A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 985: Akaboshi Shinsei!

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole stepped towards the earth, a slight sigh echoed in his mind, it was the voice of the younger sister, but it was only a sigh, and there was no other words.

Obviously, even if it was the younger sister, everything she noticed through Wang Baole’s doppelganger made her not good enough to open the vast Taoist palace, and Wang Baole didn’t respond to this sigh. Her face seemed calm, but her heart was calm. The anger is already tumbling.

On the one hand, the encounters from friends and familiar people, and more importantly... his parents!

This is at the same time that Wang Baole is against the scales, and because of the guilt in his heart, this anger must have a place to vent, so his figure immediately came to the earth in an instant, when it appeared...the president of the Earth Federation House!

The place where Duan Duque was once, with Duan Duan's death, and Li Xingwen and others away, has now become the ruling place of the Fifth Heavenly Clan. Compared with that of the past, this area obviously surpassed too much in the protection array. On the one hand, the more than one hundred statues on the square are more and more lifelike, and contain immense spiritual fluctuations. It seems that these statues based on legends and myths can be resurrected at any time. Only the original Li Xingwen and The statue of Duan Muque has disappeared, replaced by the statue of the owner of the Fifth Celestial Clan.

There is also a layer of light outside the presidential palace that cannot be seen, but the monks can sense. This light curtain forms protection. As for its source, it is a magical soldier inside the presidential palace!

As a magical soldier that only the president can control, the red flying knife in Duan Muque's hands was occupied by the Fifth Celestial Clan with his death.

At the moment, with the appearance of the figure, Wang Baole stood in the air, staring down at the presidential palace below. Everything in his eyes could not be escaped. He saw the aura attached to the more than 100 statues and the president. The sacrificial soldiers sacrificed in the palace, and there are people here and there in this area.

Most of them are from the 5th Celestial Clan, and their blood is from their clan, but now in the presidential palace, the person who was elected as the president is one of the original 5th Celestial Clan, the head of the Chen family!

His cultivation is impressive, and in the presidential palace, in addition to this person, there are four monks of Yuanying's Great Consummation who meditate deep in the ground like a town.

Obviously, after attaching to the waking planet in the vast Taoist palace, in addition to the rights, the Fifth Celestial Clan has gained no small benefits in cultivation. It's just that the spring breeze is proud, and they suppress all the opposition. They don't really realize that all they think they have obtained is just duckweed in the eyes of the real strong.

"Before I left, I should be very cruel and wipe out these five celestial beings." Wang Baole spoke softly, although he was talking to himself, because he was too strong and did not control it, so he murmured at the moment, It instantly turned into a sky of thunder, and blasted directly on the presidential palace.

For all the monks here, this sudden sound like thunder suddenly made their minds completely roar, and they couldn't resist at all. As if facing Tianwei, they spouted blood directly!

Among them, those who do not have the bloodline of the Fifth Celestial Clan, although the blood spewed out, and the mind and mind could not bear the coma in the past, but there was no worry of life, but the people of the bloodline of the Fifth Celestial Clan were not spared one by one.

Perhaps there will be innocent people in the Fifth Celestial Clan, but Wang Baole is not a saint. He can’t go to search for souls one by one to see who is good and who is bad. The cultivation of blood veins, the seven tricks to bleed, fell one by one in an instant, whether it was life or death, depending on their own creation!

And when these people of the fifth-generation Tian clan fell down, the face of the Chen family as the president changed greatly, and the elders of the fifth-generation Tian clan in the depths of the ground were all horrified. First, Excited by more than one hundred statues on the square!

These statues were obviously blessed by the power of the planet. Apparently the planetary monk who was awakened on the bronze ancient sword had cast a spell here, but his strength is not to mention that the injury has not healed. Even if he is healed, he is not Wang Baole’s opponent. , Not to mention that this is just a foreign object he cast.

So in a blink of an eye, the more than one hundred statues opened their eyes together, and each of them burst out of breath, like the resurrection, soaring up to fight against Wang Baole, but in the blink of an eye, with Wang Baole's right hand slightly raised.

