A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1122: The cracked moon will fall!

"..." Xie Haiyang was a little dazed and didn't react for a while, and Chen Han was also in deep thought at this moment. While considering how to call it, as everyone went away, there were breaths in the starry sky around this battlefield. Suddenly descended.

If the battle between Wang Baole and Chongyuezi was a quick fight, then perhaps it would not attract attention, but the fighting between them lasted a little longer, and the magical powers that were finally unfolded were too appalling, so Naturally, it attracted the attention of some powerful people!

Even if Chongyuezi's shot was caused by the causal interference of Ziyue, it could not affect everything, so at this moment, as the aura fell, all traces on the battlefield were quickly swept away by these incoming auras.

There was no communication with each other, only the shock of each other and the fear of looking in the direction of Wang Baole's departure!

What they were afraid of was Wang Baole's bizarre time reversal, and even more... that came from the depths of the stars, as if it did not belong to the will of Weiyang Dao Realm!

That is a horrible existence that can make a projection of a universe realm afraid to turn around after silence, and such an existence...They all heard Wang Baole's words, that is his father-in-law...

So after the silence, although these coming breaths dissipated one after another, things about the battle between Wang Baole and Chongyuezi still spread quickly.

The speed of the spread, and therefore the earth-shattering battle, was extremely fast, that is, in seven or eight days. When Wang Baole and his party were still on their way back to the Flame Galaxy, almost all the major sects and top families in the left sanctuary knew about this. thing.

Suddenly, the sound of astonishment was heard from different areas in Zuodao Sanctuary!

"The second Daozi on the Kyushu Road rushed into the barley and was defeated by Wang Baole?!"

"Wang Baole is promoted to stars?!"

"I heard that this battle also showed the projection of the universe and the power of the outer domain!"

Wang Baole’s fame was originally paid attention to by many forces in the Zuo Dao Sanctuary due to the acquisition of the Dao Star and the Destiny Star. Now, this matter has happened again in this attention, so his name soon became the whole Zuo Dao. In the sanctuary, it is already impressive.

At the same time, on Wang Baole’s way back to the flame galaxy, as he fought with Chongyuezi, his fame spread even more, and he was even known by Weiyang Sanctuary and Sidemen Sanctuary, there was another thing that seemed like thunder. Such a sensation Zuodao Sanctuary!

The ancestor of the flames, sitting on the back of the **** cow, directly descended into the Kyushu Road Mountain Gate, the first of the Zuo Dao!

When he arrived, the first sentence he said was...

"Kyushu Road, dare to take action against my disciples, you... deceive people too much!!" After the words came out, all his cultivation bases broke out, with a arrogant attitude and a domineering way, to the ancestors of Kyushu Road, Direct action, with one person, actually suppressed the four ancestors of Kyushu Road!

These four ancestors are all star powers, but in the hands of the flames, all four of them are injured. Under the joint hands, they are not the opponents of the flames. The ancestors of the flames shattered the gate of the Kyushu Road. brand!

This incident caused a sensation in all directions, until finally the only ancestor of the universe appeared on the Kyushu Road all year round, and one finger fell, which forced the flame ancestor back.

But when he was forced to retreat, the flame ancestor above the Kyushu Road Mountain Gate was full of flames, and the power of the curse broke out in an instant. There was no fear, but instead he roared with some crazy.

"Nine Dao old ghosts, try touching my finger again!!"

"Others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of Lao Tzu, you touch me again, believe it or not I curse you, Lao Tzu's curse has been held for thousands of years, you have to try it!"

Facing the arrogance of the flame ancestor, the ancestor of Kyushu Road was also silent. Although he had cursed the sky in his heart, he was very helpless... Whoever changed it, faced such a madman who really had the ability to do his best. Feel a headache.

It is really the curse of the ancestor of flames, well-known throughout the Weiyang Dao domain, once it is pressed, the curse...I am afraid it will be an unprecedented catastrophe for Kyushu Dao.

