A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1179: Tao

"Master, what is Tao?" Wang Baole once asked this question in Ming Meng.

"Can you control your legs, control the route you want to take, forward, backward, left, right...or stay where you are? Even if you have a disability, there is a way for your heart, the same ."

"of course can."

"This is the Tao."

"Master, I don't know much..." Wang Baole was at a loss.

"If there are crises in the back, left, and right, how do you go?" His master, with a deep look in his eyes, said softly.

"Naturally move forward!"


"Huh? It should be free."

"Can you walk the way you want, at ease?"

"Be at ease."

"This is the Tao. When you understand the true meaning of freedom, you will understand what your Tao is."

In the bottom of Wang Baole's heart, there was an inquiry between himself and the master. He originally thought he understood, but later found out that he didn't understand it. Before coming to the tomb of Emperor Hades, he thought he understood.

But after sitting down cross-legged, he still found that he didn't understand. Until now, in this destiny, he was asking, he was thinking, faintly, he seemed to have caught something.

What is the mission of the Mingzong?

Wang Baole asked himself in the bottom of my heart.

The superficial mission is to divide yin and yang on behalf of the heavens and transform life and death, so that the cycle of life and death in this world will form a balance, so that the living cannot live forever, and the dead will not perish forever.

Just like a rumor.

"If you want to know the cause of the past life, the recipient of this life is..."

Accumulate good in the past life, be blessed in this life, do evil in the past life, give suffering in this life, and the cause of the past life affects this life, but if only this is the case, this is not a cycle, which will make the living without hope, so the next rumor has been made.

"If you want to know the fruit of the next life, what you do in this life is..."

Accumulate good in this life, virtue and blessing in the next life, do evil in this life, give suffering in the next life, and the fruit of the next life should be seen in this life.

And destiny, in fact, is not unchangeable. For example, Wang Baole, who is destined, is the first soul of his destiny. He will not completely freeze his destiny, but will leave a trace of opportunity, a ray of change, this opportunity, this Change, grasp it, and change your fate.

It's just that the so-called change of life is actually there to follow.

The truth is...There are many destinies before the creatures, and everything depends on how they go, no matter how they go, they are all in the game.

The world is like a chessboard, and all beings are chess pieces.

This is the shallow mission of the Mingzong. As for the deep level, it is outside the chessboard. There is a **** named Luo Tian. He uses his palm to fossilize a stone tablet, uses a palm print to shape his destiny, and uses flesh and blood to transform heaven. Everything can't escape. One word of seal.

Seal all beings, seal the universe, seal all.

Therefore, there will be struggle, so there will be resistance, so there will be unwillingness.

From this point of view, Mingzong is right, so are sentient beings, Weiyang clan...actually the same.

Wang Baole didn't want to evaluate who was wrong, and he didn't want to think about it, because at this moment, he was in this destiny, and the third meaning of the mission of the Mingzong emerged in his mind.

That's... tolerance!

Not for Luo Tian, ​​not for Ming Dao, I paint my corpse face, I decide my life fortune, reincarnation is there, naturally I have to go, but... the destiny of all living beings is far from being planned by the Mingzong, instead of mastering everything Inside, people think that they succeeded in changing their lives, but in fact they are still accused. It is better to... add an unknown to the fate!

An unknown road, a road not controlled by others, full of infinite possibilities.

Let the extraordinary be transcendent, and let the ordinary be safe!

Tao, why can there be only one?

Luo Tian...Perhaps he was wrong. In this world of steles, he was wrong. In the outside world, he was even more wrong. He wanted to protect, but he became a master. Therefore, there is a stunning and peerless generation who kills him. Fingers, take their own extraordinary path.

Therefore, there is the first sentence in the rumors.

"When the world separates, the cycle of fate ends..."

What Luo Tian has to do is to continue the reincarnation when this destiny ceases. This is the case in the stele world and the outside world. Let the reincarnation of destiny still exist. His purpose is to control or protect. These are not important, important. Is...

His way is wrong.

Wang Baole opened his eyes suddenly, his thoughts spread in his mind, he didn't know whether his thoughts were really correct, maybe he was wrong too, but it didn't matter, this was his way of understanding.


Unlike the Dao of the brothers, the Dao of the brothers used to be the first level mission, but now it is the second level mission.

It is similar to the master’s Tao, but it is also different, because the master’s Tao was once the second-level mission, but now it is the first-level mission.

"In my past life, the stories I heard from Yiyi's father and everything I saw made me always have a question."

"Luo Tian, ​​it seems very pitiful."

"He seems to be protecting something, but as he walks, he becomes in control, so there is resistance, so there is struggle."

"Until I was before, in the illusion reflected by the woman in red, I saw the 108 figures..." Wang Baole murmured in his heart. He had a guess, why Luo Tian wanted to control...

Perhaps, he came from the nihility where the one hundred and eight figures were, perhaps, he was hostile to that place, or maybe...the way he went out was the same self-contained universe, achieving true power!

"But anyway, from the time I started thinking, even if I was wrong, I have no regrets!" Wang Baole muttered in his heart, suddenly raised his right hand, and with a sudden wave, all the souls around him spread out. The destiny compass of the sky is also spinning like never before.

The gray fate aura fell and merged into the wisps of souls, making these souls more agile and destined on the basis of vitality, and at the same time...their destiny was incomplete.

Because... there is no cause and effect! !

Lead the soul, corpse face, set fate, lead cause and effect!

Among these four steps, Wang Baole erased the last step, allowing the soul’s fate to be determined, but cause and effect to choose by himself. All causal choices represent a change in fate. If this change goes on, it will not be within the scope of fate. Inside!

Tolerate everything and allow everything!

"This is the way I am trying to walk..." muttered, as Wang Baole's eyes became brighter, and as he slowly stood up, the world roared!

All the souls around him will make their own decisions about cause and effect. Although the fate exists, the future is unknown. At this moment, surrounded by the sound of the world, the sea below churned, revealing a huge crack.

This crack continued to spread, and directly crossed the next layer that was originally going to lead cause and effect, revealing... the deepest part, the bottom of the tomb of the Emperor!

There, there is a coffin, and in front of the coffin, an old man is sitting cross-legged!

At this moment, the old man looked up, with emotion and relief in his eyes, and looked at Wang Baole.

"You understand."

"Disciple understand!" Wang Baole bowed deeply.

"Freedom represents the physical body. For example, a person released from prison in my hometown will say that he will be free from now on; while freedom represents the spirit, watching the world freely, and making oneself free!"

"My way makes me free and at ease, so this way is my choice!"

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