A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 986: The fifth generation is extinct

Taking his own oath to promote the nine ancient stars to become Wang Baole of Dao Xing, his Dao Xing's breath also contains the power of his oath. To a certain extent, his words seem to be justified, even if this red flying knife It is a magic soldier and can still be corrected.

So in one sentence, he changed the original agreement between the Scarlet Flying Sword and the Federation, and even re-aggregated it with his own power, which is equivalent to giving the Scarlet Flying Sword a chance to make it, although it is still on the level Divine soldier, but in terms of power, because of some causal involvement with Wang Baole, so indirect leverage, become stronger.

At the moment after hearing Wang Baole's words, the black and red flying knife trembled, as the breath erupted, it seemed to be responding, and then in a flash, it turned into a red hairpin, which was inserted into Wang Baole's hair, and His hair also curled up, making Wang Baole, who is now slender, seem to have the meaning of immortality.

Then he did not go to see the collapsed presidential palace and corpses on the ground, but stood in mid-air and walked step by step towards the distance. The ruins behind him, gradually awakened from the blood of the four families, and looked at each one blankly. Looking at the ruins around, I also saw the figure of Wang Baole going away in the sky, and at the same time saw more than one hundred statues, from the standing position to the kneeling position.

At this moment, it is the sunset.

The light of dusk on Wang Baole's body seemed to form Xia Yi. As he walked farther and farther, these awakening monks, whoever was the first, bowed down to Wang Baole, and soon all the awakened people were in this mind. In awe, Qi Qi bowed down.

Wang Baole, go farther and farther.

The gathering place of the Fifth Celestial Clan is not scattered, but in a place, and it is different from what Wang Baole impressed at that time, where it has completely become a city!

The city is so big that there are three 缥缈城s, and in addition to the Fifth Celestial Clan, there are also the repairs of the Xinghe Sunset Sect and the Feathered Congenital Sect. Obviously, the two ancestors of the year were also in this pattern of change. Split, some people went to Mars with Li Xingwen, and the rest joined the Fifth Celestial Clan.

But for Wang Baole, these are not important. When his figure appeared above the city of the Fifth Celestial Clan, with the outrage of his heart, the sky changed color, forming a majestic black cloud, covering The whole city.

However, the appearance of this black cloud and the repression of the extinction, all the people in the city who are not the blood of the fifth-generation Tian clan, can't see it at all, and can't feel the slightest, only the fifth-generation Tian clan, one by one I saw all this, and the scene that happened in the presidential palace at the same time was also passed to the top of the Fifth Celestial Clan at this moment, so that the homeowners and elders in the Fifth Celestial Clan were all shocked, and the mind set off a huge wave.

"What exactly happened here!"

"When did we provoke such power!"

"Hurry up and tell Dao Palace Senior!!"

When the heads of the Fifth Celestial Clan and the high-level leaders were frightened to the extreme, when they were in a mess, Wang Baole in the air looked coldly at the Five Celestial Clan in the city and spoke lightly.


The fifth family of heaven, Li is the first!

At the moment when this sentence came out, in the city hall, in the parliament hall of the Fifth Celestial Clan, among the people who were anxiously frightened each other, the current head of the Li family and the elders of the three families beside them were at this moment. The body trembles, and the eyes are too wide to speak, and the body is like a deflated ball, and it immediately collapses, and then instantly disappears into nothingness. If it is erased, it will be destroyed!

Not only them, but also the elders in the closed house of the Li family, as well as the elders of the Taishang, all the Yuan Yingxiu were all dead at this moment.

After all, Wang Baole did not spread too much, so he only took the life of Yuan Ying, but even so, the heads and elders of the other four families were still terrified. The horrors in each head could not be described. After all, they are watching the Chen family's head and elders, and they are weirdly perishing in front of them!

"Seniors spare their lives!"

"Senior, Li's mistakes have nothing to do with me!"

"Senior, our Fifth Tian clan depends on Senior Deyunzi..."

