A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1147: Scalp numb!

"Who is a stupid person..." Prince Weiyang's eyes shrank, and there was no time to respond, and even his emotions didn't have time to surface at this moment. The moment the flame broke out from Wang Baole and spread to the surroundings, Prince Weiyang's mouth , Let out a strong roar.

Under this roar, his star transformed, Wei Young's true body transformed, but he still couldn't stop himself from becoming paper, he could only postpone it slightly. Now half of his body was papered, it was a head and three arms. !

But he was also a ruthless person. At the crisis, the other two heads bit their tongues and spouted two mouthfuls of blood. These blood quickly gathered on top of his head into a **** dagger, not at Wang Baole, but at himself!

In the next instant, the blood shook the sky, and the blood-colored dagger fell directly on Prince Weiyang himself, slashing past, directly cutting off all his paper-shaped bodies, suddenly...cut off!

One head and three arms, instantly separated from his body!

As the blood spurted out, the prince Weiyang made a stern sound, but his body was cut off with the paper part, and he instantly relaxed and retreated suddenly. During this retreat, he quickly took out a large amount of pill and swallowed his body. It withered rapidly, at the cost of consuming an arm and a head, causing half of the body to grow flesh and blood, and finally barely recovered.

But his complexion was extremely pale, and his breath was too weak, but after all, he was still alive. As for the others...there was no prince Weiyang’s means and decisiveness, plus Wang Baole’s flame was released too quickly, so In the eyes of this prince Weiyang and everyone around him, the spread of the flame at this moment turned into a storm of shredded paper and burned directly.

Then there were more than a dozen Weiyang law protectors scattered around. The moment their bodies became paper people, the flames had already hit their faces, covering their bodies directly, and instantly... completely burned and turned into flying ash!

With more than a dozen law protectors, none of them escaped, their form and spirit were destroyed!

"Wang Baole!!!" Prince Weiyang is no longer as calm as he once was. He is disheveled and embarrassed. This time, it is really too much for him.

All the members of the law-protecting tribe died, and he almost fell here. At the same time, the trauma of the soul was even greater. He thought he was calculating people, but he did not expect that he was the one who was calculated.

What kind of overbearing and recklessness are all fake!

From beginning to end, the **** guy in front of him was playing mystery, putting on a sturdy look, in order to get himself hooked.

In this way, the other party can directly crush oneself without expending too much effort, otherwise, even if they are evenly matched, once they are entangled, they will cause other chain reactions.

In an instant, the prince Weiyang understood everything, but the more he understood, the more frustrated and mad in his heart.

Because his loss was too great, not only was the protector gone, he was hit hard, and his aura was also weakened too much. Even his cultivation base was hit and dropped. It was no longer the Dzogchen, but became a late stage star. .

And all this is due to a mistake of judgment!

But at this moment, it is not only him who is crazy here, but all the monks around who have witnessed this scene with their own eyes have set off a big wave in their hearts and shocked them. It is really Wang Baole's shot, too cruel!

The previous shots in the battle for the oven can only be said to be domineering, not cruel, only a fight with Prince Weiyang, can be called cruel, such a role, immediately let everyone breathe in. There was even stronger fear of Wang Baole.

"The cultivation base is strong, and the scheming is deep..."

"It seems to be overbearing, making it cold and cruel..."

"Zuo Dao Sanctuary, there is such an enchanting generation!"

Not only the people who competed for the oven were shocked, but at the moment, the three forces that existed in the other three main ovens were also facing great enemies, and their hearts were very shaken.

Among the forces with the silver dragon phantom, the silver dragon stared at Wang Baole, and a tall woman faintly appeared in the oven below him, looking at Wang Baole.

There is also the power of circling the five elements and the oven that transforms five ancient swords. It is also the same inside. A young man can be seen sitting cross-legged in it, and his eyes are opened at this moment.

Finally, there is another oven occupied by the Weiyang clan. There is also a young man in it. Judging from his temperament and breath, he is also a prince, but it seems that he is not in the same vein as the one who was hit hard by Wang Baole.

Being watched by everyone around him, Wang Baole didn't pay much attention. At this moment, his eyes swept over the pale, resentful Prince Weiyang, who gritted his teeth and called his name, and spoke lightly.

"My name, how can you say it at will!" During the words, Wang Baole's body shook and disappeared in an instant. The face of the prince Weiyang changed again, and his body quickly retreated without hesitation. The goal was where another prince Weiyang was.

But his speed was still not as good as Wang Baole's. Before he could rush out, there was nothing twisting around him. Wang Baole stepped out, raising his right hand and punching directly!

"Do you want to kill me?" Wang Baole's voice was calm, and with this punch he went all out, and directly hit the prince Weiyang with cracks in his body. Blood was splashed. Before the prince Weiyang screamed, Wang Baole shook. Catch up, punch again!

"You still call me stupid?" This punch, plus the power of speed, was stronger than before. With a thud, the prince Weiyang blasted directly into the air. There were more cracks in his body, and even his bones were cracked. Open, the whole person seems to be torn apart soon.

"Do you still dare to call my name?" Wang Baole's eyes flashed murderously, and his body stepped out to catch up with him. He lifted his right foot towards the Weiyang prince and was about to fall.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from the oven of another Prince Weiyang.

"Friends of Taoism, injury is fine, but killing is unnecessary."

Wang Baole didn't even look at it, pretending that he didn't hear it, and the person who spoke just spoke, and didn't stop it. Obviously...As a fellow clan, it is his responsibility to speak, but it is not an obligation to speak.

Naturally, I couldn't hide this from Wang Baole. Otherwise, the other party would have taken action before. In fact, this was one of the reasons why Wang Baole showed no-brainer frenzy at the beginning.

So he still fell with one foot at the moment, and in the roaring sound, the prince who was continuously hit hard, his body was broken, his body collapsed and torn apart, his soul did not know what means he deployed, and at the moment his body collapsed, he directly attacked A violent force exuded from outside, causing Wang Baole's body to be violently pushed away.

And the prince's spirit, at this moment, made a stern sound, was engulfed by a cloud of black air, and sprinted towards the distance. In the next instant, it rushed out of the center of the gray starry sky and fled outside.

"Wang Baole!!" When the roar came out, the prince's soul hadn't noticed at all. At this moment, where he was going, a black fish, a donkey and a young man with thieves and eyebrows were approaching quickly, with no good intentions.

Not only did he fail to notice, but none of the stars in this place noticed this scene except Wang Baole. They were all shocked by Wang Baole's actions.

Wang Baole didn't pay attention to the one who had escaped. At this moment, he shook his body and reached the top of the oven where the little girl of Mingzong was. He lowered his head and glanced, raising his right hand with a wave, and immediately released the seal, and the one who was trapped inside. The little girl leaped up, cheered with excitement on her face and admiration in her eyes.

"Uncle is amazing!"

"I'm not your uncle!" Wang Baole glanced at the little girl and felt the breath of the Mingzong on the other side, but there was still some vigilance in his heart, and even started calling his brother from the bottom of his heart.

"Brother, who is this bear boy?"

"What child?" Soon, Chen Qingzi's surprised voice came from Wang Baole's heart.

"Ah? The Mingzong little girl in front of me." Wang Baole was taken aback.

"In front of you? There is nothing in your place..." When Wang Baole heard this, his eyes shrank instantly, and when he looked at the little girl again, the other party actually...none!

Wang Baole was shocked, and looked around again, and found that everyone in these surroundings did not show the slightest surprise in their expressions, as if... from the beginning to the end, they did not see any little girl, as if everything before. , Are my own illusions!

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