A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1121: Dare to turn!

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole was reciting the Taoist scriptures silently in his heart, in the scroll that Chongyizi had turned, the back in the picture had already turned half of his body, and when he looked at it, he could see a small side face.

It was a middle-aged man with a high nose and long eyebrows. Even in the distance, Xie Haiyang and the others just glanced at it, and they spewed blood again, shaking their minds and almost collapsed.

And the middle-aged man in this scroll, the peripheral light in his side face, seemed to have earth-shaking power, causing the starry sky outside the scroll to roar constantly at this moment.

At the same time, a stronger force of suppression also burst out at this instant. Although this force is invisible to the naked eye, it seems to turn into invisible ripples. As it spreads, the originally collapsed starry sky is completely collapse!

The starry sky is like a shattered mirror, turning into countless fragments and rolling back. Amidst the loud noises, the battleships where Xie Haiyang and others were located also collapsed instantly. Fortunately, under the battle between Wang Baole and Chongyizi, they have been constantly Retreating, so at the moment the battleship was shattered, although they spewed blood again, they were still barely stable, and at the same time, with the help of their respective assassins, with the help of this impact, they quickly retreated.

It wasn't until they exited the extremely far range that they stopped one by one, surprised and shocked.

As for Wang Baole...because he is too close to the scroll, the impact is naturally the most affected. With the arrival of the invisible ripples transformed by the force of suppression, Wang Baole's whole body shook wildly here. Although the black light flashed behind him, it seemed to be fighting, although His physical body can bear it because of the black wooden planks, but his soul can hardly resist the suppression from the universe.

Even though... this is just a projection of the universe, but to Wang Baole, it is still like the sky!

The power of Taoism cannot be displayed instantaneously. There is a slight delay. Even if the delay is not long, it is still a severe test for Wang Baole.

It can even be said that the magical power developed by Chongyizi has surpassed the level of stars. Even the power of the star field will be affected, but it is also conceivable that the expansion of this method will affect Chongyizi. , And must pay an indescribable price!

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that this method can kill all stars.

But... it doesn't include Wang Baole. At this moment, Wang Baole, although his body is trembling, although the star map is about to shatter, and although his soul may collapse at any time in a wave of anger, his eyes reveal an astonishing fighting spirit.

Even Chongyuezi's last practice was beyond Wang Baole's imagination, but his assassins were too many. In addition to the Taoist scriptures, he also...in the past life perception of Tianming Xing, he learned...the true method!

"Wang Yue!" The back figure that was almost in the scroll screen turned half of his body, and the moment the force of suppression exploded, Wang Baole let out a hoarse roar.

Raising the pinch with both hands, he pointed towards the scroll... suddenly!

Under this finger, the starry sky that collapsed in all directions suddenly shook. A strange force seemed to gather the infinite rules of the universe, pulling out...the law of time!

Time is coming!

Countercurrent... Twenty breaths! !

If the real cosmic realm is changed, even if Wang Baole has mastered the waning moon, he is afraid that it will be difficult to cause any impact on the cosmos level. A look in the opponent's eyes and a breath are enough to make his spells collapse and his body and spirit are destroyed.

But now it's just a projection... even if he still can't make all the 20 breaths of the waning moon unfold, but... it's still possible to do it with three or five breaths.

So at the moment when the law of the waning moon unfolded, the fragments of the starry sky that collapsed all around instantly rolled back, seeming to be healed, while the blood of Xie Haiyang and others in the distance also poured back into their mouths, and their bodies were not controlled. mobile.

These are nothing. What's really amazing is the repressive impact that hit Wang Baole and crushed his soul. At this moment, it suddenly flows back in front of him, towards the unfolding scroll screen, which turned half of his body. The figure returned quickly.

It's just...Wang Baole's waning moon can only do this. It can affect the surrounding starry sky, can affect everyone in all directions, can affect the rules and regulations and the power of suppression, but... can't affect the figure in the scroll screen!

