A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 978: Meet again!

The domineering ancestor of the flames is undoubtedly revealed from these three sentences. The first sentence tells the identity of the other party Wang Baole, the second sentence allows the other party to pay courtesy, and the third sentence directly expels!

Whether this is true or not, I don’t want to go to theory with you. It’s not so much a notice as a command!

I don’t ask why, and no matter what your background is, I will only deal with it in my way, and you here... comply with it, and follow it if you don’t!

As the first strongest player of Zijin civilization, Xiuwei reached the star's ultimate ancestor. He bowed there and trembling at the moment, his heart was full of suffocation, but he dared not resist, not even raising his head, The inner thoughts did not dare to show the slightest. All he could do was respectfully, and then he dared to raise his head after the flame head of the flame ancestor slowly dissipated, and stood silent for a long time in a bitter expression.

Finally, he glanced at the solar system in front of him with a dim expression, turned around, and chose to leave.

He had already guessed that the two stars who went to Shenmu Civilization under his command must have fallen, and the end of all the Zijin civilization monks remaining in the Shenmu Civilization can also be expected. This loss can be said to make them Zijin Civilization is more tragic than breaking the bones.

And all this is because of Wang Baole!

But he didn't dare to avenge his revenge. At this moment, under this repression and madness, he couldn't help but scream in the sky to the extreme.

"Wang Baole... You have such a background, why don't you say it early!!!"

In this scream, he was faster and left madly, because he knew that he would have to prepare a reward, even if he suffocated his heart, the reward should still be heavier, otherwise he would suffer endlessly.

While he was galloping here, in the God Eye galaxy, in the ears of the nine people in the sky, like the thunder echoed, as Wang Baole opened his mouth, as he raised his right hand to point to the God Star main star, the God Star main star suddenly shook.

The earth rolls over and the sky changes. In the coffin where Wang Baole’s deity is located, his eyes open suddenly, even at the moment of opening, and the earth shakes again. The soil around the coffin is completely collapsed, and huge cracks spread. Between, directly covering a thousand miles.

The next thousand miles of land in this remote place burst into a crack directly at the next instant, and the coffin was in the collapse of the land. It rushed out for the first time in many years and left the ground, just like a meteor, drawn out A bright Changhong went straight to the stars!

The speed is fast, beyond the ordinary planets, and directly appeared on the starry sky battlefield. In the horror of a large number of monks here, in the shock of the nine people in the sky, the coffin roared all the way, and instantly reached the top of the battlefield!

With the emergence, more intense coercion radiated from the coffin, especially the runes on it, and the vicissitudes of the ancient years continue to permeate, making everyone on the battlefield heartless. Roaring again.

Even at the moment when their hearts roared, Wang Baole smiled and looked forward to it.

"You, see you later." Then, Wang Baole's body shook, and the whole person instantly turned into a mist, and went straight to the coffin. Under the attention of all around, the fog turned into the coffin directly. Go all in!

In these years of coming to Shenmu Civilization, in order to avoid Weiyang Heavenly Dao, I had to condense the original dharma body with the method taught by the brothers. Fusion with the deity!

At this moment, with the integration of the fog of its original avatar, in this coffin, the fog brakes of the avatar will cover its deity, follow the seven tricks, along the sweat pores of the whole body, while integrating into the deity, it will also be repaired as the same. !

In addition, there are the rules of nine ancient stars, and... Daoxing! !

Because the avatar and the body are originally homologous, this fusion, although it is the transfer of Daoxing, has not been hindered at all, and the fusion ends almost instantly, and at the end of the moment, Wang Baole in the coffin, his body violently Shock, repairs and fluctuations broke out strongly at this moment.

His deity is already strong, and now after the fusion of avatars, his combat power has also skyrocketed, especially the feeling that he finally has a physical body, and it also makes Wang Baole unite the body and mind, and the Daoxing in the body runs more smoothly. The rules and The law has evolved continuously in him, and his cultivation practice has also been improved. Although it has not reached the middle of the planet, in terms of combat power...it has skyrocketed too much!

At the same time, in his fusion here, Zhang Tian Pao and others showed brutality and even more irresistible madness in their eyes. They were very clear that this time no matter how arrogant Wang Baole was, he was able to suppress the power in Xingyu. Next, they cannot leave this place alive.

In addition, Wang Baole here obviously will not let them go. It can be said that in any case, it is a dead end. That is the case... They are all crazy and desperate in this madness, and the killing is even stronger.

It was at this moment... that coffin, which was widely watched and exuded the vicissitudes of the years, suddenly heard the click!

Visible to the naked eye, the coffin cover slowly moved under countless eyes until it was half opened...In the dark coffin mouth, a hand was stretched out, only a fleshy hand!

The moment the hand appeared, the Tianling Sect shouted in anger and anger.

"You listen, my Zijin civilization monk, even if he is dead, he must die with this thief!" As he said, he burned in an instant and went straight to the coffin, not only him, but also several other planets, including the same desperate and bitter. Including the Heavenly Patriarch, all planets shot together.

As for the large number of monks around, they all shot one by one in a frenzy, forming a supernatural magical power, slamming into the coffin!

But at the moment when these supernatural powers roared, a calm voice came out lightly from this coffin.

"Talk on paper."

At the same time as it came out, the hand stretched out from the inside of the coffin had pinched out a seal, and there appeared a paper that made all the viewers, all the hearts stunned, and even let the paper on the star boat that had never left. People, the change of strange awn is revealed in the eyes!

The original hand with blood and flesh... At this moment, it became a paper hand!

It was also the moment of turning into a paper hand, and the power of a law that the monks had not seen here also spread, and in an instant... including nine planets, and countless magical skills erupted by all the monks around, In the moment near the coffin paper hand... all visible to the naked eye, directly turned into a piece of paper! !

"It's impossible!!" The head of the Tianling Sect shouted aloud!

"This... this is not magic! This is the rule!!"

"Not a rule, I have never heard of any rule that can turn everything into paper!!"

"Star Fall......The Land of Star Fall!!" All the other planets were shocked to the extreme, and they all lost their voices. Only the palm ancestor trembles, the first to retreat quickly, give up to continue, and try to escape!

Obviously, this scene scared him completely, no matter what supernatural power, no matter the magic, even the magic weapon, there is no exception. In the blink of an eye, it becomes a piece of paper with different shapes. This scene is too It was terrifying.

In particular, all the magical powers of the past have gone off with great force, but now they are falling lightly. From a distance, they look like snowflakes and paper rain, and they all fall. The powerlessness brought about by this all makes people desperate!

And all the people around were in a state of anxiety, and the scalp was numb, the paper hand... holding the edge of the casket with one hand, making its figure, and slowly stood up from the casket!

Revealed in everyone's eyes!

A black hair, a black robe, a star like a star, a face cut like a knife, and a sharp edge at the same time there is a spirit that shakes the mind. From this figure, it continues to spread out, touching the starry sky, making the entire god-headed civilization The waves set off, the flames all circled towards them, and the eyes of the stellar star were shining strongly at this moment!

This different appearance from Long Nanzi makes everyone here feel a strange wave while they feel strange, and just when all of them tremble and fear in their hearts, the black figure walking out of the coffin is lightly open .

"Re-recognize, this solar system federal president, Wang Baole!"

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