A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1334: Bing Lingzi

  On this night, few people in Appetite City can calm down until dawn.

   is really the meaty battle that took place at night, which caused a sensation throughout the city. In this battle, behind the blood scale restaurant, the veteran meaty Tu Yunlingzi was strongly suppressed by an unknown person.

  Even in the entire process of suppression, there were no twists and turns. Under the more terrifying law of desire, this Yunlingzi was fragile and almost vulnerable. After the suppression, all the laws in the body were swallowed by the opponent's life and directly became a useless person.

  This scene shook all directions, causing most of the monks in Appetite City to roar in their hearts. At the same time, they also had a strong sense of awe for the fleshy disciples who suddenly emerged.

  Although the Appetite City is chaotic and the weak eaten by the weak, this unscrupulous and brutal way of doing things still makes most people in Appetite City feel jealous.

  Even other meaty followers are mostly like this, and they attach great importance to this new cultivation.

Not to mention, this battle also caused two gluttons to take action. One side wanted to sanction the newly-promoted meaty apprentice, while the other tried to intercept them. Although these two were just simple shots, as gluttons, they did it in one fell swoop. A movement, naturally shaking the earth, even if confronted in the air, it still makes the entire Appetite City tremble.

  But compared to them, the female shopkeeper and others in the shop are the most dumbfounded at this moment. The shock and shock in their hearts are like the tide, almost overwhelming them.

  They knew that their owner was very strong, but in any case they could not imagine that the opponent was so powerful that it was so terrifying, and they did not expect that the opponent not only easily suppressed foreign enemies, but also caused the glutton to take action.

All of this caused them to tremble in close observation after Wang Baole left, especially when Wang Baole appeared on the street. After walking step by step, the awe in the eyes of the eight people has become Fanatic, far away, one by one immediately bowed down and bowed.

Ignoring the eight people waiting for him at the door, Wang Baole walked past them, stepped into the shop, and went up to the second floor. As the door of the house closed with a bang, the eight people bowed outside the shop and raised their heads. , One by one, there was uncontrollable intense excitement in each expression.

   "Rise, we... will rise!"

They breathed fast, and after looking at each other, they all saw their own strong excitement. They knew very well that after this battle...in Appetite City, the happy water will be completely hot, and the tide will rise, and their shops will definitely show an exaggerated trend. Rising rapidly.

And in the process of climbing, things about my own owner will surely become a hot topic in Appetite City during this time. Thinking of this, the female shopkeeper has fiery eyes and quickly turned back to the shop, respectfully He walked up the stairs, knelt outside Wang Baole's house, and spoke softly.

  "Owner, if an outsider asks, how should I report the name of the owner?"

This female shopkeeper thinks very comprehensively. Although before, they knew that Wang Baole’s name didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, but from this moment on, Wang Baole needs to have an external name, which is not only convenient for his rise, but also for the operation of the store. .

After a while, Wang Baole's calm voice came from the house.

   "Bing Lingzi."

   "In addition, tomorrow, I will send a thousand bottles of ice water to Zhou Huo Glutton’s Lord’s Mansion."

The female shopkeeper outside the house immediately said yes, she hurriedly stepped back and gathered other companions to start a discussion. In the past, they were very clear about Yidong’s character and were unwilling to trouble everything, so when running this place, they There is still a lot of autonomy.

In this way, when the next morning arrived, thousands of monks gathered outside the shop in an endless stream. Some of these monks came to line up every day, but many more were shaken by the events of last night and wanted to come to worship. .

They waited in line here, as the shop door opened, the dwarf and the little fat man walked out. They did not open as usual at the first time, but with their heads high and proud, they stepped forward to remove the plaque and exchange it. Up a new one.

  Then the two of them stood around, looking arrogantly as if the body was in their cognition, becoming infinitely tall enough to look down on the queuing repairs outside.

  At the same time, with the replacement of the plaque, the eyes of the surroundings gathered in an instant, and they clearly saw the three large characters engraved on the new plaque.

  Bing Ling Fang!

The three words    caused everyone outside to concentrate. Then the little fat man standing at the door still lacked one eye, but his posture was extremely proud, and he spoke lightly.

  "From today onwards, Binglingfang’s Bingling Water will change its sales method. It is no longer just a first-come-first-served basis. Ten places will be drawn every half hour."

  As soon as the words came out, the crowd outside was in an uproar. Most of them were not stupid. They immediately knew that this method would make it more difficult to obtain ice spirit water, and at the same time, it would become more famous.

  This requires people to line up outside the store.

  This way, if it is changed, it will definitely cause public outrage, but after the first battle last night, Binglingfang has already possessed this kind of hegemonic qualification.

  Ignoring the people, the little fat man turned and walked into the shop, and the dwarf, chewing the eyeballs in his mouth, called everyone.

Gradually, as new purchase methods began to be implemented, with the passage of time, the number of people in line outside Binglingfang has not decreased, but has increased, and the name of Wang Baole has also increased with the increase of the crowd. And the deliberate spread of the dwarf and the little fat man in the shop has gradually become known.

   "Bing Lingzi!"

   "The new mince apprentice is named Bing Lingzi!"

  The noise outside the shop did not have any impact on Wang Baole. On the contrary, as the crowd increased, with the restrictions on the ice spirit water, the desire for gluttony became more and more intense.

  This made Wang Baole cross his knees in this house, and the black crystals in the whirlpool of the law of appetite in his body shone more and more. In this way, a few days passed.

In the past few days, the ice spirit water was completely sensational in Appetite City. It was no longer limited to the Eastern District, and even monks from other districts would also come here. Although some people did not bother to line up, all the monks who bought the ice spirit water , Are all obsessed, they can produce joint effects by themselves, which makes Bing Ling Shui appear popular in Appetite City.

At the same time, Wang Baole’s dao name was also widely circulated, and he became a celebrity in Appetite City for a while. It was also at this time that Zhou Huo, one of the eight gluttons, was invited by the housekeeper of his house. Personally delivered it to Bing Ling Fang.

  Zhou Huo invited Wang Baole to attend...Three days later, the Gluttony Festival and dinner.

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