A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1139: Senseless!

When he first sucked, Wang Baole controlled his intensity, and didn't absorb a lot. He just sucked in the dead energy within a certain range of the surroundings, so that he nourished his soul and conveyed bursts of comfort.

As for the blue silk caused by absorbing death, Wang Baole's body is now a lot tougher, and in his heart, thinking that the little donkey and Xiao Wu can both swallow the blue silk, it is really going to be a crisis, and it is a big deal to throw it out.

It is estimated that with the ability of these two goods, it should be impossible to die.

And the main reason for not absorbing a large amount immediately is...fishing, you can't use too much force, you have to cook it slowly, it needs to last for a long time, and it gradually wears off the opponent's reason and makes it impulsive before being caught by yourself.

"I want to see, what bold fish, dare to attack me!" Wang Baole snorted from the bottom of his heart, and while absorbing the dead air around him, he slowly increased his strength to make it larger in scope. More lifeless.

And his soul, also under the influx of this endless death aura, is more and more shocked, not only feels strong and extremely comfortable, but at the same time faintly, as the soul continues to grow, it also begins to feedback the cultivation base, so that the cultivation base is also Are gradually improved.

For a monk, the cultivation base, the soul, and the physical body are both separate and united. Therefore, the improvement of the soul and the physical body naturally leads to the improvement of the cultivation base indirectly.

It’s just that because it’s not specifically improving the cultivation base, the speed of this increase is a bit slow, but the advantage is that it is continuous, and Wang Baole is constantly increasing the intensity, making the surrounding death Qi gradually come, and gradually there will be a death Qi vortex. In the process, the black fish was tangling not far from him.

It deliberately swallowed Wang Baole in the past, and it was a hundred, but the bite before it made it frightened again, did not dare to approach, can not approach... Seeing that the dead spirit around was constantly being swallowed by Wang Baole, its heart was crazy again.

These death qi are all part of its body. For it, Wang Baole at this moment is not eating death qi, it is eating his own flesh and blood.

In this way, its entanglement is naturally strong, as if two consciousnesses appeared in his mind, one telling himself to rush over, the other telling himself to bear with it.

"Can't go, this guy absorbed my breath before, and it will stop at most for a while, I will endure!!" In the end, in the mind of this black fish, the consciousness that allowed it to endure prevailed and suppressed the impulse. .

So in the gray starry sky, Wang Baole and this fish had a stalemate. Wang Baole waited here for a long time and found that the fish hadn't appeared yet, and the blue silks around had gathered a lot at this moment. Some even started at full speed and rushed straight to themselves.

"Dad, what should I do? Or you can **** more at once, or the fish won't come!"

"My son!!" Xiao Wu and Xiao Donkey were also a little anxious, especially Little Donkey, their saliva flowed down uncontrollably.

"Stupid, you can't fish in a hurry!" Wang Baole snorted inwardly, ignoring Xiao Wu and Little Donkey. Instead, his body shook away quickly. While avoiding Qingsi, he once again slightly increased his absorption of death breath.

Suddenly, the life around him was a little more drawn, and Wang Baole also expanded his speed, galloping towards the distance, causing a large number of Qingsi to chase behind him, while he spoke quickly in his heart.

"You two, have you noticed that the fish is chasing?"

"Dad, the fish is still there, I can feel it is all around us!" Xiao Wu hurriedly said, and the donkey nodded frantically. Wang Baole was immediately calm, thinking that this stinky fish was very cautious.

"Don't be afraid of being cautious, I'm afraid of running away!" Wang Baole smiled slightly, and continued to gallop, continue to absorb lifeless energy, and the range of absorption became larger and faster, which made the black fish following him more and more crazy stand up.

"It's not over?!!!"

"Damn it, it's really endless!!" Heiyu's eyes were red. At this moment, the two consciousnesses in his mind woke up again, and once again crazily suppressed each other, causing its body to tremble. It really couldn't help it. , The nasty little thief in front of him, he didn't just absorb and give up as before, but continued to absorb...

Up to now, it has absorbed a lot, and from the looks of it, it seems that it is not over yet, which makes it crazy and deliberately to find Chen Qingzi, but Chen Qingzi has gone to look for it many times without paying attention, so at this moment Heiyu In the red eyes, fierce light was also revealed.

"Eat more, I will swallow you!!" While it roared in its heart, Wang Baole, who was galloping away, with the tens of thousands of blue silk gathered at the moment behind him, was still continuously absorbing death air.

It's just... his forehead is already sweating, and his heart is trembling, even Little Donkey and Xiao Wu are also shaking, there are too many blue silks chasing him, and the fish is actually It hasn't appeared yet, which makes Xiao Wu and Xiao Mao somewhat doubt their judgment.

Wang Baole also cursed secretly in his heart, but if he gave up now, he was a bit unwilling, besides...Although there were more and more blue silk behind him, his spirit also grew stronger with the absorption of death.

It can be said that at this moment, he is tangled in pain and happy.

"Not yet? Not yet!"

Wang Baole was anxious, and his eyes also showed madness. He wondered that the black fish might have reached the limit now, and the reason for not daring to appear might be waiting for an opportunity.

But if you wait like this, you won't be able to hold on for long, so...I should create a chance for the other party here.

Thinking of this, Wang Baole screamed fiercely in his heart, and spread his hands to pinch the tactics. Under the burning of the dark flames in his body, a majestic suction was directly formed, and he took a big breath towards the dead air around him!

This time, he released all the underworld fire in his body, released all cultivation bases, and swallowed with all his might. As a result, a roar was immediately formed, causing the death energy in a large area around him to violently violently move towards him. Rolling violently, emerge quickly.

From a distance, the total amount of life engulfed by Wang Baole this time was comparable to all he had before. As a result, the black fish became even more frustrated and manic, and his mouth made a roar, as if he was about to control it. Hold yourself, the impulse in your consciousness will overwhelm your reason.

Even at this moment, it seems that the temptation is not enough. With the absorption of death, the number of green silks around has reached seven or eighty thousand in an instant. Wang Baole seems to be playing with fire. After Little Donkey and Xiao Wu’s heart jumped, suddenly The body shook wildly, let out a scream, and spouted a big mouthful of blood.

It's like... eating and choking.

The speed of his meal was also affected. In an instant, those blue silks roared in, making Wang Baole's complexion greatly changed, and he was about to flee quickly...

But at this moment, the fierce light in Hei Yu's eyes blasted directly into the sky, and his body disappeared in an instant. When he appeared, he was behind Wang Baole, just about to open his mouth!

But almost as soon as it appeared and was about to open his mouth, Xiao Wu and Little Donkey in Wang Baole's mind all roared with excitement.

"Dad is behind you!"

"My son! My son!!!"

As the words echoed in Wang Baole's mind, in an instant... In Hei Yu's eyes, it saw the figure of a little donkey, and also saw a stubborn boy, and... the little thief who had originally been choked.

These three guys, with their eyes bright and excited, all opened their mouths, and bit them directly!

Even the little donkey who has tasted the sweetness, opened his mouth at this moment, and seemed to use all his strength to support it. The shape has changed, like a black hole, but Xiaowu is even more exaggerated, the body is gone, and there is only one mouth, in the saliva Flowing down, swallowing the same.

And the most exaggerated... was the little thief. This guy seemed to be transformed. In an instant there were tens of thousands of figures. Every one opened its mouth and swallowed it. It even saw a zombie. Weapons, a shadow of hatred and resentment, and a white deer with a big mouth open.

This scene immediately caused Hei Yu to stay here for a while, stunned there, as if frightened, his body was trembling.

It's really... these guys in front of me are even more cruel than him!

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