A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 975: Have you heard?

This sound is like a sky thunder. In the moment of outburst, it seems to affect the rules of the starry sky. As the words are spoken, the starry sky of the entire Divine Eye civilization is rippled and the momentum is strong, forming countless real thunders. Long appeared out of thin air!

It even affected the star of Shenmu civilization, making the eye of the star also shine a few times. Unfortunately, as it shined, there were obviously countless runes appearing on its surface. Eyes, instantly suppressed.

So that it can't have a connection with Wang Baole, so Wang Baole can't use the eye of the star to initiate transmission here, and coupled with the numerous crystal chips outside the Divine Eye civilization, it can be said that Zijin Civilization has already built this place The copper walls and iron walls are average, and those who are idle can't even step in and get out!

Unless it is a star power, you can ignore this arrangement, but Zijin Civilization is very clear. Now those powerful forces who are greedy for Wang Baole Daoxing, they are not as convenient as Zijin Civilization. They can lead Wang Baole to the first time. It can be said that Zijin Civilization is in In this matter, it took the lead.

Other forces of greedy Daoxing, if you want to get started, then you must first find Wang Baole, and the crystal outside the Shenmu civilization...It is not so much as to prevent Wang Baole from escaping, it is better... to hide the traces of the Shenmu civilization!

The latter is its biggest role, even if this hiding cannot be done for a long time, but they have enough time to obtain Daoxing, then it will be fine. As long as they are acquired, they will be coveted by other major forces, but this matter is Zijin civilization After all, its own processing method, even if it is donated, will surely gain a lot of benefits for Zijin civilization.

So at this moment, the star of the Zijin civilization, while roaring, also had undisguised greed in its eyes, and it was extremely strong, and this time, the Zijin civilization, they dispatched two stars, nine planets, and even arranged a heaven and earth network. Get Daoxing...I am determined to get it!

In fact, after seeing the list passed by Starfall, after seeing the name Wang Baole and the Godhead civilization mark behind it, they already knew very well that the other party was Long Nanzi.

So at that moment, the layout was already carried out. Not only did they find Zhao Yameng and arrested them, but in addition, there were other series of plans, including how they would do it if Wang Baole didn’t come as scheduled. It is ready, even the matter of the Earth Federation has been calculated by the stellar ancestor of the Zijin civilization at a cost.

It can be said that for this acquisition, they are fully prepared and there are many sets of plans. Although these Wang Baole do not know the specifics, but at the moment they look at the army of monks in the Zijin civilization. However, his face didn't become unsightly, and even the gloomy meaning disappeared. Instead, there was a calm that seemed to have emerged because of a decision made in the heart.

After hearing the low roar of the Zijin civilization star monk, Wang Baole, with such a calm expression, looked up at the other party with a calmer look.

"Give you a chance to atone, let me go, leave the god-headed civilization, and send a gift, this matter... this seat can not be pursued." Wang Baole spoke lightly with the star of the powerful star.

As soon as his words came out, the planetary monks, such as the new ancestor of the new road and the ancestor of the palm of the sky, were surprised, and some planets from the Zijin civilization sneered.

The same is true of the two stars. The star behind Wang Baole shows contempt, and the star staring at him laughs even more, and the killing in his eyes is more obvious at this moment.

"After the integration of Dao Xing, make you stupid? Long Nanzi, the old man no matter what your name is Wang Baole or other, no matter what your origin is, the Earth Federation, or really is the cultivation of Divine Eye civilization, All this... makes no sense!"

"I will also give you a chance to atone for your sins, surrender your Dao stars, and take your hand, otherwise you will die... not only your friends here will die because of you, but this god-headed civilization will also be slaughtered. The Federation... will be wiped out in front of you in an instant!" So, the star power raised his right hand, and suddenly there was a distortion in the void of his side, and a picture appeared in this picture. Wang Baole's familiar solar system!

