A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1146: The prince of war!

Staring at the Weiyang prince, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He now knows the Weiyang clan and knows that the so-called royal clan is actually the descendant of the **** emperor within the Weiyang clan.

Today’s Weiyang clan, Wang Baole doesn’t know how many other gods are there, but no matter what, he can be sent here, and there are so many protectors. Obviously, the status of the prince in his line is obvious, even if it is not the highest among the descendants, but It's definitely not low.

"Maybe it is the descendant of the God Emperor of Split Moon, or it may be the bloodline of the Emperor Xuanhua outside, or the bloodline of another God Emperor who has not come?" Wang Baole frowned slightly, and he felt some threats on this Prince Weiyang. .

It can even be said that if Wang Baole had not entered this gray starry sky and had not obtained the good fortunes before this place, if Wang Baole had fought against this person, he should not be an opponent.

After all, it is a celestial star, far beyond the earth level. Although it is not as good as his own Dao Heng, this person's cultivation is already a stellar Dzogchen. With his identity, he will inevitably obtain more resources. I want to come to the star realm now... It's all not far.

With such a role, Wang Baole knows that it is difficult to kill, it is easy to get into entanglement, and there must be many ways to save his life.

"Perhaps, the purpose of coming here is to gain good fortune here, so as to jump into the star field?" After all kinds of thoughts flashed through Wang Baole's mind, he suddenly smiled, and at this moment, his eyes showed a sharp light.

The brilliant light flashed by, and the combat intent was instantly transformed.

"Enemy with you?" The moment Wang Baole opened his mouth, his body rushed out in a flash, and the speed was so fast that Seta was close to the oven where Prince Weiyang was located!

There is no need to think about whether to be the enemy or not. As Wang Baole, his brother is in the battle of the God of War, so he must fight the Weiyang clan, and his master, the flame ancestor, also fights the Weiyang clan. There is no common sense, so no matter what, the enemy... is already doomed.

In that case, Wang Baole naturally didn't need to hesitate. Besides, the brother was in the central oven. How could he persuade him? In addition, the little girl of the Mingzong, Wang Baole felt that he could not be wrong, and the other party was a member of the Mingzong.

As for why the brother didn't make a move, Wang Baole didn't want to think about it anymore.

Therefore, in the next instant, Wang Baole broke into the void and threw a shocking roar. As soon as he appeared, he immediately made a fist with his right hand and dropped a fist.

In the roar, it was as if the stars were shaking. The guardian monks around the oven where Prince Weiyang was, burst out one by one, rushed out, and made all of them to suppress Wang Baole together.

In an instant, the two sides touched together, and the moment they touched...The prince Weiyang standing on the oven suddenly raised his right hand, and a cloud of black air appeared in his hand, and the black air rolled Sinochem made five black bamboo sticks!

One of the bamboo sticks was cut off by Prince Weiyang at the moment it appeared!

And at the moment of breaking, around the place where Wang Baole appeared, at least tens of thousands of bamboo sticks were distorted in nothingness, and they turned into an instant, whizzing towards him.

Wang Baole shrank his eyes, his physical strength burst out, still punching!

But at this moment, the prince Weiyang, with a touch of coldness in his eyes, spoke lightly.


At the moment when Prince Weiyang’s words came out, the tens of thousands of bamboo sticks did not wait to get close to Wang Baole, and they all blew up, forming a whirlwind-like storm, which immediately submerged Wang Baole, and at the same time the guardians around him shot, At this moment, all the cultivation bases broke out, and they all blasted away.

In the loud noise, the body of the protectors who shot were violently shaken, their complexions changed, and their bodies were involuntarily impacted by a strong force, all scattered, and in the storm of tens of thousands of bamboo sticks, Wang Baole at this moment looked like A little embarrassed, but with a powerful body, he still rushed out, with murderous intent in his eyes, locked on the prince Weiyang in the distance, and under a sway, he seemed to ignore the law guards around him and wanted to kill the prince.

Prince Weiyang's eyes remained unchanged. At the moment Wang Baole was about to rush, he broke a black bamboo stick again. In an instant...Wang Baole had to stop. Amidst the volatility around him, bamboo sticks appeared again, and the number... ... surpassed before, reached about 50,000.

Even at the moment they appeared, these bamboo sticks exploded once again, forming a storm that was even more astonishing than before, and the guardians around them were all killed again, and their magical powers, spells, and magic weapons were unfolded one after another.

The sound vibrated in all directions, causing the expressions of everyone around him to change. When stunned by Prince Weiyang’s intrepidity, Wang Baole’s roar also roared from the storm. The next moment...the guardians of the law overflowed with blood from the corners of their mouths and retreated again. Coming out, and Wang Baole, who was suppressed by their joint efforts, was like an ancient beast. Although he was embarrassed, his brutality was strong again and he still rushed out.


Prince Weiyang spoke lightly, and he was also relieved. In his thoughts, if he is blindly fierce, such a strong man is actually not terrible, and it is easy to break it.

And the person in front of him, judging from his performance after entering this place, is very overbearing, and this overbearing is indeed in line with his current judgment, such a role, he has killed several in his life.

So at the moment when Wang Baole rushed forward again like crazy, the prince Weiyang gave a chuckle and broke the three black bamboo sticks in front of him at once!

At the moment of disconnection, in an instant around Wang Baole, more than 100,000 bamboo sticks appeared, and in the blink of an eye, all these more than 100,000 bamboo sticks burst open!

The sound of the booming sound suddenly swelled, a storm that exceeded the previous one too much, and it broke out around Wang Baole in an instant, and the more than a dozen Dharma protectors around were all grinning, their cultivation level erupted, Wei Young’s true body Revealed, the momentum is at least twice as powerful as before!

Obviously, they didn't go all out before, they were all hiding their strength. At this moment, they burst out, like more than a dozen fierce gods, from all around to the storm where Wang Baole was, blasting the past with all their combat power!

Even at this moment, the prince Weiyang also shook his body and left the oven during his steps. When his right hand was raised, a huge stone seal quickly condensed in front of him, and suppressed Wang Baole, who was surrounded by the storm and the crowd!

"Stupid!" While suppressing, the prince Wei Young showed contempt in his eyes, but... just as he approached the shot, and all the guardians around broke out, the storm was also roaring, a calm voice, suddenly From the storm, a light spread.

"You finally came out, Zhi Ze!" Almost the moment they shot, everyone thought that Wang Baole was in a violent violent situation. His expression was very calm, his eyes showed a strange light, and his right hand was raised and grabbed. , The Dao Heng star behind him suddenly appeared.

The paper law, even at this moment, burst out.

That is the law of Dao Heng, that is the blessing of nine quasi-dao stars, that is the traction of tens of thousands of special stars, all this kind of all makes the paper-based law, at this moment, reach the extreme!

During the roar, a wave of divine consciousness that is hard to detect, directly centered on Wang Baole, spreading to the surroundings, and everything was paper!

The storm becomes shredded paper!

The guardians around, their bodies shook violently in an instant, and at the same time their faces appeared in amazement, their bodies were directly transformed into paper men!

Even the stone seal is like this, and there is also Prince Weiyang who is coming. His body shook suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, it was too late to regress, and the ripples passed on him instantly!

His body, visible to the naked eye... rapidly paper!

"Who is a fool?" The starry sky seemed to have become white. Within the countless pieces of paper, Wang Baole's figure walked out, without the slightest anger or the slightest violent, but calm and calm, and spoke softly to the papered Prince Weiyang.

Even between the openings, he raised his right hand, and the flame... spread towards all the pieces of paper around!

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