost 70% of their vitality, like the power to support this black wooden coffin. , It is their lives.

At this moment, they have also reached their limit, and it is difficult to continue to support them. They can only let the black wooden coffin protrude three feet from the whirlpool, and then they have to end the sacrifice.

With the end of the sacrifice and the disappearance of the whirlpool, the black wood that was only three feet long, apparently only part of the complete coffin, fell down when the whirlpool dissipated, as if it had broken itself.

As it fell, all the powers on it seemed to disappear, leaving only some reluctance to give up on the unknown place in the whirlpool, gradually becoming plain and insignificant, like a common wood.

But at this moment, Wang Baole, trembling, stared at the three-foot-long black wood, then slowly raised his head and looked at the place where the whirlpool disappeared. In his mind, there seemed to be countless sky thunder exploding at the same time. The reluctance that seemed to be buried deep in the soul also surfaced in the consciousness.

The war also broke out to the final stage with the madness of countless monks in the vast Dao realm. The monks on both sides began to collide with their lives. The fierce battlefield was like a huge grinding disc of flesh and blood, continuously rolling and crushing...

Until everyone in the vast Dao realm perished and became ruins, the vast ancestors turned into broken statues. After several collapses and extinctions, a part of the continent like ghosts drifted into the depths of the starry sky, war, It's over.

Although the Weiyang Dao Region prevailed, it was also extremely tragic. Guang Hai was already torn apart, and the universe within it was also fragmented, but as long as some time was given, the Weiyang Dao Region, which had absorbed the vast Dao Region, could definitely become stronger. But right here in Weiyang Daoyu, when trying to chase the last piece of land that the vast Daoyu escaped... an accident appeared!

It was a light, surrounded by black and red, forming a purple and dimming light!

This light suddenly flew from the depths of the distant starry sky, and the speed surpassed everything. Even though Wang Baole was still immersed in the black wood's perseverance, he still saw a vague figure in this light.

It looks...it is Sun De!

In an instant, the moment Wang Baole could see clearly, the light rushed directly into the almost fragmented Weiyang Dao domain that had just been defeated. This light seemed to have a precise direction. When it dissipated rapidly, it would disappear completely. Run... the fallen three-foot black wooden coffin left!

The instant approached, he immediately sank into the black wood and disappeared.

Wang Baole's heart was violently hit, and in the depths of the starry sky, where the purple light appeared, the starry sky collapsed in an instant, and a huge figure stepped out of the collapsed starry sky.

This figure is very tall, fuzzy and indistinct, as if its face is a universe, only his eyes can be seen, and there is no emotional fluctuation in those eyes.

In addition, the most conspicuous thing is his two arms. Although he is in human form, his arms are much longer than ordinary people. It seems that he can touch his knees while standing!

He stood there, looking indifferently at the fragmented Weiyang Dao realm, as if looking at an ant nest, until his gaze fell on the three-foot black wood, and then his eyes seemed to shrink for an instant. !

In his eyes, at this moment, there was confusion, shock, and even a touch of unbelief, which made him stand there, motionless for a while, and finally raised his hand, as if to grasp the black wood in Weiyang Dao realm, but After raising his hand, his eyes showed hesitation again, and gradually let go.

After a long silence, he raised his hand again. This time, instead of grabbing, he shook his finger at the entire Weiyang domain, and a deep voice came out of his mouth.


As soon as he spoke, Wang Baole immediately saw the dilapidated Weiyang Dao realm, and ripples appeared silently. After these ripples gathered, it seemed to form a bubble that completely enveloped the Weiyang Dao realm, and then gradually blurred, like Be immersed in the years and be sealed forever.

But that tall figure, after looking at the sealed bubble at this moment, seemed uneasy, actually raised his left hand again, and pointed it again.

"Finger with my left hand, seal!" His left index finger broke in an instant, turned into a gray light, and went straight to the bubble. After an instant influx, the entire bubble became turbid, as if it turned into a ball of soil.

But the tall figure did not leave. After standing there thinking for a while, he spoke again.

"Take my second finger..." The tall figure raised his hand for a while. After a long silence, his eyes showed decisiveness, as if he had made a certain determination. He raised his left hand, and slowly heard a low voice that seemed to echo endless years. .

"With my left hand, seal!" As soon as the words came out, his entire left arm disappeared in an instant, and turned into a gray light that seemed to cover the entire starry sky, all enveloped in the sealed Weiyang Dao domain, making the earth ball Under the fusion of this gray light, the form of swiftly changed, until all the gray light in the starry sky was condensed, and the earth ball became... a huge stone monument!

Wang Baole set off a big wave in his heart, watching the stone stele exuding earth-shaking coercion, slowly sinking under the starry sky, constantly sinking and falling, seeming to be buried in an endless abyss.

And the tall figure, who had lost his left arm, also stared at the gradual disappearance and burial of the stele, revealing a deep loneliness in his eyes. He slowly turned around and walked towards the starry sky, but when his figure slowly disappeared into the starry sky, In Wang Baole's ear, suddenly...he heard his low voice.

"I like the second ring of the universe, it is mine."

"Do you know... what's it like to like?"

The tall figure only heard these two words, and then slowly dissipated. In the entire starry sky, only Wang Baole was left. He stood there, looking at the place where the stone tablet sank, and looking at the direction Luo was walking away. There was a long silence and whispered.

"Where did I... come from?"

As his murmur echoed, the starry sky slowly blurred in his eyes, until... completely disappeared, the exhausted figure of the destiny star, the book of destiny, and the tired figure of the heavenly master replaced all that was in front of him.

"I thought you couldn't come back."

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