A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1188: Leave

Freedom represents the body.

Comfortable, represents the spirit.

Wang Baole felt that his state at the moment hadn't reached the Tao that he had understood, but he was also very close. He thought the smile on his face was very good and liked it.

So in this smile, he walked past the relics buried in Styx. The styles of these relics were different, from the different worlds that Wang Baole felt in his previous life.

There are mostly some fierce spirits inside. These spirits are different from the souls floating on the surface of the Styx. While they are fierce, they also have some simple consciousness.

Even they will devour other dead souls as their own nutrients and food to maintain the state of existence, and... Under normal circumstances, unless they are foraging, they will not leave the ruins where they are, but to all the spirits that come. , Both are very aggressive.

Especially the breath of Wang Baole seems to be more tempting to these fierce spirits. Even if he just passes by, it will arouse the greed of these fierce spirits. The simple consciousness cannot be their reason, so... a killing , At the bottom of the Styx River, as Wang Baole smiled deeper and deeper, erupting continuously.

The area of ​​the Styx that he was looking for was not the real bottom, but it could only be said to be close to the bottom. The relics that appeared on this layer were all floating in the area of ​​this layer, and the style belonged to the Protoss era.

I can see countless remains of statues and huge broken palaces everywhere, and most of the evil spirits that exist here have the characteristics of the gods.

While arousing Wang Baole’s memories, his steps did not stop at all. The more he killed, the more real Wang Baole’s smile became, and every death of a fierce spirit brought him more death energy absorption, making Wang Baole’s spirit more and more intense Being close to the star field made his cultivation level gradually approach the Great Perfection from the late star stage.

His Star Sealing Art was more and more shining. Although the shadow of the sacred bull within it did not rush out, just by looking at it with the naked eye, you could feel the rich Taoist rhyme from his body.

This rhyme is enough to suppress the ordinary star field!

There are also tens of thousands of special stars in the star chart, which are all rapidly changing at this moment. Seventy percent of them...have become stars, emitting strong fluctuations, making Wang Baole's whole body look overwhelming.

And the remaining 30% are also in rapid improvement!

As for Wang Baole himself, the speed of his figure is also getting faster and faster. Often when he sees the ruins in front of him, his body has already stepped into it, and the spirits are scattered and swept, suppressing the evil spirits, and at the same time whether there will be an ascending disk. Understanding is in mind.

Then the spirit moved and the body left, and the fierce spirit suppressed by the spirit collapsed instantly.

But not all evil spirits will be suppressed by Wang Baole's spirits. After he has searched for most of the Styx Protoss, he encountered some stronger spirits.

At this time, Wang Baole's smile remained the same, because his physical body made every part of his body a weapon like a magic weapon.

Wherever it went, the killing started again!

In this way, as time continued to elapse, Wang Baole searched the area of ​​the Protoss years, stepped towards the deeper bottom of the Styx, and gradually entered the relics of the zombies in the previous life.

Here, his Dzogchen level and the difference in identity made him feel no discomfort. With the burning of the underworld, there is no difference from the outside, and even more killing.

During the roar, Wang Baole smiled and grabbed the neck of a rotten zombie who had sneaked into him. After he squeezed and banged the zombie directly, he continued to move forward as usual.

Until a long time, his footsteps...stopped for the first time.

Because in front of him, he saw a ruin, which is the place in his previous life memory, where he meditated and looked for light at that time.

"Some coincidence..." Wang Baole smiled and shook his head. After the soul swept away, he turned and left, but just as he was about to leave, a roar came out, and from the ruins, a head flew out and rotted. The zombie came straight to Wang Baole.

Although the appearance of this zombie is different from Wang Baole, when he looked at the zombie, Wang Baole vaguely felt a little familiar, and even had a feeling that he was looking at another one of his own.

So he smiled more real, raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the Styx, he could see beyond the Styx, and he smiled.

"Uncheck, unstoppable, unblocked, undisturbed!"

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole's words came out, the zombie who was about to pounce on him, shook his body, as if it had been frozen, and kept his pounce, motionless.

Even the surrounding Styx is the same. It seems that there is no qualification to flow. Everything is still at this moment. Only Wang Baole's smile is still true.

After a while, a deep voice echoed around Wang Baole.

"Need me to help you find the ascension disk?"

"Okay." Wang Baole's smile did not change at all, and he spoke as usual.

In the next instant, the entire Styx rolled, and a violent wave came from the bottom of the Styx. There was a faint roar and echoes. A faint glow flew out from the bottom quickly, shuttled everything in an instant, to Wang Baole.

That is a compass.

Missing a corner, the whole looks a little broken, there is nothing surprising, even if it is swept by the divine sense, but if you look at the dark fire into your eyes, you can see...the compass exudes An indescribable force of vitality, this vitality seems to have little impact on everything, but it has a severe impact on the stars.

"Thank you." Wang Baole nodded with a smile, took the compass in front of him, and tried to integrate it into his own star map. Although he could do it, he didn't have the evolutionary power to enhance the stars as he imagined.

This represents the function of this plate and cannot affect one's own cultivation level. Although it is a treasure, it seems that it can only be used to upgrade the level of civilization.

So Wang Baole didn't look at it again, and threw it into the storage bag. His body shook, instead of leaving, but continuing to sink...

As he left, the voice did not continue to speak, but gradually seemed to have a divine mind, slowly retracted from here, until disappeared, the relic that made Wang Baole pause, also became illusion, and the statue The still zombies have also become phantoms, dispersing in the blur.

Although he had obtained the ascension disk, Wang Baole sank into the Styx River. After visiting the ruins of the previous life of the zombie, he went to the world ruins where the magic blade was located, then went to the land of the wraiths, and finally reached the little white deer's In the remains of the world.

At this point, he was already at the bottom of the Styx River, and countless silt could be seen at the bottom. Wang Baole stopped here, not that he didn't want to explore, but the power of Hellfire was here, which was the limit.

Along the way, his spirit reached the limit, only a short distance from the breakthrough, and was suppressed by Wang Baole. He did not want to promote his spirit to the Star Territory in Nine Nether Hanoi.

As for his cultivation base, in this continuous improvement, 90% of the special stars have all turned into stars. His star chart has been shining constantly, and his cultivation base has also reached the stellar perfection.

At this time, the dead energy in Styx had little effect, because he needed the power of Weiyang's Heavenly Dao, the rules and laws of the realm of life, so that it could be neutralized.

"Let's go." Wang Baole's smile still existed, turned around with this smile, step by step... walked towards the surface of the Styx, faster and faster, until the whole person turned into a long rainbow, shuttled through the river, from Styx The river leaped up.

There was no pause, no opening to allow people to open the passage to the living world. Wang Baole was in mid-air, and his life scabbard suddenly shone, and a sword aura brightly emerged from his hand. Under Wang Baole's cut, Jiuyou roared. , The void vibrated, and a crack was directly cut down by Wang Baole's sword energy. His body stepped forward, stepped into the crack, and disappeared.

From beginning to end, he was smiling.

From the beginning to the end, he never looked again...in the starry sky vortex behind him, half-eyes staring at his figure!

The way is different, no see!

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