In the picture, in addition to the solar system, you can also see a star power, sitting cross-legged in the starry sky outside the solar system, its cultivation is extremely extreme, it seems that every move can pull the rules of the starry sky, and in its hands, positive There is a sphere of light that exudes terror and waves, shining.

The power contained in this sphere of light, Wang Baole was just across the void, glance at this illusory picture, and immediately felt the kind of terror that could destroy a civilization.

In this scene, in that star's powerful judgment, Wang Baole's look must be changed more or less, but to his disappointment, Wang Baole just glanced at it, and there was also some reminiscence in his eyes. But there are no other changes, and the expression of being threatened is nothing.

This made him groan inwardly and spoke again.

"In addition, my Zijin civilization has arranged a large array, which will trace your original power, so that you will be cursed in this starry sky and all people who are related to your blood, let them die because of you! "

"So now, compared with the Daoxing you just got, your home, family, friends and everything around you, including your own life, are these important, or Daoxing is important, give the old man an answer!"

Wang Baole, who was standing on the Star Meteor, looked at the place where Zhao Yameng was sealed, and listened to the words of stellar power, and was silent.

His silence also relieved the two purple gold stars before and after them. They seemed to have a strong heart, but they had some scruples in their hearts, because Daoxing is different from other special stars, even if other special stars are merged with the monk. , But there are too many ways to dig out the stars to change their owners.

But Daoxing is different, because it involves the attribution of the only law. To a certain extent, special stars are not branded by the starry sky rule, but Daoxing is not. At the moment of fusion with Wang Baole, it is like filing in the starry sky. general.

In this way, even if it is forcibly dug out, it will have no effect. It can be recovered with only one idea of ​​Wang Baole. At the same time, if Wang Baole is beheaded, this is also the case. This Dao star will dissipate itself and cannot be blocked back To the place where the star falls.

Therefore, the only way to obtain Daoxing is to send it out voluntarily by the owner. Just like the transfer, give this Daoxing to others, so that you can actually get it.

Therefore, while trapping Wang Baole, the focus of Zijin Civilization is to capture it and seize its weaknesses, and use all the threats to coerce Wang Baole and make it voluntary!

In addition, there is a temporary change, that is... After Wang Baole returned, the star-falling boat did not disappear, and as long as he stood on the star-falling boat, the Zijin civilization would not dare to act rashly.

Because they can’t be sure whether the star-falling boat can disregard their arrangement and take Wang Baole away. Once the other party really escapes desperately, then they will be defeated. Although the other party can come, it has already explained the problem, but this matter is too big , So they dare not be completely certain.

This makes them more scrupulous, so they have the previous strength and direct threats, in order to let Wang Baole be afraid and be held back by his thoughts, and will not escape in the first time.

Although Wang Baole didn't know all these details, he sneered at the series of reactions of the other party after his return, contacting his understanding of the conditions of Daoxing's transfer. These points of residence are extremely important to Wang Baole. If he hadn't had a way to deal with them, he would be extremely anxious and passive at the moment.

But at the moment, he just sighed.

"I was going to face you as an ordinary person..."

Wang Baole whispered, his expression was still calm, and his eyes were the same. Looking at the star in front of him, his words slowly changed from plain to gradual as the words came out, and some helpless colors gradually showed proud meaning.

"I was going to conduct this cultivation practice trial in a normal attitude..."

The reason for frustration seems to be that I didn’t want to do the next thing. The reason for the arrogance is that the words to be spoken next, which themselves mean that although they are not supreme, they must also be the supreme identity, falling into the Around the ears of the priests of Zijin civilization, especially the two stars, they instantly turned into thunder and roared!

"It's okay... as an ordinary person, in a normal posture, but in exchange for threats and humiliation, now I'm showdown, I don't pretend, my true identity is under the ancestors of flames, personal disciples! "

"My master revered the ancestor of the flame, can you wait to hear it?!" Wang Baole's arrogant meaning broke out strongly, and his voice was like thunder, spreading all over the world!

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