A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1126: God Emperor Battlefield!

Pointing astrology, turning any star into its own star, transcending the law of heaven, directly plundering from the origin and belonging, once it is enlightened, it is equivalent to the generation of the enlightened star in the Weiyang Dao domain. The root cause makes it completely irrelevant to the universe of Weiyang Dao domain.

So... once Wang Baole falls, the star enchanted by him will not return!

Unless... Wang Baole's fall is not only the soul, but also its body, that is, the black wooden board that suppressed the vast Dao realm, but this is obviously impossible.

So, in any case, once Wang Baole uses this astrology, he will win! !

This point is different from the people who secretly practiced this technique from ancient times to the present. Although others practiced this technique, they also plundered it, but after being destroyed by the body and spirit, the heaven and the realm can still be retaken if they want. It's just a little troublesome. .

But Wang Baole is... different here.

And at the moment when Wang Baole made up his mind and started astrology to change the ownership of his own star, in this flame galaxy and the roar of the outside world, the flame ancestor on the flame star and his clone disciples, all All shocked.

Including the sacred cow, all raised their heads and looked at Wang Baole's residence.

"Just that kind of breath..."

"It seems that there is a sense of tearing, as if something has been dug out in this universe of Neveryang Dao Domain..."

This feeling is very mysterious. It is difficult to detect if you have not cultivated to a certain level. In the entire flame galaxy, the flame ancestors can feel it. As for others, although they are shocked by the vibrations in the flame galaxy at this moment, they are not Know the reason.

At the same time, in the starry sky outside this blazing galaxy, with the transformation of those distortions and rules, the entire Weiyang universe was affected a bit, but because Wang Baole looted the star of his own refining, and the number seemed to be a lot. , But compared with the entire universe, it is still insignificant.

So although it has an effect, it feels like pulling out a hair, and it dissipates quickly.

Wang Baole was also aware of the strangeness of the star formula. After waiting for a long time, there was no other reaction from the outside world. He breathed a sigh of relief. After carefully observing his body, he clearly felt... his own tens of thousands of special stars and nine stars. The quasi-dao star, and the star of dao constant, were faintly different from before.

A tighter feeling permeated his heart. If the previous feeling was that these stars merged with him, as if coexisting, then in Wang Baole's feelings now... these stars are an inseparable part of his body, like Like flesh and blood.

Although the increase in strength is not very obvious, in terms of resilience, it is completely different from before.

All of this made Wang Baole thoughtful, and while he was sinking into thought, he was also immersed in the practice and research of astrology for the next two days. In this way, three days passed in a flash.

Soon, it’s time to make an appointment with the ancestor of the flames to go to the battlefield where Chenqingzi and the cracked moon fight. This time, the ancestors of the flames will personally take Wang Baole over, so in the early morning of the third day, Wang Baole closed his eyes and meditated. , The voice of Master Flame came into his mind.

"Bao Le, ready to go!"

Wang Baole opened his eyes suddenly. After taking a deep breath, he got up and took a step, his figure blurred. When he appeared in the next moment, he was already on the sky of the main flame star and saw the master standing there waiting for him.

"Master Lao."

The ancestor of the flames took a deep look at Wang Baole, did not ask the cause of the scene that happened two days ago, but raised his right hand and grabbed it, and immediately grabbed Xie Haiyang from the main star of the flames.

As soon as Xie Haiyang appeared, he immediately paid his respects to the ancestor of the flames and Wang Baole, and his eyes became more nervous and excited.

"Ocean, tell your uncle the principle and internal structure of the sacred furnace built by your father. After Chen Qingzi leaves the customs, this matter can resolve your father's offense."

Xie Haiyang is actually anxious about this these few days. After all, the matter of Chenqingzi has now been paid attention to by the entire Weiyang Universe. He also wants to discuss with Wang Baole, but Wang Baole has always been in retreat after he came back. Hearing these words at this moment, Xie Haiyang took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Wang Baole.

"Uncle Master, the ocean must know endlessly about the structure and principles of the sacred furnace, and it must be fully informed without any concealment!"

Wang Baole was about to speak, but the ancestor of flames had already laughed.

"The road is not short, you two will communicate later." As he said, the ancestor of the flames flicked his sleeves, and a flame burst into the sky. The sacred bull in the distance raised his head, roared and strode straight to the stars.

The ancestor of the flames also wrapped Wang Baole and Xie Haiyang, caught up with them a few steps, and stepped on the back of the **** cow.

