A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 965: Star talent!

Staring at each other, although it is only a moment, but in Wang Baole's mind, it seems to be eternal.

Until he thoughtfully stopped the operation of the star Yuanying, he closed his eyes and covered the sky and stars hidden in the sky before his eyes. His right hand was raised, and the drumstick was waving in his hand, shaking in the hearts of everyone around him. , Knocked out the fourteenth!

In the re-shock of the quaint monk and the youth in black, the fifteenth strike!

The bloodshot eyes of the bell girl were filled with despair and knocked out the sixteenth!

Under the goodwill of the whole world, in the struggle of the sky and the sky, the 17th strike!

Dongdongdongdongdong, four times in a row, every time makes the world roar, every time makes the sky twist, every time makes all the existence of this place, if it is knocked on the mind, the brain buzzes like a thunder burst.

In the same way, every time is the full burst of Wang Baole, but even with the blessing of the world's goodwill, Wang Baole is still having difficulty breathing at this moment, and his body seems to be torn. After all, starting from the tenth, external forces need to come He supported himself.

In the final analysis, he is not a planet, not even an ontology, just an avatar!

Seventeen times at this moment, it was the ultimate, and even his eyes were blurred, and his body seemed to collapse at any time because he could not bear the goodwill of the world.

But the effect of these four hits is the same as earth-shattering, reaching an unprecedented level in the land of the stars, unprecedented, everyone can only see even unimaginable life!

The whole sky seemed to be torn apart and had to be transformed into a huge vortex. If there was a storm roaring inside, the land of the star trembling was shaking. As for the Dao star that was forced to be pulled down by a large amount of silk thread, although During his struggle, the silk thread continued to break, but as Wang Baole struck the sky drum continuously, more silk threads suddenly turned into a waterfall, forming a big hand, one... grabbing Daoxing !

At the moment of grasping Daoxing, Wang Baole's mind roared strongly. Although he only grasped from a distance, this sense of touch made him instantly understand the rules of Daoxing.

At this moment, the whole body breath rises to the sky. In this state of integration with the world, it seems to be one. It seems that it has gathered itself with the will of the entire starfall and the luck of the starfall empire, with no reversal allowed. Imposing, at the moment of grasping Dao Xing, Wang Baole shouted with Yu Li and pulled hard!

"Give me down!"

This dragging gave everyone the feeling that the starry sky was tilted down to a great extent. The Dao star, which was originally struggling in illusion, exploded with intense to extreme light, and was dragged directly from the illusory state. Most of the time.

Between the roars, the starry sky was sunken, and a huge star appeared directly in the sky, occupying almost 30% of the starry sky, and exposing nearly 70% of the stars!

It can be clearly seen that most of the stars of this star are no longer illusory, but have become substance, and in their substantial state, everyone here can see clearly... The whole picture of this star is actually Unlike other stars, it is more like a paper star in the sky!

Even after being pulled out most of the time, the light of this star exploded again, forming a dazzling awn, converging into a sea of ​​light, reflecting the entire starfall to the extreme, and an unprecedented sense of anger. , Also from this star, with the sea of ​​light coming from the sky!

This anger is strong, extremely clear, and seems to be transformed into a sea of ​​fire, wanting to burn the whole world, because as a star, it has its own will, and it can feel the little life on the earth, no matter from what aspect. Compared with myself, they are extremely fragile, and there is a huge gap between them and their own level.

But it can be...because it was born in the land of the star fall, because its rules are generated following the rules of the land of the star fall, it seems that there is an ancient contract that makes it closely related to the land of the star fall. , Will also be subject to some restraint!

This restraint... Prior to this, it didn't care, because the starfall would not interfere with the choice of stars, but today, it is shown for the first time.

So that it can still be proud of the breath of the Supreme Realm in the outer realm, but in front of this little life, it can only struggle passively, and cannot actively punish its offending crimes.

All this is due to the luck of the entire Starfall Empire, blessing the body of that little life, and the will of the Land of Starfall, which also came upon it, as if it were telling it together and letting it choose each other Fusion and become its planet!

This is not its will, so it is struggling, it does not like that person, it does not believe that the other party can not fall under the name of Dao Xing, even its perception of that person is also disgusting, because it looks , The reason why the other party can knock here, everything is caused by external forces, such people, it does not!

What it has to choose is the person next to it who is willing to let himself be the dominant and himself the second.

That is its choice!

So it is angry, it is struggling, and even in this spread of anger, the eruption of the sea of ​​light, there is a shadow of flame around the Dao star, as if it is going to burn, this is not self-immolation, but... trying to split!

This Daoxing chose to show its determination to split with the land of the star fall, to prove that he would never succumb to his will and choose Wang Baole!

Although it can't speak, the spread of anger makes every existence in the entire Starfall Empire feel its meaning clearly at this moment, so they are silent.

Because the dissatisfaction of this Daoxing's will to Wang Baole's reliance on external force seems to be correct in everyone's feelings.

Compared with it, whether it is a bell girl or a young man in black, although there are some external forces to help, on the whole, in terms of them, most of them still rely on themselves.

"I would rather sever with the land of star fall than choose me? Because you think I rely on external force?" Wang Baole's silence, the bell girl next to him, at this moment, his eyes showed ecstasy, the ups and downs of the lost recovery, let Her breath was full of excitement, her body was trembling, and she was about to speak, but before the bell's words came out, Wang Baole suddenly smiled.

He looked up at the sky and pulled out most of Dao Xing by himself. With a cold smile on his face, he suddenly turned to the star-falling emperor in front of the main palace of the palace behind him, and bowed his fist deeply.

"Please seniors take back luck!"

The Emperor of Starfall silently glanced at Wang Baole, seeming to understand the other party's choice, and then raised his right hand with a wave, and suddenly there was a clicking sound outside Wang Baole's body. In an instant, it radiated out of its body, spreading in all directions, and returned to all beings.

This scene made all the star-falling sentient beings stare at each other.

A sense of weakness also strongly appeared in Wang Baole's body and mind at this moment, making his body tremble constantly, but still turned around, facing the sky and the star falling into the world, once again worship.

"Please, the Supreme Will of the Starfall, withdraw your blessings!"

After a short silence, a slight sigh, clearly echoed in the heart of every soul in this world. With the sigh echoed, the colorful awns radiated from Wang Baole's body, white represents the sky, black represents the earth, and green represents Life, blue represents the ocean, and white represents the law.

This light gathered Wang Baole's eyebrows at the moment, and finally dispersed outside the body, transformed into five Changhong, and returned to heaven and earth.

As they left, Wang Baole's body instantly lost all his support. At this moment, the Xingmei Empire's luck is no longer, the world's goodwill disappears, and his external force... It can be said that all of it has been returned. While there, under his weak breath, he had a sense of Lingran and was rising!

At this moment, all the beings in the star-falling land were staring, and even Dao Xing, who was dragged out of the sky for most of his anger, seemed to hesitate and looked at Wang Baole.

"I don't know if you just chose not to merge with me, so I found a reason."

"But in any case, I have returned the external force now, so next...you and be optimistic!!!" Wang Baole said calmly, but when he talked about the last four words, he suddenly raised his head, and originally left because of luck and goodwill. The gloomy eyes that did not change after the support erupted in this moment... even more intense light than before!

This light... to be precise, is... starlight!

"Xingchen, Yuanying!!" Wang Baole snarled inwardly, his hands raised, and he lifted up to the sky!

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