A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1180: Lights off

"Not complete yet." The old man sitting cross-legged by the coffin at the bottom of the Underworld Tomb has a smile on his face. Although his body exudes the breath of old age, his smile is as always, the same as the memory of Wang Baole's Mingmeng. Warmth, the same kindness.

  This gaze fell on Wang Baole’s eyes and merged into his heart, making Wang Baole’s many pains in his heart over the years seemed to have been resolved, and there was more left, only peace and tranquility.

"Master..." Wang Baole looked at the figure deep in the tomb of the Emperor Underworld, gradually showing a smile on his face, did not ask why it was not complete, but stood up and faced the channel formed by the huge crack exposed in the black water below. Go step by step.

His figure walked into the Black Sea, into the cracks, into the next layer that was resonated by the way of his perception, and then torn apart. This layer was originally a cause and effect, but now it can't be contaminated by Wang Baole's breath, let him Passed, and entered another layer.

  In this way, he got closer and closer to his master, until he reached the bottom of the tomb of the Emperor Underworld, before the coffin, and came to the front of the master.

I didn't look at the coffin, nor did I pay attention to the two figures of a man and a woman who appeared on the upper floor when I walked all the way, let alone the two figures, looking at my own eyes with surprise , Also with vigilance, more complicated and unwilling.

  These are not important anymore, because in Wang Baole's eyes, only his master is now.

   Gradually approached, Wang Baole paused in front of the smiling and kind master, raised his clothes, knelt in front of the master, with respect, with gratitude, and peace, and bowed his head to the master.

  All movements are meticulous, although slow, but very serious, very serious.

  Ming Kunzi’s smile is as usual, but there is more emotion, more appreciation, more...distressed.

"I regret being a teacher, maybe I shouldn't lead you to Mingmeng." Ming Kunzi sighed softly, looking at the disciple in front of him, he saw Wang Baole's suffering, saw his tiredness, saw his blankness, and also watched To his way.

  "Master, disciples do not regret it." Wang Baole raised his head and smiled.

Ming Kunzi shook his head, with more wrinkles on his face and older body breath. His eyes became softer and more distressed. He seemed to raise his hand and touch Wang Baole's head, but instead of raising his eyes, he looked Moved away from Wang Baole and looked at the tomb of Emperor Underworld, outside the River Styx, in the void... the figure of another disciple.

  When he looked at this figure, his eyes were no longer gentle, but regretful, complicated, sad, and... helpless, and that figure, also in silence, bowed to him and bowed deeply.

  Finally, Ming Kunzi retracted his gaze, his expression was a little sorrowful, and after a while, he looked at Wang Baole again, and muttered softly.

  "Are you here to take the remains of the Emperor Hades for your brother?"

  "The remains of the Emperor Underworld are of great use to the brother, the disciple...want to help him get it." Wang Baole looked at the master and spoke softly.

  Ming Kunzi smiled, and after taking a deep look at Wang Baole, he nodded.

   "Go get it."

   "Thank you, Master!" Wang Baole got up and bowed again. The trip went smoothly. He realized his way and was about to obtain the remains of the Emperor of the Underworld for his brother, and even saw the master who thought he had fallen.

  This made his heart more peaceful, and even the idea that he didn't intend to stay in the Mingzong was shaken at this moment. Although the Tao is different, if the master and the senior are here, then...Wang Baole feels that he should stay.

  With this thought, Wang Baole walked towards the coffin. At this moment, the two quasi-men, a man and a woman not far away, were looking at him.

  At this moment, within the nine emptiness above, Chen Qingzi's eyes were also staring at him.

  At this moment, there are even a series of Mingzong monks who have been freed by the changes in the tomb of the Emperor of the Underworld, all of them have noticed and looked at him!

  Wang Baole, who was converged by all his sights, did not notice. At this moment, as he approached, the master looked at him with reminiscences, and even more...goodbye.

  Because Ming Kunzi did not tell Wang Baole that Chen Qingzi had already come before Wang Baole came, and he wanted to take the remains of the Underworld Emperor, but he did not agree and refused directly.

That’s why...there was Wang Baole’s arrival. He didn’t want to talk about it, nor did he want to see conflicts between Wang Baole and Chen Qingzi. Both of them were his disciples. One kept in reality, followed since childhood, and finally betrayed and lived. In the pain, until it merged with the Heavenly Dao, he went to the other extreme.

  One, I put myself under the door in Mingmeng, let him experience everything in the dream, and today, I have found my way, and my original intention has not changed.

   "That's okay..." Ming Kunzi murmured in his heart and closed his eyes. He didn't want his youngest disciple to see the scene of his disappearance.

However, Wang Baole’s experience made him more sensitive than Ming Kunzi’s judgment. Almost as soon as Wang Baole walked towards the coffin and was about to approach, Wang Baole's footsteps suddenly stopped, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. His instinct told Own, this matter...something is wrong!

  But he didn't know what was wrong, so he looked back at Master.

At this glance, it seemed no different, but after Wang Baole was silent, a faint light flashed in his eyes. The shadows of the previous life in his body appeared one after another, and the aura from the scabbard of his life was released. After all gathered in his eyes, the light in his eyes Shine, but... it's still business as usual.

  "Not going yet?" Perceiving Wang Baole's gaze, Ming Kunzi opened his eyes and spoke gently and kindly.

  Wang Baole paused. At this moment, he was less than half a foot away from the coffin. However, he hesitated because of his instinct. Although everything was normal, he looked at the master’s face and asked.

  "Master, do you... have anything to tell the disciple? If I take the remains of the Emperor, will it affect you...?"

  Ming Kunzi smiled.

  "You child, Mingmeng is not a suspicious temper, how can it be like this, you, you have to think more, you are not the Emperor of the Underworld, what influence can it have, go and take it away."

  Wang Baole was silent for a while, and suddenly spoke.

   "Master, you said my Tao before, but it is not complete yet. I don't know how to complete it?"

   "After taking it, the teacher will tell you, go." Ming Kunzi smiled dumbly and closed his eyes.

  Wang Baole frowned, looked at Master, and then at the coffin of the Emperor Underworld. After a few breaths, he suddenly raised his hand and waved on the storage bag, and suddenly a small bottle appeared in his hand!

  It is the wishing bottle!

   "I make a wish, give me the eyes of the truth now!"

When Wang Baole’s words came out, Ming Kunzi’s eyes suddenly opened. At the same time, the gaze from above also became dignified, because...at this moment, the wishing bottle radiated heat and merged into Wang Baole’s body, converging his eyes, making his At this moment in the eyes, black lightning wandered.

  Even at the moment when the lightning appeared, everything in front of Wang Baole's eyes... changed in an instant!

  Although it is still the tomb of the Emperor Underworld, it is still the coffin, it is still the master, but... the figure of the master is not solid, but illusory... that is the soul body!

  More on this soul body, three strands of soul silk spread out, connected to the coffin, and there... there are three soul lamps that Wang Baole could not see before!

  The soul lamp is off and the museum can be opened!

  The soul lamp goes out, and the soul is dead!

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