After all, he is a star, and the figure in the picture is a projection of the universe, but even so, if someone with great power sees this scene with their own eyes, it must be a roar in his heart and amazed.

Because... this is something that has almost never appeared in the entire Weiyang Dao realm. The stars can actually shake the projection of the universe, even if it only shakes a bit, it is a miracle!

This can't represent Wang Baole's intrepidity, but it can represent...The method that Wang Baole unfolded, at a level, surpassed...the supernatural power of the universe!

If you think about it carefully, it will definitely make people extremely scared!

At this moment, the figure in the scroll screen was not affected, but there was a soft voice, and he quickly turned around, as if to really look at Wang Baole.

But... after all, time is still a little bit late. Although Wang Baole’s waning moon makes time flow backwards, it does not affect the entire universe, but the starry sky, so... the passage of time outside this area is still normal. So... the moment the figure in the scroll screen was about to completely turn around... the power of the Taoism, after the delay, burst out!

An aura that does not belong to this starry sky, does not belong to this universe, suddenly seems to come from outside the distant starry sky...just like a sleeping god, at this moment...opened his eyes outside the starry sky and looked. Xiang Weiyang Daoyu, looking at the exit of the Destiny Star, looking at this battlefield, looking at... the scroll that Chongyizi transformed, until I saw the figure trying to turn around in the scroll screen!

The starry sky roared and all directions vibrated. The entire battlefield seemed to freeze at this moment. Xie Haiyang and the others lost their consciousness in their minds, and the figures in the scroll screen suddenly had their bodies!

I dare not continue to turn around!

It seems to be shocked, it seems to be locked, and it seems that there is a strong life and death crisis, which makes this figure have a kind of trembling and intuition. If it continues to turn around, then the moment after the turn is finished, it is the moment of death!

This scene made Wang Baole excited amidst the tension, staring at the scroll screen, like a dilemma.

Soon, Wang Baole actually saw the figure in the scroll screen. After a few breaths of silence, he actually turned half of his body, slowly, slowly...turned back! !

"Can it still be like this?" Wang Baole blinked and looked at the figure in the scroll screen. After turning back into the back, he did not pause, but walked away in the screen until he reached the end of the screen. Finally... …Disappeared!


Wang Baole was taken aback, and then immediately noticed that the scroll without the picture seemed to have suffered a backlash and collapsed. It exploded directly, and even more screams from the soul came from this collapse.

Then, Wang Baole saw...the spirit of Chongyizi!

At this moment, this soul has shrunk by 90% compared to before, and is extremely weak. After appearing, he can't even stay awake. When he screams, he faints directly. When Wang Baole lifts his right hand, he is directly pinched in his hand.

After throwing it into the storage bag, Wang Baole's chest rises and falls, and he senses that the breath from the Taoist scriptures is also rapidly dissipating at this moment, and he feels the battle because of this, causing a lot of breath around him to be attracted, seeming to observe At this time, he blinked a few times, then suddenly turned to the distant starry sky, clasped his fists and bowed deeply.

"Thank you father-in-law!"

His voice reverberated in all directions, and when it arrived in the ears of Xie Haiyang and others who had slowly recovered their minds at this moment, Xie Haiyang and the others, after they were all taken aback, changed their expressions.

Before their inner horror turned into silence, Wang Baole had arranged his clothes, secretly swallowed the healing medicine, turned and walked towards them with the same high-level attitude as before, and in three steps, Xie Haiyang, Chen Han and those stars were reached. The guardian approached, glanced at them with his head down, and spoke lightly.

"About my father-in-law, don't tell the truth, let's go back to the flame galaxy." As he said, Wang Baole walked forward with his hands behind his back.

Xie Haiyang and Chen Han looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes, and quickly followed. As for the guardians around, this is even more so at this moment. They looked at Wang Baole in awe, and followed quickly.

While following this, Chen Han suddenly turned his head to look at Xie Haiyang, who was still in shock, and quickly transmitted the sound.

"You said... my father's father-in-law, what should I call?"

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