A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1148: Weird little girl!

Wang Baole's eyes narrowed in an instant. All of this was so strange that at this moment, he had some scalp numb, standing in the same place and looking around, no matter how his consciousness spread, he did not see the little girl in the slightest. In the meantime, Wang Baole didn't continue to speak to brother Chen Qingzi, but called the young lady from the bottom of his heart.

The strange thing is that Miss Sister did not respond here either. Wang Baole didn't think anything when she didn't respond at other times, but today, he has a vaguely indescribable feeling.

Fortunately, at this moment Xiaowu, Xiaomaolu, and Xiaoheiyu have returned after surrounding the prince Weiyang who is only left with the soul. Although they are not near the oven area, Wang Baole has already felt it.

"Little Wu, Little Donkey, come!" After sensing them, Wang Baole immediately spoke. Soon, in the vigilance of everyone around, Xiao Wu and Little Donkey quickly came to Wang Baole's side.

As for the little black fish, it was the same, surrounded by Wang Baole, but others couldn't see it, and Wang Baole didn't pay attention to the little black fish at this moment, but immediately transmitted to Xiao Wu and the little donkey.

"You describe everything I did after entering this oven area!"

Xiao Wu was surprised, and Little Donkey also scanned Wang Baole curiously.

"Say it!" Wang Baole frowned, feeling a little irritable in his heart, seeing that, Xiao Wu hurriedly spoke.

"Dad, when you just arrived, there was a guy who didn't open your eyes. You slapped him to death. Then he went to **** the oven and was besieged by more than a dozen people who didn't know good or bad. It was easy to kill a lot of them, and the others were shocked, and the birds scattered until Dad occupies an oven, no one dared to provoke, the world is invincible!"

"My son!" Little Donkey nodded quickly, indicating that Xiao Wu was right.

"Then what?" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and asked Transmit.

"Then? The prince Weiyang who was caught by us, this guy provokes his dad without knowing how to die, and his dad went up to suppress him again when he was angry." Xiao Wu looked at Wang Baole strangely.

"How did he provoke me?" Wang Baole asked again.

"Ah? He just walked out of the oven where he was, and yelled at Dad." Xiao Wu's expression was even more strange, it was the ones Wang Baole asked, which made him feel that something was wrong.

Wang Baole also felt that something was wrong, and after being silent, he suddenly spoke.

"Because of that little girl?"

"What little girl?" Xiao Wu was stunned, and Little Donkey was also stunned, which made Wang Baole's mind fluctuate. Xiao Wu might lie, but Little Donkey could not. It was connected with Wang Baole's mind, and Wang Baole could clearly feel each other. Thoughts.

Everything is exactly as Xiao Wu said.

So... What is the truth? Wang Baole already has the answer in his heart. Perhaps at that moment, everyone here has an illusion, or... it's just an illusion.

But in any case, no one saw that little girl. Even in Wang Baole's heart, Chen Qingzi, the omnipotent brother, didn't see any little girl. Then this matter...it's too scary to think about it. .

Faintly, a strong sense of crisis made Wang Baole vigilant, and at the same time made him more urgent to improve his cultivation. So after a few breaths of silence, Wang Baole's body jumped up and led him to the first one he occupied. The furnace, with the oven below now, broke out together.

Suddenly, the broken rules within it rushed to Wang Baole like a torrent, instantly melted into his body, and was absorbed by his natal scabbard like a whale.

Soon, around Wang Baole, a whirlpool appeared. This whirlpool grew bigger and bigger, and even affected the other seven ovens, causing the monks around the seven ovens to change their expressions.

At this moment, suddenly, a silver bell-like laughter echoed in Wang Baole's ears, and the starry sky echoed all around. Wang Baole opened his eyes suddenly after hearing the laughter.

He did not see the master who laughed, but he saw the monks here, whether they were fighting for the oven before, or the three who already had the title, everyone...at this moment, there were twists in their eyes. Mang, it seems that there is a strange power, silently, affecting all the monks in this place.

