A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1333: Based on (third more)

"I like it here." In the black mist, Wang Baole's deep laughter came out.

At this moment, as he completely walked in, outside the broken gate, black gas also poured in frantically, rendering every inch of the first floor of the restaurant, making everything decay, and at the same time a green fire appeared and began to burn.

During this burning, Wang Baole walked up to the stairs, step by step, every time he stepped on, the stairs there would become fly ash and dissipate, but the restaurant still existed without any signs of collapse.

In this way, Wang Baole walked to the second floor. There were independent private rooms on the second floor of this hotel. At the moment he stepped on, all the private rooms opened suddenly, and the monks were red eyes and killed from within. Out, came straight to Wang Baole.

But without waiting to get closer, from the black mist on Wang Baole's body, in the tumbling and wriggling, rushing out a haze like a ghost, floating out one by one, straight to these monks, wherever they passed, The tragic sound whirled again, and the bodies of those monks withered when they were touched, until they dissipated.

Only those dozens of ghost shadows roared silently at this moment, exuding a strong aura of desire, wandering through these two floors, and finally returned to Wang Baole, crawling down one by one.

"The law of gluttony, after you feel it to a certain degree, you can create your own nightmare of desire. Any one throwing these nightmare into a small world can make that world a sea of ​​suffering."

Wang Baole shook his head and waved his hand. The second floor was all decayed. His footsteps walked towards the third floor. In this third floor, there were only three rooms.

As the nightmare of desire rushed in, all three rooms became fly ash, revealing the figure of three monks sitting cross-legged.

Two old men, one with blood scales like a monster.

At this moment, the two old men trembled, as if they wanted to open their eyes, but they couldn't do it. They could only let the Nightmare of Desire approach greedily, and went in madly along the sweat pores and seven orifices of their bodies.

As for the blood scales, after Wang Baole stepped into this third level, a rune shone on a scale on the center of his eyebrows, and seemed to have made some resistance. Only then did he reluctantly open his eyes, revealing **** pupils. , With horror, looked at Wang Baole.

"This is yours?" Wang Baole said lightly, waving his hand, and the blood-colored scale that he had taken away from the shop table floated in front of the blood-scale scale.

Xuelinzi's body trembled, and his eyes seemed to be struggling to look upwards, and just as he tried to look at it, a sigh came slowly from the fourth floor of the restaurant.

"Fellow Daoist, you have passed a little bit, now leaving, the old man can assume that nothing has happened."

During the words, the wall between the third and fourth floors of this restaurant was instantly blurred, and above Wang Baole, a figure on the fourth floor was revealed.

This figure was similar to him, it was extremely dark, like a whirlpool, and it could only be seen vaguely. Someone was meditating inside. At this moment, a pair of eyes were exposed in the mist and looked at Wang Baole.

At the same time, within the vortex of this figure, there were also dozens of Nightmare of Desire, spreading out one after another, roaring towards Wang Baole, causing the Nightmare of Desire around Wang Baole to also raise their heads, and ignite each other murderously like dead enemies.

Wang Baole looked as usual and did not speak, but the scale floating in front of the blood scale at the moment, seeing the four-layer figure appearing in the blood scale's eyes, the moment it was obviously relieved, it exploded directly, turning into sharp thorns, and piercing through it instantly. The eyebrows of the blood-transmitting scale continued to explode in his body, so that the blood scales had no time to even make a sound, and immediately disappeared.

This scene immediately caused the fourth-layer figure to express obvious anger.

"You're looking for death!" As the dull and thunderous voice came out, the four-layer figure seemed to stand up cross-legged, and the whirlpool it was in suddenly swelled, directly turning into a full twenty feet high. The earth-shattering giant.

The giant was completely dark, surrounded by mist, and his entire spirit was overwhelming. When he stood up at this moment, he raised his right hand and fell towards Wang Baole as if he could support the sky.

With the shot, the fluctuations in his whole body's desires exploded, affecting all directions, causing the residents in Appetite City to tremble.

The gazes came from all directions.

"It's a mince!"

"A minced meat apprentice is shooting!"

Even more amidst the echo of these voices, in this Appetite City, there are eight huge figures with a height of one hundred feet, which appear illusory in the eight directions of Appetite City. Each figure is like a mountain of meat, with a strong and surprising appearance. The coercion, look here.

The appearance of these eight people immediately made all the noise disappear and turned into awe, because they are the eight...gluttoners of Appetite City.

And at the moment the eyes of the eight gluttons fell in the restaurant, the palm of the meaty giant turned into a crash, and wherever he passed, the restaurant completely collapsed, and this palm also slapped Wang Baole on the top of his head.

But... can't continue to press down!

Under the palm of his hand, Wang Baole stood there, not moving. It was the nightmare of his desire that supported his palm.

"It's time for me to say those three words, you, you are looking for death." The moment Wang Baole spoke calmly, his body banged, and the whirlpool he was in swelled and burst out, ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet, four feet. Ten feet!

And with the expansion, the giant's hand kept being propped up until it reached the extreme, and he seemed to want to take it back, but was grabbed by Wang Baole. The next moment, when the whirlpool where Wang Baole was located, erupted to forty feet, he was low. Turning his head, he looked at the meaty disciple who was full of fear.

"You..." Wang Baole had already opened his mouth and suddenly sucked at the opponent, like a storm rewinding, or a black hole erupting. A huge suction force came directly from Wang Baole's mouth, causing the meaty The law of appetite on his body collapsed instantly and came straight to Wang Baole.

"Bold!" In the distance, a phantom of a gluttony of hundreds of meters, a low roar, raised his right hand to Wang Baole, and suddenly grabbed it, wherever he passed, the world changed color, the wind and clouds fell, and the sky was covered and transformed. As a part of his big hand, he is about to grab it.

But at this moment, a sneer came from the northwest, where there was another glutton with a phantom, raising his hand and blasting directly towards the palm of the sky.

"Tuo Lingzi, you still don't come to participate in the battle of minced meat."

"Zhou Huo, dare you stop me!"

In the roar, the two big hands on the sky touched together, and while they were fighting each other, Wang Baole had already sucked up the meaty disciple, causing the black vortex on this person to collapse, revealing the old figure, dying. After being thrown aside by him, as the desire inside his body rolled, his figure climbed directly from forty meters to fifty meters, standing there, looking up at the sky.

Without speaking, Wang Baole held his fist towards the glutton who helped him, then turned and walked step by step towards the location of his shop. As he walked, his figure became smaller and smaller, until he finally turned into an ordinary person.

And the gaze that fell on him, not only did not decrease, but more and more.

It is impossible for any force to be in harmony, especially in this place of desire for cultivation, infighting and mountain tops are inevitable, so what Wang Baole has to do is to show his own value.

Bingling water is value, and its own powerful law of desire is even more value.

Both are available. Although someone is targeting, there must be someone who is willing to contact and give kindness.

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