So in the end... The ancestor of Kyushu Road was also very jealous that he didn't hurt the flames, but just forced them back. After all, the outbreak of the flames ancestors occupied the truth. It was Chongyezi who wanted to kill him first. Disciple, although Chongyizi himself has been captured by Wang Baole, as a master, it is reasonable to ask for an explanation on this matter.

This incident caused a sensation in the Sanctuary of Zuo Dao. While countless people knew about it, they also felt the protection of the legendary flame ancestor. For his disciple Wang Baole, he had to dispel most of his thoughts. After all, once Wang Baole was touched, he had to do it. It's good to face the revenge of the flame ancestor who can die with the universe under the madness.

At the same time, Kyushu Road can only forbear, and have to give up pursuing the spirit of the second Daozi, so that the final dispute in the battle between Wang Baole and Chongyizi was also pressed down.

And the ancestor of the flames took it when they saw it well, did not continue to struggle, and left immediately after Liwei, but... maybe this year, for the entire Zuo Dao sanctuary, is an eventful autumn, in Wang Baole suppressed Chongyuezi, old flames After the ancestors made trouble on Kyushu Road, soon...the third thing happened.

The sensation of this matter surpassed the battle between Wang Baole and Chongyuezi, and also surpassed the flame ancestor's uproar on Kyushu Road, and even affected not only the Sanctuary of Zuo Dao, but the supreme in this universe... ...Weiyang!

This thing is... Chen Qingzi, seems to be returning from the anti-seal state!

A few years ago, the Weiyang split-moon **** emperor calculated Chenqingzi, using the Eight Ding God Furnace as an eye to gather the power of thousands of galaxies into a large array, suppressing them, and intending to kill Chenqingzi.

The matter involved private grievances between the two, and there was also the support of some of the Weiyang clan’s royal family. But even though the Emperor of the Moon Splitting Moon had prepared for a long time, he still didn’t expect Chen Qingzi to explode under this extreme disadvantage, gathering the Mingzong’s heavenly path. After leaving the formation, he did not leave. Instead, he reversed the formation, encircling the Split Moon God Emperor and a large number of soldiers under his command.

The fight began. From that day on, a large number of the Moon-Splitting Emperor’s commanders disappeared one after another in the memory of all living beings. This is a sign of the destruction of the Ming Clan. It is precisely because of this that the Weiyang Clan and the various sects have disappeared. The door, in amazement, paid the utmost attention to the divine battle that occurred in the area between Zuodao Sanctuary and Weiyang Sanctuary.

But in the Weiyang clan and those big estimates, this battle may take some time before it ends. After all, the Emperor of the Moon Splitting is a cosmic realm, even if it is at a disadvantage, but there may be other changes in this battle, so time It is enough for them to prepare, judge, and measure how to do it.

But just after the ancestors of the flames made a noise on Kyushu Road, something happened!

In the Weiyang clan, the natal lamp of the Split Moon God Emperor actually began to dim, showing signs of being extinguished, and in the memory of countless people, the impression of the Split Moon God Emperor began to disappear!

Although not completely disappeared, all this is enough to show that the split moon **** emperor... is in a state of being about to fall. As a result, even if the Weiyang clan is not fully prepared, even if there are disagreements on this matter among several royal families, they have not yet done so. I have a unified consciousness, but I have to quickly sort out a method.

At the same time... all the top sects and families in the Weiyang Dao realm have all set their sights on the battlefield of Chenqingzi and Cracked Moon. Not only that, these families and sects have arranged their own Tianjiao, Qi Qi dispatched to the edge of the battlefield.

Because... Once the Moon Splitting God Emperor falls, with his vast cultivation base during his lifetime, unimaginable Taoism and rules will erupt after death, as well as terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations.

And these...for the monks, they are all opportunities and good fortune, and the better the talent, the greater the harvest!

At the same time, apart from the God Emperor of Split Moon, the gods and generals under his command are also great supplements. Although the Weiyang clan is unwilling to do this, they can't stand the greed of all the big clans and families.

Compared with this, the battle between Wang Baole and Chongyuezi was insignificant at all, and no one was going to discuss it anymore. All the focus has fallen on...the place where Chenqingzi and the Emperor of the Moon Split are fighting!

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