A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 967: The ancient star is coming!

Wang Baole's voice echoed in all directions. After being introduced into the sky, the surrounded starlight shining intensely a few times. Under the eyes of all people, its star suddenly shrank and formed directly in the eyes of all people. A paper-like beam of light came straight to the starry sky where Wang Baole was!

But...as if to retaliate against Wang Baole, after approaching him, the white paper flicked sharply, bypassing him and rushing towards the already desperate... Bell girl!

Suddenly, he fell into his eyebrows and disappeared, and the bell girl herself could only barely bear it, spouting blood, and was comatose before the ecstasy, the starlight diffused outside her body, more and more rich!

In this scene, all seeing cultivation, all shrinking their eyes. At this moment, the whole world is still dead, looking at Wang Baole, not only them, but the stars on the sky are also staring, and the nine ancient stars, I am staring at the moment, maybe I can say that it is waiting.

Wang Baole looked down at the bell girl whose starlight became more and more intense, and suddenly laughed after a moment of silence.

"So, before I said I was relying on external force, just an excuse?" After that, Wang Baole took back his eyes, never looked again, worked hard, showed, and fought, since you still scorned me, then you have not My qualifications are valued by me.

His gaze looked into the sky and spoke slowly and calmly in an unprecedented tone.

"Wait...Who wants to accompany me, walk the mountains and seas, and be with you for life?"

As soon as the words came out, the sky thundered and shook the world, and the stars gleamed together. No matter it was a star, a spirit star, or an immortal star, all of them exploded violently, and all the special stars, from the ninth grade to the first grade, also showed unprecedented Longing, this scene is enough to shock the world, and even more shocking are the nine ancient stars. At this moment, the starlight exploded almost crazy, and even faintly transformed nine beasts on it, toward Wang Baole, Qi Qi Bye!

The sky is full of stars!

This is what the stars are fighting for!

Such a spectacle has never been seen since ancient times!

At this moment, all the paper people in the whole square were shocked again. Although everything that happened under Wang Baole's behavior had already made them horrified enough, this moment was shocked once more.

And in the whole range beyond the Star Emperor Capital, seeing all these Star Meteorites by the method of powerful refraction, their hearts are like a huge wave, especially when they look up, they see the shining stars. , So that all the people who fall into the sky have their minds buzzing.

"It's not so much that stars compete for glory, it's better to say that stars compete for this person!!"

"What kind of opportunity does this person have, actually... actually let the sky be full of stars!"

"Dao Xing does not choose, but the stars are worshiping!!"

After a short silence, the sound of an uproar suddenly exploded across the entire range of the Starfall Empire like a row of mountains and rivers, and the Palace Square was no exception. The officials behind the Starfall Emperor were so powerful.

Even the Emperor Xingyu himself looked a little trance at the moment, and suddenly the words that Wang Baole had said to him suddenly appeared in his mind, and he could not help murmuring.

"Are all the misses for the best arrangement...so which one would you choose?"

At this moment, it is not just the shock of the life of the Starfall Empire. Like Wang Baole, the celestials from Weiyang Daoyu, the same is true. Those monks who did not have the status to come to the palace and did not have the qualification to ring the drums, such as Li Linzi At this moment, outside the palace, the expression was shocked to the extreme.

This is really the chance of the stars, from the beginning to the end, it has brought them too much shock, especially the Dao Star Wars behind and Wang Baole's overbearing rise, and today's star wars, let them from this moment At first, the figure of Wang Baole was firmly imprinted on the bottom of my heart, and only four words appeared in my mind!

"So arrogant..."

In addition to them, similar thoughts emerged, as well as the first Confucian monk from Zuo Dao. At this moment, he truly regarded Wang Baole as a person equal to himself. When he looked unprecedentedly dignified, the black next to him Yi Qing also gave Wang Baole a deep glance, his eyes slightly bleak.

