A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 964: Also a star!

This discourse, rather than speaking to Dao Xing, is better to say to Wang Baole's explanation to himself. This striking Tongtiangu Yinxing has come here, and most people think it is the end.

But Wang Baole doesn't think so, because he still has a lot of preparations to start. According to his ideas, he wanted to obtain Daoxing with his backhand in the final fierce competition.

But now, the arrogance of this star has made Wang Baole feel impatient.

"You're proud, I'm proud too!" Wang Baole's heart was filled with strong dissatisfaction, shining on that star, as if to choose the bell girl's moment, his left hand pinch suddenly appeared a paper slip!

Looking at the paper slips, all the paper people in the square and all their bodies were shocked, and I felt the sense of mingling from this paper slip, as if this piece of paper were inextricably linked to them!

This paper is just sent by the Emperor of the Starfall. Once it burns, it can attract the blessings of the Starfall Empire, which can draw a special star to come. At this moment, after appearing, he waved it down with Wang Baole's left hand. Jane suddenly ignited. With the burning, all the people in the Xingyu Empire lightly shook their bodies, and there was an invisible breath that radiated from them and went straight to the palace in all areas of the Xingyu Empire.

It seems that the burning of paper slips is a kind of order. At the next instant, countless breaths are flowing from all directions, even the emperor of the starfall, and this coming breath of all directions is hidden with the appearance and convergence. There seemed to be a roar between heaven and earth, which roared back to heaven and earth and affected the sky, so that only one star in the sky also showed ripples like fish scales.

These ripples are getting thicker and thicker, and finally in the roar, an illusory paper unicorn is actually formed. Among the roars of the sky, under the public attention, in the stunnedness of the quaint monks and black youths, in the bells In the woman's horrified dismay, the star also seemed to be slightly shocked, and went straight...Wang Baole, outside the palace square, beside the sky drum, roared.

It came instantly and immediately overlapped with Wang Baole's body. After being fully integrated, Wang Baole's body vibrated violently, and waves of majestic power exploded in the body, so that the previous dry spirits and potentials were directly restored at this moment, and even even There are more fluctuations that cannot be accommodated in the body, only...erupt!

"Eleventh Strike!" Wang Baole breathed slightly, his eyes were bright, he roared upward, his body rushed out directly, and in that much attention, he went straight to the sky drum, and the drumstick in his hand exuded a bright awn, and fell instantly. After that, Tongtiangu violently oscillated, and it came out... for the first time in the history of the Starfall Land... eleven sounds!

Boom! !

The sound was magnificent, and the vastness was so amazing that all the stars on the sky shook, the earth was trembling violently, and there were more waves spreading on the sky drum, sweeping the four sides, as if the sky and earth had become hazy The most amazing thing is the Dao star in the sky. It seems that as the drum sound comes out, there is a traction that makes it irresistible. It will pull it and change from illusion into substance!

Originally, because of the bell girl's oath, it did the same, but it came on its own initiative, but now... it seems to be forcibly guided by the pulling power.

This makes Dao, who obviously possesses some intelligence and emotion, seems to be a little angry, and he immediately breaks away from the traction, but at the moment when it breaks away... Wang Baole's eyes show pride, let the fluctuations in the body roar to the sky. Drum beat again!

"Twelfth time!!"

The sound of drums replaced all the sounds in this world, and the sound of the sounds was extremely violent. It has become concrete, forming a storm spreading all over the place, and letting Daoxing's traction force skyrocket, making all the life of the Starfall Empire. At this instant, my mind buzzed and seemed to have lost my ability to think.

Before they could recover, Wang Baole screamed again, shouted again, and fought all the Starfall Empire luck blessings obtained in his body, knocked out...Thirteenth!

The thirteenth next came out, the starry sky roared, and before this, the unreal silk thread that no one had seen suddenly turned into a sudden winding toward the Dao star, it seemed to form a large net, and it should be pulled out of the unreal state .

This scene, to a certain extent, is already a great disrespect for Daoxing, making Daoxing with consciousness and emotion seem to spread more angry waves and struggle frantically.

With struggling, its light also burst into the sky, making the night sky seem to be daylight at this moment, and also let the paper people on the square and in various places of the Starfall Empire recover from the horrific state before, and then come , It is monstrous uproar.

"Thirteen sounds, unprecedented!!"

"What happened at that moment just now, how do I feel as if I am helping him to pull Dao Xing!!"

"This is a peerless arrogance! I feel the anger of Dao Xing, God, he is not gaining Dao Xing's approval, but... hunting Dao Xing!!"

The clamor of the people is already overwhelming, and even the Emperor of the Starfall is now showing a strange light. The development of the matter is slightly different from what he expected, but think carefully, this is also consistent with his understanding of Na Xie mainland. The background seems to do so, which is also expected.

This is true of him, not to mention the quaint monks and youths in black. The two of them have buzzed their minds at this moment, and they looked at Wang Baole as if they had seen a ghost. Even in their perception at the moment, they used gods to describe their gratitude The mainland does not seem to be exaggerated.

There was only Bell Girl, whose body was trembling strongly, and his eyes showed madness and resentment, and he rushed out to stop, but he had no spare power to do it. He could only watch Wang Baole's anger continue to erupt after he struck the drum.

"Something is the same as chasing some girls. Instead of letting you ignore me, letting you be angry at me!" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, and at this moment he also got rid of it, no longer thinking about what Daoxin is not. Seeing the traction formed in the thirteen times, it seems that it is not enough. This star is constantly fracturing in anger and struggling.

"It's not over yet!" Wang Baole's eyes are revealing, and he is about to explode the star Yuanying that he has always suppressed. With his talent, he tries to beat the drum again, but he can't wait for his star Yuanying to spread. ,sudden……

At the moment, when the seal was restored, he felt the goodwill from this world after he left the sea of ​​black paper, and at this moment, he came more strongly and comprehensively!

Goodwill is like the sea, escaping from the ground of this star-falling land, escaping from the sky, escaping from the white paper mountain rocks, rivers, and vegetation, whether with or without life, this moment Everything in the Falling Land exudes obvious goodwill!

These good intentions converge momentarily, forming a sense of consciousness, which is not only the consciousness of all beings, but also the consciousness of the star-falling land, which surpasses the star-falling empire, as if it is the essence of this world, toward Wang Baole... …Together!

This is the kindness of the world and the gratitude of the world!

At this moment, it is appropriate to describe it as a luck-bearer and a son of natural selection. It is even more so. Under this confluence, at the moment when Wang Baole was also shocked, his body floated on his own, and countless consciousnesses merged into his eyes. There was a moment of trance, as if I became the sky, the earth, everything, all sentient beings, this world...

Wang Baole looked up at the sky. Although he saw that the sky was still not showing the stars, there was only the Dao star, but at this moment he saw the vibration of the Dao star. It seemed that the Dao star did not expect it. Such luck has come together in the person!

In addition to Dao Xing, Wang Baole Fu to the soul, the stars in the body suddenly run, this operation, Wang Baole's mind roared instantly, as if all the changes in his eyes suddenly saw the sky hidden in the sky, that is...all There are a lot of stars, all of which appear in his eyes, which contains all special stars, such as those thirty-seven stars.

And there are...Nine exudes ancient vicissitudes, with a sense of years, its light level exceeds all, second only to the stars of Daoxing!

Wang Baole knew that it was... what the Emperor Xingmei said, Ancient Star!

He is watching them, they... are watching him!

The strange thing is that Wang Baole is clearly down, but it gives a sense of looking down, and the nine ancient stars are clearly on the top, and when he looks at Wang Baole, he seems to be looking up!

As if... he is also a star!

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