A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 974: Strictly wait!

Feeling the sound that emerged from the mind contained in the magical spell remaining on this star, Wang Baole's silence in his right hand was unconsciously held, and his complexion became somber, standing on the boat without saying a word, The ice-cold breath emanating from him seemed to affect the starry sky in all directions, so that the starry sky outside the boat also showed signs of seeming to be frozen.

Although he couldn't influence his own emotions to affect nothingness, this moment of Wang Baole's anger still caused fluctuations around him, especially the Dao stars in his body, which also quickly rotated after feeling Wang Baole's emotions.

Around Wang Baole, nine shadows of illusory ancient stars gradually appeared, and the rules in them all began to change, so that nine colors were formed. The rapid transformation, a terrible coercion, and naturally spread out on Wang Baole. .

The surroundings gradually reverberated with roaring sounds, and more vortices gathered from the four sides, and the momentum also slowly expanded until after a long time, I saw that the vortex of the star-falling boat was larger and larger, and even seemed to become a When Zhang Dakou seemed to be able to devour the stars in front of him, Wang Baole closed his eyes.

"This matter, I did it wrong..." Wang Baole murmured, he felt that he was a little too cautious before, and should not leave Zhao Yameng, Xiaomao and Xiaowu here.

Otherwise, they will not be so passive at the moment, and they will have a life and death crisis.

"Zijin Civilization..." Wang Baole's eyes opened suddenly, his eyes showing decisiveness. At this time, he could not leave alone for safety, which was not in line with his character or the killing opportunity he had to suppress at the moment. .

After coming to Shenmu Civilization, his practice seems to be smooth, but in fact it has a lot of twists and turns. Now that he has stepped into the planet, Wang Baole does not intend to suppress his killing intention. As his eyes become colder, Wang Baole is in After being silent for half a column of incense, he bowed his fist at the paper man on the star ship.

"Also invite seniors to send me back... where Shenmu civilization boarded the ship!"

The paper man gave Wang Baole a deep glance. Instead of paddling immediately, he heard the first words on his way back from his mouth.

"Due to the agreement and rules, I can't leave the boat, let alone take the initiative to cause conflict, but as long as you stand in the boat, I can keep you safe and send you wherever I want to go!"

Wang Baole was deeply grateful to him and bowed to the paper people again.

"Seniors don't need to shoot, juniors have their own countermeasures!"

The paper man on the starship boat nodded and continued to speak. Instead, the paper paddle shook in his hand. The starship boat suddenly went silent into the starry sky, and galloped toward the place where the god's civilization is located. And go.

During this journey, the surrounding starry sky looked in Wang Baole's eyes, as if it had become a flowing river. At first glance it was blurry, but if you look closely, you can see that the speed of the boat is beyond imagination , Causing everything around to seem to move, thus forming the meaning of running water.

Looking at all this, Wang Baole's mind was extremely calm, only the inner cold and murderous, as the boat traveled, it became more and more rich. He felt that after he came to the Shenmu civilization, although he had a high-profile, but overall It is still a little low.

"Well, in the final analysis... I have too many concerns here, obviously there are other paths, why should it be so." Wang Baole looked up in silence, looking at a direction in the starry sky.

In this distant view, the speed of the star-falling boat is getting faster and faster. At this speed, it does not take too long from here to the Shenmu civilization, which is half an hour... As the speed of the star-falling boat is slow After coming down, Shenmu civilization suddenly appeared in front of him!

There is no first time to look at Shenmu civilization, Wang Baole's eyes still look in the direction of the starry sky, and no one knows what he is looking at except himself.

Because, that is his memory in the dream, where Ming Zong is located, and also where his master is located!

Until a long time, Wang Baole seemed to have a decision in his heart, and actually knelt down in that direction and bowed silently.

Then he stood up, and in the sight of the murderous glare, the paper man on the star-falling boat felt Wang Baole's thoughts. The paper paddle swayed, the boat roared, and went forward again, directly through the barriers outside civilization, like a leap, It appeared directly where Wang Baole boarded the ship!