There is also a little girl, eyes wide open, staring blankly at Wang Baole, he doesn't know what he is thinking, but his eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

As for other people, such as the mask girl, the little fat man, the tall brother, etc., have chosen the star fusion. At this moment, the consciousness is not scattered, and they don’t know what is happening outside, but compared to them, the most shocking at the moment is that. Inside the bell girl who has passed out... Dao Xing! !

The Dao star did not choose Wang Baole in the end, even if Wang Baole broke out with his own strength, he was still abandoned by it, but now the person who has been abandoned by him, actually attracted the stars to fight for brilliance...if it has the emotion of a monk , Then there must be a loss in silence at this moment.

Faintly, it has a feeling that it seems to itself... missed a very important opportunity.

Because... the monk whom he despised, only said who would like to accompany, not to say what will happen after the company, which is equivalent to not giving benefits, just asking who wants to come, but even if it is so, it is still Stimulated the stars to conquer...

Even Wang Baole himself didn't expect such a vast scene, so after silence, he looked at the stars shining in the sky, his expression was more solemn, and after giving a deep worship, he gave his promise.

"Follow me, I will do my utmost to make it rise to become the highest star in the Dao realm, this is my wish to my way!"

As soon as this word came out, the hearts of all the people who heard it were strongly shaken again, and even the Star Emperor's eyes shrank suddenly. It was really... Wang Baole's words were too heavy!

An oath is a prayer based on one's own future, as a testimony, and is expected to be recognized by the sky and the sky. If it can be portrayed within the rules of the starry sky, this oath will exist forever, but can be carved into the rules by oath. , Must be a powerful person, Yu et al. is difficult to affect the law of starry sky.

The big wish is a more solemn wish than an oath, not only to prove the heart of the future, but also to prove the sincerity of the oath with its own life and all traces of existence. Generally speaking, even ordinary people, His ambition also has a subtle effect on the law of the stars. Once he speaks, he will more or less suffer some bite, and the more he has the luck, the greater the influence on the laws of the stars.

If those who have great luck open their mouths, they will even cause a vision of heaven and earth!

And Wang Baole does not know that his words are extremely important, but his heart tells himself that since Mantian Xinghe is willing to choose himself, then he must not let his choice of stars be disappointed!

At the moment his words reverberate, the stars in the sky tremble together, and then the starlight explodes more intensely, making the sky change, and the whole world is reflected by the starlight, and the desire from the stars is also crazy at this moment. Outbreak, it seems that every star is calling and looking forward to Wang Baole's choice!

Especially the nine ancient stars, the light reached the extreme, and even the most central one fell at a very decisive moment in this yearning!

This is the initiative to fall, this is to bet on its ancient dignity, but also on its future, because once Wang Baole did not choose it, it is equal to that it lost its recognition again, the only way for Gu Xing to promote to Daoxing is recognition , And this time if Wang Baole did not approve, then the impact on it will be great!

After all, the active choice is abandoned, whether it is to people or to the stars, it is a kind of harm, and the latter is even worse!

This scene also completely shocked everyone who saw it!

"Gu Xing comes actively!"

The recurrence of the uproar, but did not wait for the spread, the other eight ancient stars in the sky seemed so anxious and crazy, actually...all at this instant, all came together, and together with the previous one, turned into nine ways Changhong, who came from the sky, went straight to Wang Baole, and finally stunned everyone. The body of these nine stars was revealed, and the vicissitudes and countless potholes were scattered. It also became smaller and smaller.

In the end, all of them became the size of fists, forming nine brilliant pearls, floating in front of Wang Baole, the light was shining, and the stars in the sky were also shaking.

Wang Baole was also breathless, looking at the nine ancient stars in front of him, and in their shining, his consciousness seemed to feel the desire of the nine ancient stars and touch their will.

"I don't want to be like this forever, even if I agree with one another, as long as I can become a Daoxing, I need enough recognition?"

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