A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1344: Grace (first more)

"What **** is this... actually fishing here!!" The little fish was about to cry, his heart was already mad, and he didn't dare to move there, but at this moment, a gentle voice came from the surface of the water, through The lake fell into Xiaoyu's mind.

"Fishes that don't bite are dead fish."

Although the voice was gentle, when the little fish’s mind echoed, it turned into a cold murderous intent, causing the soul of the little fish to tremble uncontrollably, how could he not know...this is the one that kills a thousand swords The Bing Lingzi was here.

And these words were a naked threat, which made Cheng Lingzi very sad and angry, and there was an impulse to fight with the other party, but this impulse was quickly suppressed by the instinct to survive.

Deep down in his heart, he still couldn't help thinking about... the fish that didn't bite was a dead fish, then did he mean that as long as he bite the hook obediently, there would still be a chance of life.

This thought immediately made Cheng Lingzi's heart entangled to the extreme, and the fish hook in front of him seemed impatient, and it shook in front of him a few times.

But this entanglement can't be decided in a short time. So after more than ten breaths, the hook seemed to be lifted and moved upwards. At the same time, the gentle voice became cold and faintly heard.

"It seems that it is a dead fish."

As soon as the words came out, the murderous intent immediately filled the entire pool, and the scared Lingzi quickly suppressed the entanglement. With incomparable grief and anger in the grievance, his body slammed, and...bite the hook.

At this time, for some reason, he remembered a sentence from his hometown.

You can’t see the tears of the fish because it’s in the water...

In this way, this fish hook that was raised up was chased, and after biting it, he was caught out of the pool with a splash. The moment he flew out of the pool, the tears from the corners of his eyes blended with water. Being together, it also lifted the mist in front of him, so that he could see clearly...Bing Lingzi who was sitting next to the pool, holding a fishing rod, looking at himself with a smile.

Without waiting for the opening, as the fishing line flicked, the little fish was pulled over in an instant. The left hand raised by Wang Baole grabbed it. When the fish bubble was still in the mouth, a huge suction blasted it. At a moment, it came from Wang Baole's left hand and directly enveloped this fish.

In the next instant, the law of appetite in Cheng Lingzi's body was instantly aroused, and he went straight to Wang Baole's left hand uncontrollably, and was sucked into his body by him, replenishing the power of his own law, and at the same time making his own law of appetite more perfect.

And this fish was shrinking visible to the naked eye at this moment, until after a few breaths, it seemed to become a dried fish, the grievance and fear in the eyes blended together, revealing pity.

Until his breath of life was weak, it seemed that the flame representing vitality was about to go out, the suction suddenly stopped, and in a daze, he seemed to hear a sound.

"Do you have any way to find other minced meat disciples?"

This sound was like the sound of nature, more like nectar, and instantly made him withered, as if he had found the hope of life, his eyes widened suddenly, his breathing was also rapid, and the fish's body was trembling at this moment because of the arrival of this hope, and he spoke quickly.

"Yes! I can!!"

When Wang Baole heard the words, he nodded in satisfaction, then released his hand, flicked the fish, and landed on the ground with a snap. The tail of the fish quickly drew off the ground, and in one leap, it turned into The appearance of the young man was extremely weak, and he didn't even have much strength to walk. When he looked at Wang Baole, he had a strong fear in his eyes.

Wang Baole glanced at the terrified Cheng Lingzi and walked over. As he approached, Cheng Lingzi's body shivered more and more intensely. His pale complexion was pale at this moment, and the fear in his eyes seemed to erupt. Want to submerge it.


He was trembling, just about to speak, but before he could finish his words, Wang Baole had walked up to him and raised his right hand on the young man's head and pressed it lightly.

The feeling of trembling millet made the teenager almost paralyzed there, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened because he felt a ray of appetite law that escaped from Wang Baole's body and merged into himself, making himself The body was weak to the extreme, and it was nourished in an instant.

The strength has also recovered a little bit. At the very least, it is barely possible to fly on the road. This is a little convenience provided by Wang Baole in order for the other party to help him find other meatless people, but this scene, to this young man, is extremely shocking. , Even he couldn't help it, a strong sense of gratitude rose to Wang Baole here.

I am grateful to the other party for not killing, and grateful to the other party for such help.

He was even more unspeakably moved, and he couldn't help it breed in his consciousness. He felt that the other party could give him the law of appetite at this time. This matter made him deep in his heart, and he didn't even hate Wang Baole at all, but on the contrary. It was a rush of heat that made him feel like he wanted to do his best for the other party.

Noting the boy's expression, Wang Baole blinked, suddenly his voice became softer, and patted the boy's head lightly.

"Boy, don't take me to find other minced meat disciples."

"Yes!" The boy shook his whole body and said loudly while breathing quickly. The whole person was still very weak, but he seemed to be very excited. At this moment, he turned his head abruptly, and after looking around, he lifted his hands and patted directly. On his head, his eyes suddenly bulged, and as the law of appetite in the body fluctuates, there is a sense of qi and blood lingering inside.

In the next instant, bloodshot eyes increased in his eyes, and he turned his head to the northwest.

"Gongong, in that direction, there is a meaty disciple under my father's command. I will take you to find him."

Wang Baole smiled, grabbed the boy's shoulder, his body disappeared in a flash, and he went to the direction pointed by the other party, that is, the time of a stick of incense. As the distance changed, when Wang Baole brought the boy back again, He immediately saw in the distance, the meaty disciples who belonged to Tuolingzi's command were escaping quickly, and behind him, there was a strong man with a cold expression, and he walked and pursued calmly.

This person looked like Roshan, wearing a white robe, and majestic, at the same time exuding a sense of power and dominance. Behind it, there is a huge halo on which there are complicated symbols. Text.

The strong and earth-shaking energy and blood seemed to exaggerate the sky, and it was exactly what the Lord of Appetite City liked...Feng Di.

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole and Cheng Lingzi arrived, Feng Di, who was chasing the meatless disciples in front of him, suddenly raised his head and looked at the place where Wang Baole appeared. The calm face was also a little more solemn for a moment. In the flash of the halo, the fleshy disciple fleeing in front of him trembled suddenly, and he retreated uncontrollably, and Feng Di grabbed his head.

While absorbing, while squinting, he looked at Wang Baole who looked to him.

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