A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1187: Unclear

Time passed slowly, and the tomb of the Emperor Underworld was very quiet. Only the soft songs echoed, gradually calming Wang Baole's inner sadness and making his inner fatigue all dissipated at this moment and turned into a deep sleep.

It's safe, warm and practical.

The outside Styx seemed to be alive, as if he had also felt the ballads from Wang Yiyi, and gradually there were no waves, and even the countless souls in it were now calmed down and no longer roared in pain.

There is also that Pluto, I don't know if it was also affected, but it also calmed down, and no sound came out, as if it had fallen asleep.

Looking at the whole Jiuyou Land, Styx is quiet, Pluto is quiet, and everything is peaceful. Only Wang Yiyi's voice seems to radiate from the Styx, echoing the entire Jiuyou.

"The wind is blowing gently, the bird is whispering, baby is not sad, hurry up and sleep..."

"Xue'er floats slowly, her tears quietly fall, the baby is not sad, she wakes up and smiles happily..."

This voice is gentle, without the slightest hostility, not the slightest sharpness, some are just as gentle as water, as gentle as wind... Slowly, it also falls into the center of the endless vortex above Jiuyou, the lonely one The figure is inwardly.

This figure is sitting there cross-legged, like a person propping up the vortex of the starry sky, a person suppressing the endless nether, his heart, his way, everything about him is indifferent? But at this moment... with the song Melting in, he opened his eyes slowly and lowered his head? Staring at Styx.

Time passes a little bit? Ten days? Thirty days, one hundred days...

Wang Baole woke up.

When he opened his eyes, there was a dazed look in his eyes? With reminiscences? He looked at himself in a daze, the familiar face staring at himself, saw the gentleness in the eyes in the face? The ears were still reverberating faintly. Song? He seemed to have a dream.

In the dream? There was no ancient bronze sword in the solar system? In the dream... there was no dispute in the Federation? In the dream... the spiritual energy on the earth was still thin? There was no monk.

In my dream... I am a little fat man, living in a small city, ordinary.

I was admitted to a university that was not very good. After I graduated, I entered the society. I am confused about the work? Falling in love? Have experienced the failure of work? Have also experienced the loss of love? Although the body is gradually no longer so fat, but the face The vicissitudes of life have gradually increased.

He has also married a wife, and he has had his own children? Like other ordinary people, although the work is not good and the income is not large, if you don’t want to be rich, you can still have enough food and clothing, but in the ordinary, he gradually Forgetting the dreams of youth and the sunshine of his youth, he became silent, lost, and turned unhappiness into happiness, and his mind became older than his body.

Until he got older and older, until his hair turned gray, until he was lying on the hospital bed and looking at the ceiling, some regretful past slowly emerged in his mind.

Those regrets have knitted his life, but in this regret, there are some figures that embellish his memories.

There are parents, children, friends, and... the shadows that pass by in their own lives.

In Qianying, there are my first love, my past wife, people who are grateful, sighs of regret, and a couple who thought they would grow up together.

Until the end, what appeared was scenes from his youth to old age. He thought... as his eyes closed, all of this would end, but at the moment his eyes closed, a light appeared in front of his eyes.

The light was so warm that it made Wang Baole faintly realize that in this life, he was only looking for it. This was the case in the previous life, and it seemed the same in this life.

Perhaps it is someone who is looking for and becomes their sustenance.

Or maybe it's not someone, just looking for the true self.

This is very contradictory, just like I want to resurrect the master, this is right and wrong.

Because that’s just my own thoughts. I thought everything would be fine if the respected Master was still there, but more... In fact, it’s his own thoughts that dominate. He didn’t consider Master’s feelings, exhaustion, and respect. Reluctantly, the master does not want to see the opposite.

Just like what I thought was perfect.

Whether it is destiny or not, whether it is caused or effected, let the ordinary go to peace, and let the extraordinary go beyond the ordinary, everything is actually my own thought.

Reincarnation is necessary, but destiny and cause and effect are not important, everything, in the final analysis...just as you wish.

"So Master said, my Tao is not complete, because I thought that my own Tao can make me free, which is right, but in fact...freedom itself may be my Tao."

Wang Baole looked at the face in front of him for a long, long time.

"Your ballad is very nice." Wang Baole said softly.

"When I was young, every time I was sad, my mother would hug me like this and sing songs to me..." the young lady said softly.

Scenes of stories about Wang Yiyi that he knew appeared in Wang Baole's heart. He understood the pain that the other party experienced in childhood, and understood that she before him was just a ray of remnant soul.

"Thank you." Wang Baole murmured, slowly sitting up and standing up, while Wang Yiyi smiled on his face and lightly patted Wang Baole on the head.

"Little Baole, promise me to be happy and smile more." She said, she took a deep look at Wang Baole, turned into a ray of green light, and blended into the mask on Wang Baole's body.

"Be happy, smile more... I promise you." Wang Baole murmured, looking around silently, a smile appeared on his face for a long time, this smile looks very real, very real...

But there was no laughter. Wang Baole, who had only this expression, with this very real smile, bowed to the place where the master had dissipated, with a smile, turned and left the tomb of the Emperor of Underworld, with a smile, walked in. Styx, with a smile, walked far in this Styx... step by step.

He did not leave the Styx, but searched in this Styx, with a smile on his face, he went to the second goal of entering the Styx, the ascending disk!

This is the treasure that can make the federal civilization level leap, and it exists in Styx.

At the same time, the endless death energy contained in this Styx is also the nourishment for Wang Baole’s spirit to improve. As he moved forward, he dispersed his mind, his body gradually buzzed, and strands of death energy gathered from all directions towards He is constantly integrating here.

As he walked far away, the death energy gathered more and more, and Wang Baole’s spirit was constantly absorbed here, and gradually overflowed from the degree of Dzogchen, and while striding towards the star field, it also tilted to Wang Baole’s cultivation base, making it The cultivation base of the star's later period began to reach Great Perfection and gradually improved.

His Star Sealing Technique is working.

The tens of thousands of special stars behind him are slowly transforming into stars. When they all become stars, it represents Wang Baole's cultivation base, reaching the ultimate perfection of stars.

At that time, with his thoughts, the star map could unfold endlessly, forming a...star field!

At that time, he was Star Territory!

And still more powerful than ever... Star Realm!

Because his star field is based on Dao Heng as the core, the nine paths as the rule, and the above ten thousand special stars as the rules, the formation of... the perfect star field!

Wang Baole's smile remained the same. As he walked forward, he saw ruins everywhere in Styx, and saw the fierce spirits rushing towards him after encountering them.

He walked past the ruins with a smile.

With a smile on his face, he killed a fierce spirit, and sometimes raised his head to look beyond the Styx. When he looked at the figure in the Nine Nether Vortex, he also had that very real smile on his face.

"Be happy, smile more."

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