Even Xiao Wu and Xiao Donkey were the same. For a moment, a black light appeared in their eyes, but the little black fish still wandered away without any reaction.

Seeing the changes in these monks, Wang Baole was startled, and immediately waved his hand to put Xiao Wu and Xiao Donkey in the storage bag, and then called to his senior.

But... his call, as if blocked, didn't come out.

"Uncle, don't be so vigilant, I won't harm you..."

"It's just... there are too few people dead here, so it's not fun." The little girl's voice, with a faint meaning, in the moment of Wang Baole's heart echoing, surrounded by the Tianjiao of thousands of families, eyes Bloodshot spikes in his blood, Qi Qi looked at Wang Baole, and then let out a low growl, as if he had encountered a strange enemy, from all directions, toward Wang Baole, blasting and killing.

The strongest are three!

One was the woman in the place where the silver dragon phantom was, the other was the young man who rushed out of the five-element ancient sword, and the last was the remaining prince Weiyang.

These three monks are all Dzogchen, and at the star level, Prince Weiyang is a celestial rank. Although the other two are not, the stars are very special, and they are not lower than the sky.

At this moment, the world was shaking, and the sky was roaring, and the rest of the people also broke out in their cultivation base, seeming to be crazy, and screamed and killed.

"What's going on!" All of this was too sudden. It can be said that everything changed after the little girl appeared. Even if Wang Baole is strong, his heart is shaken at this moment. It is true that he has not yet reached that kind. It can suppress dozens of stars here alone.

After all, the people here are basically the Dzogchen Dzogchen, and there are still three inside, far surpassing the true tianjiao in the same realm, so the next moment, Wang Baole's body regressed suddenly.

Almost as soon as he retreated, where he was before, he was directly penetrated by the ancient sword of the five elements, and when he was roared by the illusory silver dragon, a claw fell, and there were a lot of magical powers, flooded like mountains and seas. .

"Who are you?" After Wang Baole avoided, he was near the core oven and roared towards the surroundings. The sound was like thunder, spreading in all directions, and covering the core oven.

But... it obviously felt like the brother inside, but now he didn't react at all.

This scene made Wang Baole's heart deep again.

"Uncle, no one here can detect it. Don't worry, you can kill boldly. Too few people die, it's not fun. Uncle, come on."

"As for who I am... Uncle, guess?" The little girl's voice, with a weird laughter, constantly echoed in the surroundings. The monks who were affected by it were all more mad, even a few , When rushing towards Wang Baole, he exploded directly.

During the roar, Wang Baole retreated quickly and looked ugly, but fortunately, although he avoided it, the connection with the two ovens was still there. At this moment, there are still a large number of broken rules, emanating from the two ovens, He came in, so seeing the cultivators all around, after they rushed forward again with red eyes, Wang Baole showed a glimmer of coldness in his eyes, and his life scabbard suddenly spread.

Suddenly, the suction power increased, and the infinite breaking rules rushed into the natal sword sheath madly, making the sword sheath gradually appear to be blurred and transparent after reaching the incomparable darkness.

The natal scabbard, this is Wang Baole’s assassin, and in his mind at this moment, it seems that the only thing that can break the game, he can feel that as the natal scabbard is absorbed, there seems to be a sword energy in it... , And more and more terrifying!

Of course, besides that, there is Taoism.

It's just that the use of Taoism cannot be maintained for too long, and it is more of a suppressive deterrent, not sharp enough!

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, ignoring the monks rushing around, dodging and avoiding again and again, accelerating the absorption of the broken rules.

At the same time, in the starry sky all around, the cyan silk threads seem to be able to ignore the blockade due to the different levels, and flash out in them, and the number is increasing...

Thirty thousand, fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand...


Today I’m in a bad state, I’m not responsible for reluctantly writing it down, I’m really sorry, I overestimated myself, I owe a chapter, a total of 6 chapters

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