A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 966: Come or not!

Xingchen Yuanying's talent is for people who have it. The closer it is to the planet and the more nearby planets, its own combat power will also skyrocket.

Although the place where the star falls is not a planet, but a void area, the stars on the sky are not obvious, only the only Dao star exists, it can be said that for Wang Baole who has the talent of star Yuanying, there is a certain Blessing, but the degree is not as huge as imagined.

But... in the blessing of goodwill in the world before, Wang Baole Fu to the unfolding of the star Yuanying talent of the soul, he had seen the hidden stars, saw all the stars, at that moment it seemed that he had also transformed into a star, constantly In his mind, until now, with the outbreak of his star Yuan infant's breath, with the cultivation of the morale, with his hands violently lifted towards the sky, the entire starry sky was at this moment, and there was a roar.

At the same time as this roaring sound was transmitted, Wang Baole not only had a strong starlight in his eyes, his body also shone brightly at this instant, and this light became more and more dazzling, and almost completely enveloped it in the end, supporting his body As it rose, the light continued to spread outward.

With his lift-off and the spread of the starlight, the roar of the entire sky became stronger. The faint stars that had lost their color after the arrival of Daoxing appeared to seem to be echoed, gradually emitting a little bit of stars. mango.

Although these starbursts are still very weak, and immediately appeared, they were immediately suppressed by Daoxing, but in Wang Baole's body continued to rise into the sky, the starlight on his body became brighter and brighter. As the feeling of a star becomes stronger and stronger, the starry sky... is slowly changing!

More and more stars that were originally hidden began to appear under the pressure of Daoxing. More and more starlights began to diffuse. It seems that they are using their own actions to resist the overbearing from Daoxing, It is just that Daoxing's repression also became stronger at this moment.

If the Daoxing was contemptuous of Wang Baole before, then at this moment, it was already uneasy. Wang Baole looked at it, not a monk, but one of the stars, so his behavior was a challenge to his status.

All this is because... the essence of the star Yuanying is also a secret that Wang Baole did not notice before, the star Yuanying... to a certain extent, it is a star!

It's just that there is no entity, but the will of the stars!

In this way, Wang Baole's previous acquisition of Dao Xing, the behavior under Dao Xing, is like the resistance and struggle of the stars themselves. If the stars are likened to an empire, then Dao Xing is an emperor, and the star represented by Wang Baole, It is the rise of small people to challenge the existence of tyrants.

This scene makes all the people who see it change their looks!

All the paper people in the square, all of them were shocked, and the elegant monks and young men in black also took a deep breath. The little **** the side was also dumbfounded, and there was the bell girl, and there was a horror at this moment.

Even the Emperor of the Starfall took a few steps at this moment, revealing unbelievable eyes.

"It's actually a star Yuanying!!" As one of the five legendary Yuanying in Weiyang, the star Yuanying is a miracle in itself. At the same time, its hidden nature is also very rare and rare, so it is difficult for outsiders Perceived that even this Emperor of the Starfall had only heard of it, but never seen it, so she did not notice it before in Wang Baole.

This is true for him, and it is the same for everyone else. Although he has realized the reason one after another at the moment, his inner shock has not only decreased, but has become stronger, because... this moment, with Wang Baole’s body, under the starlight At high altitude, the stars in the whole sky seem to be struggling and eager to try, as if they are not willing to lose their brilliance under the Dao star, and they want to resist, but they need a leader!

Dao Xing obviously also noticed all this. When his anger was more intense, the light also exploded on a large scale, fluctuating the entire starry sky, and then going to suppress those stars that seemed to be against his will.

Seeing as the light spread out, the stars were about to be suppressed again. At this moment, Wang Baole suddenly raised his head, his eyes exposed with strange awns, and a word spreading throughout the starry sky came out!

"The stars, don't show up at the moment, what time to wait!" As his words came out, Wang Baole's right hand lifted the star drumstick in his hand. The starlight diffused instantly. With his wave, the star drumstick suddenly seemed like a shooting star. , Go straight to the sky drum.

It fell instantly and knocked out the eighteenth... !

At this moment, the drum sounds skyrocketing, which can be said to be the eighteenth hit, or the infinite hit, because after one hit, the drum sounds came out one after another, rowing like mountains and falling into the sea, roaring and spreading in all directions.

The sky changes drastically, the wind and clouds reverse, and the starry sky seems to be separated. A huge crack is even permeating the sky. These cracks are not real. They are more like the suppression of Daoxing. When these cracks appear, they sound like stars. The loud roar came directly from the sky and exploded in a wide range!

In the roar, in the roar, in the horror of countless lives, the starry sky was completely changed, stars appeared madly, in the blink of an eye, the galaxy reappeared, all the stars were transformed, and the stars were brilliant!

Regardless of how the Dao stars are suppressed in a hurry, it seems that this moment cannot be completely prevented, because among the stars that appear, there are not only ordinary stars, spirit stars and fairy stars, but also... special stars!

Thousands of special stars from the second to the ninth grade have all been transformed, and there are thirty-seven first-grade stars, all of which have appeared unprecedentedly. The light spreads in the sky. This scene is described by the stars. Perhaps It's almost close, but it's close!

And all of this obviously shocked the Dao star with will again and again. Under the provocation of majesty, its anger burst out, and the star automatically changed from the previous substantial substance. Under the roar, its complete star, For the first time appeared in the sky, the power of repression was fully displayed at this moment, making the starry sky distorted. Seeing the stars, including special stars, could not hold on, at this time...

A star, just like a star, second only to the Dao star, appeared directly in the east of the twisted starry sky. With the emergence, a vicissitudes of ancient atmosphere spread into the world, it is like a king of the territory, At this instant, all the splendor broke out, making the starry sky around it no longer twisted!

Then the second, third, fourth and ninth ancient stars also appeared at this moment, all of them appeared, occupying all directions, and another appeared in the center, seeming to face Daoxing directly!

"Ancient Star!" The Emperor of the Starfall murmured in a whisper, all the people who knew the ancient Star in the Starfall Empire, all set off a big wave in their hearts.

Because in their historical records, ancient stars...like Daoxing, are legendary existences. They are ancient stars that once failed to promote Daoxing, but they are not willing to give up. The years of their existence seem to be still falling. Before the empire!

It can even be said that what they lacked is actually some luck and recognition. As long as they have enough luck, it is not impossible to promote Daoxing.

The reason why the Dao star whose rule is paper can succeed is that when it was promoted, it was recognized by the Star Meteor Empire, and it was blessed by the will of the Star Meteor Land, which helped his hand!

So to a certain extent, the dignity of the ancient stars is above the special stars, second only to the existence of Dao Xing, and today...Nine ancient stars and Dao Xing appear at the same time. This scene is unprecedented and unprecedented. !

In this shock of the whole world, the stars around shine, and the light of the starry sky is difficult to describe in words. All the existence of seeing this has already hummed all the brains. Only Wang Baole standing in the air, looking up at the star chart at the moment.

He looked at the stars around him, at thousands of special stars near the inner ring, at the eight ancient stars in the central area, at the ninth ancient star in the center, and even more...as if surrounded by stars The only Dao star spoke slowly.

"This time, I didn't use external force, so you... come or not!"

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