A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1345: Suppression (second more)

When the two of them looked at each other, there was murderous intent shining between each other, but compared to Feng Di's killing intent, Wang Baole was more greedy by the rich appetite law in each other's body.

Looking at each other at the moment, the meaty disciple who had been absorbed by Feng Di couldn't help uttering a screaming scream because of this intense pain. The echoing voice made the young man next to Wang Baole feel the same, fearing again.

"The minced meat disciples in your hand belong to me." Wang Baole looked at Feng Di and suddenly said.

"Yours?" Feng Di's eyes narrowed, and the blood in his body seemed to be more majestic with the ups and downs of his emotions, and the halo behind his back became more shining, and the corner of his mouth suddenly rose, revealing a smirk.

During the words, he grabbed the right hand of the fleshy disciple and slammed hard. In an instant, the fleshy disciple let out a terrible scream, and the sorrowful sound stopped for an instant.

I could see in his body, all the laws of appetite and its vitality, at this moment, Feng Di was forcibly sucked away, directly turned into a corpse, and then thrown away to the place where Wang Baole was.

"Since it's yours, then give it to you. How about changing your arm." Feng Di licked his lips and spoke slowly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Baole smiled suddenly, smiling extremely happily. He ignored the mummy that was thrown over, but the more he looked at this Feng Di in front of him, the more he was delighted.

This clone of Wang Baole has always felt that he is different from the ontology. The ontology is a person with no principles and bottom lines. He does everything based on personal preference, so he spurns him and considers it shameless.

He believes that the biggest difference between him and the ontology is that he has principles here. If others don't take the initiative to provoke him, then he must be clear about his grievances and will not bully the other party.

Therefore, he will find a way to let the other party provoke him first. In this case, he will feel at ease when he is bullied and conform to his own principles.

This principle of doing things caused Wang Baole to say what he had just said, and it also made him look at Feng Di at this moment, how pleasing to his eyes, at this moment, with a smile filled, Wang Baole's body suddenly moved, and the next moment, Feng Di's eyes contracted and his body disappeared in an instant.

And at the moment of his disappearance, Wang Baole's figure appeared directly where he was just now, but it disappeared again in just a moment, and there was a sudden roar and muffled sound in the air. The next moment, Feng Di's figure was in the distance. Shining out, his face was pale, his eyes were unbelievable, one of his arms had disappeared at this moment, and the wound was bloody.

On the other side, in the distorted space, Wang Baole, who was holding one of his arms, walked out step by step, with a smile on his face as before. The hand holding the arm, exuding black air, enveloped Feng Di's arm, making this The naked-eye wilting of the arm turned into flying ash in the next instant.

The strong rules of appetite poured into Wang Baole's body, causing Wang Baole to feel a strong sense of satisfaction. At this moment, he licked his lips and looked at Feng Di as if he was looking at a peerless delicacy.

Feng Di was breathing fast, his face was ugly, and he had unprecedented heart palpitations. At the moment when the two parties were in contact, he had clearly noticed the dodge in advance, but the other party had calculated everything about himself, and there was more pressure covering him, as if his own cultivation base was there. In front of the side, it seemed that there was no effect at all, and it was devastated.

If it weren't for his own decisiveness, I am afraid that it is not just an arm that is lost.

"Personality suppression..." Feng Di's face was pale, and he spoke word by word, staring at Wang Baole.

"who are you!"

Wang Baole smiled slightly, did not speak, but moved towards Feng Di, shook again, and in the next instant, Feng Di yelled, this time it was no longer a step back, because he knew that he could not avoid it at all. As for the escape, he also understood , In the hands of this terrifying person, unless there is an opportunity, it is impossible to escape.

So at this moment, he did not retreat, but in this roar, the whole body's blood burst out, and it was directly transformed into a blood mist in the shape of his body, which turned into a big mouth while rolling, and swallowed it violently toward the front.

The void is distorted, and cracks appear directly, showing the horror of this blood fog secret method, but... no matter how terrifying, it does not seem to have much impact on Wang Baole. Even if his body is exposed under this secret method, it can be At the moment when the blood mist swallowed his mouth, Wang Baole suddenly lifted his head and sucked in the blood mist.

Under this inhalation, the blood mist squirmed suddenly, collapsed and exploded with a bang, turned into a law of appetite, came straight to Wang Baole, and was directly inhaled into his body by him, making the law of appetite even more majestic.

And this scene completely scared Feng Di. There was no blood on his face, his eyes burst open, revealing incredible meaning, and he retreated abruptly. At the cost of the aura behind him shattering, he was shocked. Speed, had to escape.

It's not a level at all!

"Want to run?" Wang Baole's eyes flashed sharply, and his body chased after him. The speed was so fast that he directly tore the nothingness. The next moment he caught up with Feng Di, whose expression changed drastically, and grabbed him.

Feng Di's forehead blue veins bulged, and he broke out without hesitation at the moment of crisis. Suddenly, the aura behind him was shattered and collapsed. In exchange for a powerful thrust, his body slammed forward. As soon as he rushed, he had to open the distance, his hands were even more pinching, as if he had to unfold the secret method, the power of his own energy and blood spread to the sky, fighting with all strength.

Wang Baole squinted his eyes, no extra movement, no change in the right hand he held up, but his eyes were darker, and a word came out from his mouth.


At the moment the word came out, a huge suction burst directly from Wang Baole's right hand, turning into a black hole, causing the earth-shattering suction force to spread in all directions and enveloped Feng Di's surroundings.

"Bing Lingzi!" Feng Di's heart shook wildly. At this moment, his body was unable to advance forward and retreated on its own without being controlled. It was as if countless silk threads were entwining him, pulling towards Wang Baole little by little.

In this process, his energy and blood, his laws, could not be controlled, and went straight to Wang Baole.

In this scene, from a distance, Wang Baole seemed to be descending from the heavens. At this moment, where the palm of his hand is, everything is invincible. No matter how Feng Di struggles, it will not help. Roshan's body is rapidly shrinking!

Seeing the Cheng Lingzi in the distance, his spirits rose, as if it was not Wang Baole who had absorbed Feng Di, but himself.

"Bing Lingzi, I am a disciple of Lord Desire, if you kill me, Appetite City will have no place for you!" Feng Di was completely panicked at this moment, and all his previous pride collapsed, and his voice was stern at this moment.

Wang Baole looked as usual, still smiling, but in the next instant, his eyes suddenly shrank, his body did not hesitate at all, and he backed away quickly.

Abnormal change, suddenly!

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