A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 973: Two more?

The paper-man shops in these shops are also familiar with Wang Baole. After seeing him, he is very respectful and polite. Even the old paper-man who had pitted with him was very enthusiastic after seeing Wang Baole.

So after buying some items in these shops, Wang Baole went to the black paper sea again. Instead of going in, he looked at the sea that had gradually changed from gray to white on the shore and paid a deep visit. go with!

Because he knows that his time to wake up is too late. He cannot stay here for too long. The later he leaves, the greater the crisis. And the time he takes from waking up to leaving is actually less than one hour.

It can be said that it is very fast.

As for his departure, it was obviously treated specially, because the boat that the Starfall Empire arranged for Wang Baole to leave was the starship that brought him, and the boatman was the one who used to row the boat.

This paper man looked at Wang Baole's gaze, while adding some mildness, but also had other emotional colors, as if watching the juniors, after Wang Baole visited the ship, as his paper paddle swayed, throughout the Starfall Empire monks Looking up, Wang Baole stood on the boat and bowed to the earth.

"Thank you seniors, we... have good luck!"

On the earth, in the royal palace, while the star-falling emperor smiled and nodded, the star-falling ancestor of the black paper sea also slowly rose, standing on the sea and looking at the boat where Wang Baole was located. Seeing this boat going further and further away, it was necessary He left suddenly.

"Boy, pay attention to your bottle, it contains two different obsessions, which can invisibly change the user's thoughts, make it more greedy for materials, and also become particularly eager for longevity, and these two shares The obsessed master, according to my feelings, is not weak... The Outland Realm Supreme Master summoned by your scriptures!"

At the moment when the star boat at the foot of Wang Baole shuttled out of the void where the star falls, the words of the black paper sea paperman emerged in his mind. This sentence made Wang Baole's eyes wide open and his body tremble involuntarily. After a brief look back subconsciously, the nature that can be seen is no longer the star-falling land, but a white paper-like starry sky.

Before he can see clearly, this piece of paper star folds in half at a rapid speed. As when he came, the starry sky was folded indefinitely, and the boat was covered in it, until everything disappeared.

Then in a starry sky in Weiyang Daoyu, this star meteorite became silent and breathless, Wang Baole on the ship also shook his body, and his consciousness recovered from the trance of the genius, looking at the surrounding starry sky, he understood that he had Leaving the land of the star fall and returning to the territory of Weiyang Dao.

While looking around, his mind still echoed the words of the black paper people before he left, thinking that the other party was unlikely to deceive himself. This parting words also contained good intentions and reminders, and Wang Baole couldn't help but choke in his heart.

"It's just one supreme, how can there be two... I said that the bottle is weird, otherwise, such a straight person, how could I be so greedy in the land of the stars!" Wang Baole was entangled in his heart. It is not good to leave the bottle around, but on the other hand it is a treasure after all, it is impossible to throw it away.

But when he was entangled here, as he returned to the Weiyang Dao, Wang Baole quickly felt his difference from the past. In this starry sky, there was a trace of invisible breath, which was gathering from all sides. At the same time as being absorbed by himself, he converged into Daoxing in the body.

This state of non-cultivation at all times is not unique to Wang Baole, but is possessed by every planetary monk. It is also one of their strengths. With the help of stars in the body, they can integrate themselves with the starry sky and become one. Can absorb the so-called fairy gas in the starry sky!

It's just that the fairy qi that gathered here at Wang Baole is extremely magnificent. In the blink of an eye, he gathered a huge vortex around him, and even more fairy qi came, making this vortex still visible to the naked eye. Swell.

This scene, if it is seen by other planetary environments that do not know Wang Baole, it will definitely be overshadowed. The inner heart is making a tremendous wave. It is really the vortex of Wang Baole here. It is too amazing. Imagine that if it is not controlled, it may spread its range. Can reach the level of terrifying.

Even if you are immersed in cultivation in a celestial star system, it is possible to absorb the energy fairy energy of a whole galaxy range to a short period of exhaustion. This is not true for all life in that galaxy, including stars. Small injuries.

The vast majority of planetary monks can't do this, at most it is to reach the small half of Wang Baole who is not fully expanded now. From this, we can also see the terrible and overbearing place of Daoxing.

Even Wang Baole was shocked himself. He knew that he must be low-key now, so he immediately forcibly blocked it, and then let the vortex around him slowly dissipate, until he completely disappeared, he was relieved in his heart.

"You should pay attention to practice in the future..." Wang Baole rubbed his eyebrows. He had just been promoted to the planet. Although his body had adapted, his mentality had not been completely converted. For example, this is the case. Planetary cultivation is very different from the spirit fairy. Control, even if it is far away, it will be noticed.

After all... the turbulence created is different.

"Especially now I am most likely to be targeted... Zijin Civilization will take measures against me..." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and glanced inside the storage bag, the Zijin Civilization Road sealed by him, after pondering He looked at the paper man in the rowing boat and bowed his fists.

"Senior, can you send the junior to my designated place?"

Generally speaking, the boaters of the Starfall Boat will not care about the monks in the Outland. They will follow the instructions of the Starfall Empire and send people to the embarkation site. The itinerary will not change during this period.

But obviously no matter whether it is the paperman of the boating or the instructions of the Starfall Empire, Wang Baole has special care here, so after hearing Wang Baole's words, the paper man turned back to look at him, and there was an inquiry in his eyes. Meaning.

Seeing this, Wang Baole felt excited, and immediately passed a coordinate. This coordinate is where he arranged Zhao Yameng, Xiaomao and Xiaowu before he went to the place where the stars fell.

According to Wang Baole’s inner plan at this moment, he must first pick up people, and then control the body to wake up. Even if the gods and gods civilization is now equipped with Tianluodi.com, when they are not prepared, the body can also rely on the authority of God’s star for the first time. Expand the teleportation back to the solar system.

And here, in the same way, after approaching the Divine Eye civilization, the connection with the Divine Star star can be transmitted along with it and return to the solar system to merge with the body.

The key point of this matter is the teleportation of the **** star, but considering that the Zijin civilization may seal the star, Wang Baole also has alternative plans, but all plans have a premise, that is to pick up Zhao Yameng and others, so he Only if you choose to go away, you will lose contact with Zhao Yameng and others, and they stay here for a short period of time, which is safe and long. I am afraid that there will be danger.

"If I knew that Xingyue and his party wouldn't be a little dangerous, just bring them around." Wang Baole shook his head, and as he informed the coordinates, under the paper boat, the Xingyue's boat suddenly changed direction. Moving forward quickly, because of its special materials and rules, not only is it fast, but it is rarely seen by anyone, so it is unimpeded all the way.

Soon, it was the time when Wang Baole arranged for Zhao Yameng to be near the star where they were very ordinary and hardly noticed. But when he first arrived here, as Wang Baole's consciousness spread out, his complexion came in the next moment... change!

On this star, there is an empty space, although there are traces of supernatural power fluctuations, but there is no breath of Zhao Yameng, the little donkey, and Xiaowu. If that's the case, just the traces of supernatural power fluctuations, after Wang Baole's consciousness swept away, Clearly in his mind, a gloomy voice with a fierce voice echoed!

"Long Nanzi, the old man is waiting for you in Shenmu civilization!"

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