A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 979: Kill town!

As Wang Baole walked out, there was an orange star looming behind him, and at the same time as this star appeared, the words spoken by Wang Baole began to echo in all directions, spreading throughout the gods and stars!

All planets, including the celestial constellation, and even the ancestor of the palm heaven, who had already retreated at this moment, suddenly shook their bodies.

Not the shocking meaning of Wang Baole’s sentence, but the moment when the words fell into their ears, they seemed to have formed a kind of strange power, as if they had the rules, and turned into a roar beyond the thunder. A loud noise, exploding insanely within their consciousness!

Not only they are so, hundreds of thousands of Zijin civilization monks around, everyone is at this moment, their minds roar, like the words of Wang Baole, turned into hundreds of thousands of sharp blades, toward all of them, invisible, Penetrate the body and pierce the soul!

This is exactly... the Orange Way!

Incorporate this rule into your own voice, so that your own words are just like saying words, with the power of rules. Although it is not particularly clever, it is not possible to kill with precision. You can still use your own orange music way to disperse it with your voice, so as to shake the enemy's mind and make everyone in this place buzz.

Even among the hundreds of thousands of purple gold monks around, some people who were weak or with dark wounds, at this instant, with the roar of the mind and soul, and with the tingling of the soul, blood spurted from the shaking of the body, double The moment of gloom was dim, and the soul was shattered directly, leaving only the corpse and falling around!

Only the planets including the Celestial Master, although they were also influenced by the music, but their own strength, they quickly recovered under this rule, and all of them showed madness, like a trapped beast, At this moment a stronger struggle broke out.

"Left and right are dead in battle, that's the case...I don't believe this, I and everyone can't help but the beginning of a newly promoted planet!!"

"Although I wait for the most to be a fairy star, Dao star...how!"

"Successful king defeated this time, this time it was to fight for creation, but now it fails, but the consequences are the most serious, that is, to die, kill!!" It must be said that the planetary monk of the Zijin civilization fights for this kind of desperation On the other hand, there are too many civilizations over God’s eyes, so although Zhang Tian escaped, and the new ancestors also hesitated, the other purple gold planets have red eyes one by one. The explosion, the planets changed, and rushed towards Wang Bao!

And their leadership has also made hundreds of thousands of purple gold monks around, seeming to be inspired one by one, as if to strike again!

Looking at all this, Wang Baole's eyes showed strange mans.

What he wants is the momentum of the other party! The reason why he didn't let the ancestor of the flame ancestors shot, on the one hand, he wanted to vent his internal anger, after all, the other party calculated that he was in front, to threaten himself in the back, even this time, if not the ancestor of flames, even the solar system must be slaughtered , So his anger will not appear as a woman's benevolence due to the large number of opponents and the large killings.

All he wants is slaughter!

On the other hand, it is also necessary to use this time... to make your nine rules more perfect!

So after the orange music road unfolded, at the moment when Tianling et al. rushed out for the outbreak, Wang Baole stepped forward calmly and took the second step, and his right hand was also lifted, waving gently towards the surroundings.


In a word, a word, at the moment of exit, a screaming scream was suddenly sent out from the hundreds of thousands of monks around the planet who were under the leadership of the planet, and these tens of thousands of monks were almost all here. In a moment, the seven tricks bleed!

This kind of bleeding is not a shock, but the blood in their body at this moment, it seems that they have rejected themselves, and they don't want to stay in the body, as if there is a strong call outside, so they must rush out from their bodies!

In an instant, there were tens of thousands of monks who could not control the scream, and the body collapsed. That was caused by the impact of the blood rushing out. As the body shattered, the gods and souls also dissipated directly, and only the blood was toward Wang Baole gathered here frantically, forming a sea of ​​blood in the blink of an eye!

As for those who still clenched their teeth, although Wang Baole’s rules are scattered, they can barely support each one, but at this moment, the heart has been shocked to the extreme, and the just-raised desperate intentions have collapsed instantly. I don’t know who started first, one by one. The rapid retreat seems to forget that even nowadays, even if it escapes, this blockade cannot be escaped, and it is still frantic.

As for the celestial lords and others, although they are under self-cultivation at this moment, they resisted Wang Baole's blood rules and still rushed towards him, but it was the blood sea that Wang Baole gathered under this blood rule.

The sea of ​​blood seems to have agility, and when it comes in, it directly turns into a big mouth and swallows it violently towards the planets such as the Celestial Palm.

In the roar, at the moment when the figure of Tianling's leader was blocked, Wang Baole spoke lightly and unfolded the third rule!

"Cloud Road!"

The cloud is changeable, and the magic is the method. At the moment from the mouth of Wang Baole, a blue star appeared immediately behind him. As the stars moved, the rules of this place were immediately affected. In an instant... a weird scene Appeared!

I saw those hundreds of thousands of monks who had lost their fighting spirits and were frantic. Most of them were trembling at the moment, their eyes were crimson directly, they turned their heads, and directed their companions in a frantic desperation.

Not one or two, but most of the monks are affected. If there is an illusion, they feel that the other people around them are the key to their lives. As long as they kill their companions, they can survive.

In this way, under this illusion, the sound of screaming all around was stronger than before, and even the entire battlefield seemed to be in chaos. Hundreds of thousands of monks were fighting with each other frantically, and there were more blood channels, making the blood around them more and more. The more, the more prominent it is... At the center of this battlefield, Wang Baole, who looks calm, has his own strangeness.

"Wang Baole!!" Seeing this, Tian Lingzong screamed sternly, and the whole person radiated his shawl. Although he was suppressed due to his strong cultivation, he was still not affected too much. He remained sober at the moment, but everything around him , So that his entire heart tingled to the extreme.

Because... these hundreds of thousands of monks are almost all his disciples!

"You magic path!!"

"So many people...they are all weak, don't you feel any mercy in your heart!!!"

Facing the roar of the celestial master, Wang Baole looked sideways at them blocked by a large amount of blood, his eyes showing a cold, staring at the mad celestial master.

"Compassion? Do you have mercy when Zijin civilization slaughtered Godhead civilization?"

"Do you have pity when Zijin Civilization forced me to present Dao Xing?"

"You Zijin civilization has mercy when it threatens me with my home solar system?"

"Today, it was Wang who reversed the heaven and earth. If not, it would be all the lives in my hometown. I wonder if this scene appears, you will be merciful as the lord of the heavens?"

"Well, I have mercy once!"

Wang Baole said that when he raised his right hand, he pinched the trick again. With a black star rising behind him, a breath of death suddenly broke out at this moment!


As soon as this sentence came out, the breath of death immediately broke out from the black star, spreading in all directions, and the starry sky seemed to shatter everywhere. The purple gold monks who were fighting around each other began to wither from the body tremor. And, even in this withering, their vitality was forcibly transformed into death energy, and it was constantly escaping. The entire battlefield suddenly became a huge vortex!

This vortex rumbling and turning, all the dead energy from the monk's body will be gathered together, and let's look at it. The hundreds of thousands of monks on the battlefield have all looked dim, and finally in the mad roaring room of the head of the Tianling Sect , One by one became fly ash, dissipated in the starry sky!

The entire battlefield is completely empty!

"Now, it's your turn." In the four stars behind him, Wang Baole looked at Tian Ling's palm, raised his right hand, and spoke calmly.

"Everything here can't escape!"

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