Under these fears, the other four big families flew into the sky, and the endless black clouds filled the sky. Wang Baole, who was standing there, bowed down and begged.

Until now, they didn’t know what they did wrong, and they didn’t know the identity of Wang Baole. Only Zhuo’s head, Zhuo Yifan and Zhuo Yixian’s father, felt faintly when they looked at Wang Baole A little familiar, but the trembling in his heart made him unable to quickly find the root of this familiar in his mind. Just when his instinct quickly recalled, Wang Baole said the second surname.


As soon as this word came out, he immediately flew to the air and asked Wang Baole to pray to the four big families. The head of the Chen family and all the elder infants and elders in his family were shocked at this moment. The eyes opened and the body melted in an instant. !

This scene has formed a strong stimulus for Zhuojia and the rest of the family, making them all sigh at this moment, especially the Zhuojia head, the sense of familiarity instantly spreads between the shaking of the body at this moment, Finally found the root cause, as his eyes widened suddenly, he couldn't control his voice and exclaimed.

"You...you are...Wang Baole!!"

As soon as the words of the Zhuo family's master came out, all the elders of his family and the people of the Zhou family were stunned, and what followed was unbelievable. Even if Wang Baole had left before, he was already a psychic and the first person, but this Only a few years later, the other party has now reached such a terrible level, which is unimaginable in their perception.

"Wang Baole!" The owner of the Zhou family trembled, and he was about to speak again in shortness of breath, but what he was waiting for was the Zhou word spoken in the indifferent look of Wang Baole and the surname of Luo of the Western and Chinese family of the Fifth Heavenly Clan.

In the next moment, the two heads of the family and all the elders of their clan disappeared in an instant, and all died. At the Zhuo family, all the elders were mad at this moment, and they were crazy to escape from the surroundings.

Even if he knew he could not escape, he still had the instinct, but Zhuo Jia's head laughed, and at the moment when he recognized Wang Baole, he knew that Zhuo Jia... was over.

Because the matter of chasing and killing Wang Baole’s parents was the order he made, just to let out the anger that had accumulated in his heart, but he could not have expected it at all, and he was clearly supported by the planet, but this matter was still in At this moment, the family's death knell sounded.

"Why didn't the planet of the vast Taoist palace come!"

"I don't believe that he didn't know what happened here, but why didn't he come!" Zhuo Jia head roared at the bottom of his heart, and he spoke quickly with a grin on his face.

"Wang Baole, looking at Yi Fan's sentiment, I am his father after all..."

Wang Baole was silent, and Zhuo Yifan's whereabouts. He asked Zhao Yameng, but the other party did not know. After his figure appeared in his mind at the moment, Wang Baole spoke quietly after a few breaths.


As soon as the words came out, the head of the Zhuo family shivered, and the seven qi bleeds instantly, and his hair was instantly gray. Xiuwei fell directly from Yuanying Dayuan to Jiedan, and then fell to the foundation, and then collapsed all the way until he became a mortal. The blood spewed out and the body fell straight down.

Except for the head of the Zhuo family, all the elders scattered at the moment melted directly, as if they had never existed before.

"Your life, I leave it to Yifan to pick it up personally." Wang Baole said quietly, not paying attention to the Zhuojia head who was abolished, but raised his head and looked at the sky. The killing in his eyes did not decrease, but instead. It was even colder, and the words came out lightly.

"Have you seen enough? Have you weighed enough?"

As Wang Baole's words came out, the sky suddenly appeared rippled, and even more distorted, and then countless silk threads appeared out of thin air, gathered together and entangled, forming an old figure.

The old man looked ugly, with a fierce look in his eyes, wearing a robe in the vast Taoist palace. There were five flying swords behind him exhaling sharp sword spirit. At this moment, he stared at Wang Baole with a hoarse voice.

"Boy, it is not easy to be promoted to the planet. I advise you... Mo Yao is too arrogant, otherwise... when you are suppressed, you will regret it!"

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