A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1138: fishing!

Almost as soon as this sound appeared, outside of Wang Baole’s storage bag, the head of the little donkey turned out, still with his eyes closed, as if he was still asleep, but his nose moved frequently, and the speed was amazing, directly towards Wang Baole. The seemingly empty place behind him took a bite!

After taking this bite, I don't know what he bit, the little donkey's teeth broke directly, and his body burst in half, he let out a scream, and instantly returned to the storage bag.

Its screams also made Wang Baole open his eyes immediately, his body disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared in the distance, he suddenly looked around, showing suspiciousness in his eyes. It is true that Wang Baole's spiritual consciousness has also dispersed at this moment, but it is not there. Found any clues around.

"What's going on..." Wang Baole frowned, as he quickly absorbed the blue silk, while his spiritual sense melted into the storage bag, he saw the little donkey with only half of his body left.

This guy is still asleep at the moment... his stomach is bursting, and he hasn't woken up yet...

However, in its body, Wang Baole saw some black and cyan auras blending together, wandering in its body, constantly repairing it, it seems that it is also transforming it.

As for Xiao Wu... She was sleeping at the moment, and she seemed nothing unusual.

"Little donkey, is this something swallowing? It looks like lifelessness and blue silk..." Wang Baole was suspicious, because he wanted to absorb the breath of Weiyang from outside, his energy couldn't be dispersed, so he didn't have much time to stay here, so he had to Withdraw the spiritual consciousness, absorb the blue silk wholeheartedly, and strengthen the physical body.

And after his divine consciousness recovered, the sleeping Xiao Wu suddenly opened his eyes, and there was also the little donkey, and opened his eyes suddenly, one person and one donkey, looking at the small eyes with big eyes.

"Is it easy to use the method I taught you? By the way, the fish outside is delicious..." Xiao Wu felt his stomach and asked in a low voice.

"Son!" The little donkey let out a lazy voice, not caring about his bursting belly, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"This guy is so courageous, he really dared to eat...what the **** is this... you can even eat the heavens..." Xiao Wu was silent, looked at the little donkey's belly, and then looked at it licking his lips. After murmured, he touched his abdomen again...

He is also hungry.

"Isn't it heaven, you can really eat..." After a long while, Xiao Wu was puzzled. After quietly looking at the outside world, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the storage bag. Seeing the blurry figure escaping in the distance at this moment, he also licked his lips.

At this moment, in the area that Xiao Wu was looking at with a special method, Hei Yu was screaming and galloping. If you look closely at it, you can see that its tail is missing...

"Seeing a ghost, what is that thing, it can see me and bite me, ah, ah, it's not afraid to die." Heiyu cried with pain, and quickly returned to the core oven. We wailed again outside the fog. After no response, it felt aggrieved to the extreme. After a few laps, it had to leave and return to Wang Baole.

Only this time, it didn't dare to come closer. On the one hand, it was the bite that had just been bitten. On the other hand, it faintly felt that there seemed to be a longing look coming from there.

So it only dared to go outside and swallow those blue silks, as if to vent its grievances and anger on these blue silks, and soon, these blue silks were almost swallowed by Wang Baole and it.

"Next place!" Wang Baole's body flickered and went straight to the distance, but his mind was full of vigilance. The previous scene made him think that there might be something around him, and he focused on him.

"It seems that you can't underestimate these Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Sect Clan... The absorption of death energy should be slowed down, it is not good to be seen by others." Wang Baole pondered, faster.

In this way, in the next few hours, Wang Baole's figure appeared in one large vortex one after another. Whenever he entered, he would directly kill and drive away. The violent was so violent that all the cultivators had to flee, and his name was also very violent. It was quickly heard from the sect Tianjiao of Zuo Dao Sanctuary who had seen his portrait.

"Wang Baole?!"

"This pervert, this lunatic, his Dao star has become permanent, and even Chongyizi was blown by him, why bother to bully us!"

"It keeps saying that these whirlpools belong to him, why doesn't he say that the Emperor and Chen Qingzi are his elders!"

"Damn, he's here again, everyone, run!"