The sacred cow roared again, and the flame outside the body burst out, and it continued to spread, seeming to cover a galaxy. With Wang Baole and Xie Haiyang, and the flame ancestors, they moved directly out of the flame galaxy, all the way like traveling through time and space, toward the dust Where Qingzi and the cracked moon fought, whizzed away.

All the galaxies were trembling wherever they passed on the way, passing through all the sects, they were all shocked, and even more families flew out from where they were located at a fast speed, seeing them from a distance, not daring to show disrespect.

This is the majesty of the Star Territory's mighty power. Along the way, the sacred cow almost dashed into a rampage, even if there was a galaxy in front of it, it would directly break open and shuttle past.

Wang Baole's heart also appeared with emotion, and he also wanted to become stronger. Xie Haiyang aside was a little better. After all, for the Xie family, there are some Star Territory powers, and he has experienced many times, especially at this moment. There are other things in my mind, so more time is to whisper to Wang Baole about the oven.

The oven made by his father for the Emperor of Split Moon was a treasure and could suppress all directions, but there were more or less tricks in it. What Xie Haiyang told Wang Baole was the trick.

Knowing this, Wang Baole will know more about ovens than others. Maybe it's useless, but maybe... it will be of great use.

In this way, time slowly passed by Xie Haiyang's notification and the gallop of the sacred cow. This time the journey was much farther than the Destiny Star or even the land of the stars.

This almost spanned the entire Zuo Dao sanctuary, and from the perspective of its scope, it was comparable to the small Weiyang universe, if Wang Baole had been replaced. I'm afraid it will take several years or even longer to make the leap, but in the gallop of the sacred cow, the time has been shortened to half a month!

So half a month later, for the first time in his life, Wang Baole... left the area of ​​Zuo Dao Sanctuary and appeared in the empty area between Zuo Dao Sanctuary and Weiyang Sanctuary!

This area is not very large, filled with countless space cracks, and more violent, it is not suitable for living, and it is not suitable for spiritual practice, so it is regarded as a boundary.

But now... the battlefield between Chen Qingzi and the Emperor of the Split Moon is here, so it has attracted the attention of countless families and sects from all sides. When Wang Baole and others arrived, they saw many figures and rushed from all directions. Come.

Most of them knew the ancestors of the flames, and they evaded after seeing them, so that the sacred cow sitting by the ancestors of the flames reached the edge of the battlefield without any hindrance!

As soon as he approached, Wang Baole's eyes shrank, and he saw that there was a vast gray mist in front of him. The dense and extremely dense mist covered all directions and completely enveloped a large area.

And outside this gray starry sky, there are countless various giant magic weapons and huge beast mounts. Among those magic weapons, there are inverted mountains, huge statues, and even water-ball-like planets.

As for the fierce beasts, there are more appearances, whether it is a giant tortoise or something like a ball of hair, there are everywhere, and every magic weapon or fierce beast, there are many monks, densely packed, I am afraid that the number of monks gathered here , More than tens of millions.

At the same time, there are changhongs, constantly going to and fro the starry sky shrouded in gray mist, with people coming in and coming out at all times.

All this makes this place very lively. In addition, with the arrival of the flame ancestors, there are more huge magic weapons and fierce beasts, bringing their respective monks, gathering from all directions, floating outside the gray starry sky, inside The monk immediately flew out and went straight into the gray misty starry sky.

"So many monks!" Wang Baole stood up and stared at the surrounding areas. The sects and families here are probably no less than a thousand people. Just by looking at them, there are all kinds of monks, and there are even some inhuman monks.

"It's a bit too much, I have all the good positions, but it doesn't matter. Since the teacher is here, whoever is optimistic about the position must give way to the mount of the teacher!" The ancestor of the flame sat on the back of the **** cow, lightly. Open up.

As the words came out, the old bull under the flames of the ancestor, as if responding, also let out a low roar that shocked all directions, mighty and extraordinary, the power of the stars spread out, so that many sect families around were seeing Then, one by one frowned.

"The lunatic blaze is here!"

"Isn't it because of the curse? Seeing everyone shouting to take out the curse that they have held back for thousands of years, shameless!"

"Unlucky, I will be ashamed to join him!"

During the discussion, many of the sects and families around him immediately avoided.

Seeing the ancestors of the flames and the elders being so powerful, Xie Haiyang was very encouraged, but Wang Baole looked weird. In fact, he was thinking about a problem along the way...

"Is the Master too deeply involved in the play... occasionally it's enough to be your own mount. After half a month on the road, the body has finished shouting at this moment, and then let the mount growl low. This... is not tired?"

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