A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1125: Astrology!

Wang Baole didn’t know the guess of the ancestor of the flames. Unlike the ancestor of the flames, he did not have the slightest doubt about his brother Chen Qingzi. In Wang Baole’s heart, in this Weiyang Dao domain, besides those friends and elders of the Earth Federation, he made himself the most Only the ancestors of flames and brother Chen Qingzi are trusted.

"If I can't even trust the seniors who care and shelter me all the way, then who can I trust." Wang Baole, who left the Grand Ancestor of Flame, smiled slightly.

What he said to the ancestor of the flames was all from his heart. He was indeed on this matter and felt the meaning of the brothers who seemed to be secretly spreading. He didn't think he thought too much, and even if he really thought too much, the brothers and the crack He still had to go to the battlefield of Yue.

"Time is running out, I must improve my cultivation level as soon as possible, and become stronger..." Wang Baole muttered, with a touch of depth in his eyes, about the blood-colored centipede, about the past life, the truth about the world, the ancestor of flames Without asking, Wang Baole didn't take the initiative to speak out.

Some things, I know...not necessarily a good thing.

Wang Baole also didn't want to cause other catastrophes and changes in the Flame Galaxy because of himself.

"Master has been miserable enough. I don't need to feel more miserable on me..." Wang Baole took a deep breath, did not return to his residence, but went straight to the place where the sacred cow was.

He needs to continue to observe, continue to copy, to make his own star sealing art more perfect.

Regarding Wang Baole’s arrival, Shenniu opened his eyes to look at it, and then closed it again, leaving Wang Baole to observe continuously outside of his body. It was not until a day later that Wang Baole had a sense of enlightenment in his heart and left before Shenniu opened his eyes again. Looking at the direction Wang Baole was leaving, he muttered softly.

"What the **** did this kid see in the Destiny Star... How come back, it looks like normal, but is actually so eager to improve his cultivation?"

Wang Baole had already returned to his residence when he was meditating here.

After returning, he immediately sat down cross-legs, meditating and voicing, so that his energy and energy reached the peak, Wang Baole opened his eyes, revealing thoughts.

The cultivation base was promoted to a star, and in the battle with Chongyizi, he had already positioned himself.

"Today I, with my full burst, can suppress the later stage of the earth-level star, and my strength should be the same as that of the earth-level star Dzogchen. As for the celestial-level star unique to the Weiyang imperial family... I am not an opponent for Dzogchen. "

After Wang Baole whispered, he looked down at his body and slowly narrowed his eyes.

"But if it is below earth level, as long as it is in the star phase, it will be crushed by me!"

"Next, go to the battlefield of Senior Brother and Cracking Moon, where there are many Tianjiao from various sect families in Weiyang Daoyu..." Wang Baole thought for a moment, and sorted out the assassin that he can show now.

The power of Taoism still needs to be displayed at critical moments. In addition, it is the Shenniu star map. Although Wang Baole has not used it even in the battle with Chongyizi, he believes that the star map is transformed. When the sacred cow comes out, it will be shocked.

"There is also the Shadow of the Fifth World... and the Misty Finger and Nightmare Art."

"There is also Underworld... this fire may have miraculous effects on the next battlefield!"

"As for the emperor armor... it needs to be refined again." After Wang Baole calculated it, he opened his storage bag and checked his magic weapon.

"The underworld weapon can't be taken out easily...there are also the divine weapons of the emperor armor, which can be used as usual magic weapons, and the galaxy bow...As for the others...they are all consumed." Wang Baole pondered, raising his right hand and taking it out. A big bow, after stroking it, put it away again.

"There is also a wishing bottle...this thing is too evil." Wang Baole shook his head, and finally took a deep breath, looking inwardly, staring at the natal scabbard in his body!

This scabbard had been in his body for too long. It seemed ordinary at the moment, but Wang Baole had a feeling that once it was taken out, its inner strength could cut all directions.