Suddenly, a seemingly supreme power burst out invisibly, as if transformed into a huge invisible palmprint. With the press, the world suddenly changed suddenly, the wind and the clouds rolled up, and the more than one hundred statues that had just awakened. Qi trembles, his open eyes are closed, and even his body is in this trembling, and he actually kneels down towards Wang Baole standing on the sky.

As they bowed down, all the statues of the Fifth Celestial Family Masters shattered. At the same time, outside the presidential palace, the invisible barriers formed by the **** soldiers could not bear it at all, and they shattered directly in a flash, exploding like a broken mirror. At the same time, the presidential palace collapsed.

There is a sharp red rainbow with a keen eye in it, rising up to the sky at this instant, and going straight to Wang Baole's advent, it seems to penetrate it, but the speed is getting slower and slower, until when he reaches Wang Baole, the red Changhong completely stops When he came down, he shuddered in front of Wang Baole and revealed his body.

It was a red flying knife, and it was... a magic weapon of the Federal President!

At the same time, with the trembling of the red dagger, in the collapsed presidential palace, the head of the Chen family shuddered out, and then the four Yuan infants were consummated and flew out with fear, all looking at Wang Baole in the sky.

"Seniors are angry, everything is the fault of the juniors. No matter what the seniors have to ask, as long as my federal civilization can do it, the juniors will be satisfied..." The trembling of the Chen family head turned into a strong panic, he didn't recognize it for a while. Out of Wang Baole's identity, the first reaction at the moment is that the other party either came from an alien sky, or was a man who was awake in the vast Taoist palace.

So regardless of right or wrong, he first apologized and immediately bowed down while speaking, as well as the four Yuan infants behind him.

After glancing at the headless Chen family head, Wang Baole thought of Duan Xiu. Compared with this, the dog-like Chen family head is simply not worthy of being president.

Wang Baole sighed deeply at the thought of Duan Muque, and looked at the red flying knife with a trembling topcoat.

"Because of spiritual consciousness, why do you help me to abuse?"

Chi Chong Feidao heard this sentence, shaking more intensely, faintly expressing a sense of unwillingness and grievance from the inside of his knife body, even more sad and angry.

Feeling the emotion of the scarlet flying knife, Wang Baole was silent, and with some insight, this militia was a special thing for the Federal President and had an agreement with the Federation, and it has always upheld this agreement. Whoever is the President, it belongs to whom. .

Duan Duque's death, it is sad, angry, but in front of the agreement, under the staring power of the planet, it can only obey.

"Go and clean up the stains on your body." Wang Baole shook his head, a psychic, four yuan infants, for him, killing all dirty hands, so after the words, he had turned around, toward the five marked by the consciousness. Shitian tribe gathers and walks.

And just as he turned around, the red flying knife suddenly burst out with dazzling glory, and the killing was even more intense. It instantly turned into a red Changhong, and went straight to the earth. Under the awkwardness of the Chen family and the four yuan infants, they were unbelievable. This Chimang passed by directly from the latter four.

In an instant, the four Yuanying's heads flew straight up, and while the Yuanying shattered, they saw the red flying knife roaring again, and the Chen family's scalp became numb. Scream

"Senior, what am I doing wrong, I..." After the words were finished, the red light burst suddenly stronger, and when it was washed away, its blade shattered into dozens of This cost has inspired amazing power, and no matter how the Chen family head resists, they will be robbed and penetrated directly from his chest!

In the screaming screams, with the death of the Chen family's master, dozens of fragments of flying knives flew out of his corpse, with the spirit of the militia that seemed to dissipate, these fragments barely flew in the bleakness In the upper half of the sky, he caught up and floated in front of Wang Baole, and put it together again like a flying knife, but the broken pattern and the dying meaning made anyone see that it was about to return to the market and dissipate.

"From then on, your mission is no longer just to obey the President, but also... to protect my family. As for now, follow me first!" Wang Baole spoke softly, raising his right hand with a wave of breath, which belongs to his Daoxing, Directly poured into this fragmented Divine Red Star, these flying knife fragments fluttered, and their body radiated a strong light, like a new life, while its blade crack healed at the same time, there was a stronger than before. Breath, climb up on it!

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