As soon as it appeared, there was a shocking weather inside the Shenmu civilization. While sweeping all directions, there was a seal method, which came suddenly and enveloped the entire Shenmu civilization. At the same time, outside of the Shenmu civilization, it appeared from the void at the moment. Pieces of huge crystals filled the runes.

The size of each wafer is comparable to a planet, such a huge wafer, and the number is almost incalculable. At this moment, after all appeared, they were connected to each other in an instant, making it far away. From a distance, if you can stand at a height that can overlook the entire Shenmu civilization, then you can clearly see that these chips, under this rapid connection, look like a wall, and completely cover the entire Shenmu civilization. .

Make the god's eye civilization... as if it had turned into a giant crystal ball the size of a galaxy!

It was also at the moment when the crystal ball was formed, in the native region of the Zijin civilization, which is very far away from here, all the conquered civilizations under it, all the artificial stars shine at this moment, in the ancestors of the Zijin civilization. Under the control, with a special method, all the power of the stars is gathered and passed on to the huge crystal wrapped in the civilization of the god's eye!

This crystal made the crystal dazzling in the blink of an eye, as if it had transformed into a giant star, isolating all the breath in it and all the external senses.

This arrangement is naturally for Wang Baole's Taoxing, and Zijin civilization obviously has some confidence. Under this arrangement, not only can Wang Baole escape, even if someone wants to calculate Wang Baole's position, he can't do it in a short time.

This gives them time and opportunity!

Therefore, not only the external seal, but also in this god-headed civilization, almost at the moment when Wang Baole appeared, at the moment when the external chip turned into envelope, around the star-falling boat, the starry sky ripple spread one after another The figure of the monk is directly revealed!

From a broad perspective, the number of monks here has reached an astonishing level. There are almost a million troops in the outer part. While surrounding the surrounding layers, it is the same even in the two directions.

At the same time, in front of the star-falling boat, the atmosphere of the planet is constantly erupting. In addition to the three planets of the ancestor of the heavenly ancestor, the new ancestor of the new road and the celestial ancestor of the Zijin civilization, there are still six bodies scattered around them. There are male and female monks out of planetary waves.

A total of nine planets, at the moment, looked at the star-falling boat that appeared, and Wang Baole on the boat!

In addition, before these nine people, there was also a middle-aged man, who had a breath like a person, he could suppress all directions and form an endless ripple. This person is the stellar ancestor of the Zijin civilization, It was also the person who had blocked Wang Baole's boarding before!

Besides, he is not the only star in this place. Behind Wang Baole, there is a moment of distortion in the void, and he suddenly walked out of the figure again. This person is wearing a black robe and is an old man. As he walks out, the fiery power around him explodes, and the stellar power is even more. Fully revealed.

"Nine planets, two stars!" When Wang Baole's eyes narrowed, he also saw a huge bubble floating outside the encirclement of the enemy in the distance. The rune on this bubble was shining, but it was translucent, making Wang Baole able. At a glance, inside the bubble, the unconscious Zhao Yameng and the little donkey and Xiaowu!

Looking at the bubbles, Wang Baole didn't care about being noticed, and a star appeared instantly behind him. The color of this star was cyan, which is the fifth of the ancient stars and the blue cloud!

The cloud is impermanent, and the changes are endless. It can be called one of the magic methods. With this cloud blessing, Wang Baole instantly sees everything in this bubble. It is not a magic method, but a real existence. Zhao Yameng, Xiaomao and Xiaowu Although weak, but there is no worry of life.

This made him finally relieved. In fact, this matter is also within his judgment. After all, Zijin Civilization is so vigorous, just to let itself come, so Zhao Yameng and others as chips will naturally not have life and death in a short time. .

At this moment, at the moment when Wang Baole noticed that Zhao Yameng and others were intact, and the heart was loose, the middle-aged star in front of him was powerful, his eyes flashed coldly, and he sipped.

"Long Nanzi!"

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