The entire gray starry sky, with Wang Baole’s arrogance and impact, was completely chaotic. Everywhere large vortex was occupied by him, absorbed by him, and a larger number of blue silks were absorbed by him, but Wang Baole seemed reckless, but he was absorbing the blue silks. In matters, it is still very cautious.

With its cultivation base, covering the surroundings can indeed make the second-tier tianjiao invisible here, but after all, there will still be monks like the old turtle and the beautiful and ugly.

Wang Baole didn't care too much about this. It was difficult to keep this matter secret, and now that good luck is rare, Wang Baole thought that his brother Chen Qingzi was the backer, so he didn't worry too much.

Because compared to worries and restrained, it is better to absorb here freely, and strive to let your body break through the stars and step into the star field!

Especially the notoriety of Wang Baole, as it spreads, it often ends up in a large whirlpool. As soon as he approaches, the people inside suddenly disperse, which speeds up his absorption.

So his physical body, under this continuous absorption and feedback, is rapidly ascending, from the late stage of the star, gradually toward the star's Dzogchen, and keep getting closer.

If you change to another person, you may have broken through long ago, but Wang Baole’s astrology is to turn stars into themselves. Invisible, every star is like a clone of him, so his physical improvement is slow, But every little improvement is earth-shattering.

As for the absorption of lifelessness, Wang Baole couldn't help but swallow a few more mouthfuls after stopping for a while, which made the black fish even more mad while it nourished the soul.

But the biggest gain was not Wang Baole's body and soul, but... his natal scabbard. This scabbard is no longer red now, but when it reaches its extreme redness, it appears purple and black.

Wang Baole only felt the aura exuding within it, and he felt shocked. It was obvious that the strength of it was already extremely amazing.

There is also... Little Donkey and Xiao Wu, these two guys' awakening were also noticed by Wang Baole. In fact, these two, as he absorbed one after another whirlpool, kept in his storage bag. It's impossible for Wang Baole to complain about each other, the voice is so loud.

"Stupid donkey, you can't swallow less. How dare you swallow that stuff so often!"

"My son!"

"My son, shit, converge, converge a little, otherwise it dare not come!"

Listening to the conversation between these two goods, at the same time I felt that they were also quietly devouring Qingsi. Wang Baole didn't care about this. After all, he was hungry for them for a long time, and even forgot that these two goods existed.

As a remedy, just absorb it. Anyway, if the blue silk is gone, he can't finish it, but he is curious that it is in the mouth of these two goods... so he couldn't help asking.

"What are you doing, who are you talking about?"

Following Wang Baole's opening, Little Donkey and Xiaowu solidified in an instant, and after a long while, Little Donkey carefully passed a sentence.

"My son."

"A delicious fish?" Wang Baole blinked, his consciousness swept towards Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu's body trembled, and his face was flattering, flattering.

"Dad, we are fishing..."

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully, thinking about the appearance of the little donkey and his bursting belly, and secretly said that there was a fish, which was by his side before, to be disadvantageous to himself, and was still following...

"Do you need my cooperation?" Wang Baole suddenly transmitted voice.

"Dad, absorb more of the lifelessness here. I guess that waste fish will definitely be unbearable." Xiao Wu was surprised, and said quickly.

"My son!" The little donkey also blinked, and quickly agreed.

"After you catch it, you two will be 10% each, and the remaining 80% will be regarded as your filial piety!" Wang Baole said immediately, categorically.

"..." Xiao Wu and Little Donkey were silent, and nodded aggrievedly after a long while.

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, and secretly said that he wanted to see what fish was so bold, and it would be detrimental to him to follow him all the way. At the same time, he also realized that he had absorbed blue silk before, why it looked so much around, but he had not absorbed so much. , I thought it was dissipated, but now I go to see... I'm afraid it was eaten by this fish.

"Eat my good fortune?!" Wang Baole's eyes widened, very dissatisfied, but considering fishing, it should not be too obvious, so he pretended to be unaware of the gray starry sky, constantly wandering, constantly absorbing, constantly strong, and gradually gray The large vortexes in the starry sky disappeared one by one, until Wang Baole looked for a long time and didn’t see it again. He put on a gesture of choking and choking when he was full, and he wanted to drink some water. Suddenly, the death aura from all around suddenly rushed towards him in a sudden!

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