"In addition to these, what I need to do most now before me is... the stellar technique!" After retracting the divine sense from the natal scabbard, Wang Baole fell into deep thought, and after a long while, he called the young lady, but she seemed to fall asleep again No response.

"Never mind, I can make my own decision on this matter!" Wang Baole's eyes flashed, and Wang Baole didn't need extra access to the stellar technique, because he already had two sets!

One set was taught by the ancestors of the flames... Yan Ling Jue!

This tactic is not only the magical power of cursing, but also a stellar technique. If you practice according to its method, you can walk all the way to the star realm, and its power will become more amazing.

But the focus of this tactic is vitality and resentment. The vitality and resentment of the previous life can only be used as a basis. If you want a stronger outbreak, you also need the precipitation of this life.

In addition, another set of exercises is from that dream of Wang Baole many years ago. In the Mingzong, he has seen a meditation in many ancient books!

This method is called astrology!

This is not the most orthodox method of the Mingzong star exercises, and it is even listed as a taboo. It is not recommended to major. It is more recommended that the students of the Mingzong learn from this technique and use analogy to improve their orthodox exercises.

The reason for this is that this astrology is too evil, and once you practice, there will be misfortunes. Therefore, if the method is too domineering, practitioners will be rejected by the heavens and will be suppressed by the stars. Under this suppression, everything will be erased. The root of existence.

The reason for all this is that... you can point any star as your own star, and once you click it, the marked star will turn into a bead and blend into the practitioner’s divine consciousness to become your own star .

Regardless of whether there is life on this star, no matter... whether this star has been refined by humans, even the monks’ own planets and stars can be directly plundered by humans in this way.

It is for this reason that this astrology is listed as a taboo.

After all, for the entire Weiyang Dao realm, there is a law of conservation of energy. Life and death are all within this Dao realm. At most, the amount of sharing varies. But even the generation with the most sharing can be reborn infinitely. Everything you master also belongs to the domain of Tao.

To a certain extent, what the monks control is nothing more than the right to use, and the way of heaven is a law created by the collective consciousness that makes the behavior of the Weiyang tribe become orthodox.

"Heaven is like the law, Mingzong Tiandao is the law of the previous generation, while Weiyang Tiandao is the law of this generation..." Wang Baole's eyes narrowed, revealing deepness, he was very clear, point star... can be regarded as non-compliance with the law of heaven , The stars refined by it do not have the right to use, but the right to belong.

In this way, it is like plundering, so naturally there will be misfortune and rejection, and all the marks of existence will be erased. Such as true extinction, both form and spirit will be destroyed.

But its advantage... is fast!

The growth of his cultivation speed and combat power is incredible. If he hasn’t realized his previous life, Wang Baole would naturally not choose this method, but now... On the one hand, he feels that time is too late and he needs to become stronger as soon as possible. After he understood his previous life, he felt that this technique might be the most suitable for him.

"Both forms and spirits are destroyed, truly extinct... But... my body is black, can the Weiyang Dao realm be extinct? As for erasing my will, this is not difficult, but if I don't improve quickly, even if I don’t get Weiyang Dao Yu wiped out his consciousness, and would be swallowed by the blood-colored centipede..." After Wang Baole was silent, he suddenly laughed.

"Practicing it!" His eyes flashed, without hesitation, he chose to practice astrology as his star's main technique, and at the moment he made up his mind, as the astrology was operated, his body There was a roar suddenly.

His tens of thousands of special stars, as well as the nine quasi-dao stars, and the star of perseverance, all trembled at this moment, as if the intention of separation came from all around them, as if there was a hand invisible, Enveloping them, from the source... erased the original inseparable relationship with Weiyang Dao domain!

Ownership, change!

As it was erased, the main flame star vibrated, and the flame galaxy roared, even more so from the outside world. There seemed to be a faint roar from the depths of the starry sky, echoing in all directions.

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