Ah ah ah !

” God-like song !”

” This is what rap should be like !” Various screams .

It rang through the gym !

The original niche rap !

Detonate the audience again ! enter .

Chapter 2 The whole network is a sensation , Yang regards his own son !

stop at this time .

There are also countless singers watching the live broadcast !

It is not an exaggeration to follow Sibo with the whole network !

even .

There is a singer , watching the show while changing the pieces .

Strong , as expected of Teacher Qin , he is invincible in both arranging and writing lyrics .

He didn’t even know when he became Qin Ye’s fan .

Just remember , I just knew that a college student exploded !

I just want to study how other people are popular, from arranging to lyrics , to singing , and even to character design , to see if there is anything that can be imitated !

I don’t know when it started , I suddenly didn’t pay attention to these !

It can’t be imitated anyway !

It was only then that he realized that he couldn’t wait to watch the show that Qin Ye was on , and he felt uncomfortable if he didn’t watch it .

This may be the voice of many singers who are studying and studying , and they have become fans. The applause lasts for a long time, and several players in the field laughed bitterly .

You say , how will you pick up this place when you wait ? It’s all burned like this , and I’m a little afraid to play .

A player said helplessly .

‘s nothing we can do . This kind of performance is always at the Wang Zhan level . Without Teacher Qin , we wouldn’t be able to get so much attention . Let’s start !

” I know , but I’m just a little nervous and a few people don’t know what to say .

on stage .

The instructor who just finished the performance is also full of excitement !

They finally experienced what it was like to Qin Ye on stage .

the scene calmed down a bit , the killer picked up the microphone and thanked Mr. Qin again for coming to our show and presenting such an amazing Chinese-style song ! ” Oh oh oh !

Scream again !

Qin Ye held the microphone and said loudly that he was very happy to be able to sing this song on this stage. He also thanked the teachers for their cooperation. I believe that everyone had a kung fu dream when they were young , including me. Now , some parents and children seem to be more In love with kung fu-derived sports such as taekwondo and judo .

I just want to say to all the viewers and fans watching the live broadcast that Chinese Kung Fu is the best !

Boom boom boom !

Some remarks directly detonated the scene and the Internet is awesome , my son , kung fu is their ancestor !

When I have a child in the future , let him learn kung fu !

What bullshit judo , something with a punch and an embroidered leg , rubbish !

Qin Ozi is domineering , although it is a bit vulgar and a bit inconsistent with your status as a talented person , but I just want to say that you have done a good job ! ”

” Huaxia Kungfu is the best !

burst !

Marven Ye smiled and looked at Qin Ye on the screen !

Applaud next to the TV !

The microphone went straight to his heart !

Soon .

host is on stage again . Now I have invited a few mentors to go to the mentor’s seat with Mr. Qin, and our finals have officially started !

That’s it .

Qin Ye became the fifth mentor on the stage .

The program team placed another seat for him next to the killer .

And in the backcourt .

Some staff were shocked to find that when the number of online users was at the peak of the plummet , it rushed to 70 million or 80 million .

Good guy , I really came here to listen to a song , Teacher Qin is still there !

They were all a little speechless though .

According to this rating , they have already met their expectations and have had amazing performances before !

Although the performance of the players in the back was not so shocking , the audience was still enthusiastic. It was like the number of online players . First , they rushed to a peak , and then dropped to where can they go ?

Played for over an hour .

The show is finally over .

Wang Linxuan of the killer group won the final championship .

After holding the cup .

All rappers want to take pictures of this historic moment , Mr. Qin. You and Xiao Wang should stand in the C position . Without you, this show would not be what it is today .



The killer said sincerely .

No , no, it’s better for you to come , and I’ll just stand by the side .

Qin Ye smiled .

How does that work ?

‘s right , Mr. Qin, don’t be polite .

C bit !

C bit !

Everyone was booing , and they were all excited !

They enjoyed so much attention for the first time .

Qin Ye took a firm attitude and joked that I am not in the rap circle , and the future of rap depends on you , so I would never want this C position .

you say that again , I’m leaving .

When everyone saw this, they looked like Qin Ye’s eyes were full of respect for someone else’s C position , and he didn’t even want to give Qin Ye a killer sigh , saying that although you are not in the rap circle , your achievements in rap are unparalleled. , is our benefactor in the rap circle .

Qin Ye just smiled .

When everyone saw this , they no longer forced him .

That’s it .

Completed a simple group photo !

backcourt .

Qin Ye finished his makeup .

The killer is here .

Mr. Qin , I just looked at the statistics . As long as it reaches 20 million views in the last week , we will complete the agreement .

This is almost a sure thing . When the money arrives , we will transfer it to your account immediately .

Qin Ye felt happy when he heard the words .

Although I participated in several episodes and sang two songs , 80 million is still fragrant !

Then trouble the killer teacher . ”

killer quickly waved his hand and said , ” Where is it , we should thank you .

After speaking , his style of painting turned right , Mr. Qin , the people from Penguin Video want to ask you to talk about something, don’t you know if it’s convenient for you ?

Qin Ye was taken aback .

After thinking about it, I agreed .

The two came to a conference room .

Qin Caizi , it’s a pleasure to meet you . Let me introduce myself first . My surname is Guo . I’m the matchmaker for Penguin Video and this show. A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes stood up and said actively .

Hello , Mr. Guo . ”

Qin Ye shook hands with him and said , ” I do n’t know what Mr. Guo is looking for from me ?

Haha , Qin Caizi is really quick to talk , so I won’t sell it . I came to you to invite you to another variety show . ” Qin Ye was instantly stunned .

Don’t know what variety show is ?

Mr. Guo smiled and looked at him . Of course, the show hasn’t come out yet , and it’s expected to be the end of the year at the earliest. We want to re-produce a rap variety show . We want to invite you to be a mentor. Qin Ye is a little speechless .

Teacher again !

Sorry , I may not be able to comply with your request , after all I am not a rapper myself .

Qin Ye directly refused , /:./’2;”:’, no .

Mr. Guo was taken aback for a moment , why haven’t he made an offer yet ?

Talented Qin , don’t you want to hear the price we offer ? I came this time with great sincerity .

Qin Ye, however, was unmoved , and said , ” I’m sorry , I may have to live up to your good intentions !

Seeing this , the other party dared to hesitate , shouting 30,000 !

Straight away !

The killer next to him is so confounded, good guy , 30 million !

a variety show as popular as ” Musician for All ” , Li Zhe, who has the highest salary , seems to be only 20,000 !

However .

What shocked him even more was that Qin Ye was just a little surprised , and refused again , /:./’2;”:’, never to be honest , my music copyright belongs to your group , and you are so sincere , I don’t really have it. Things will never be rejected , /:./’2;”:’, reject yours .

What he said was true .

The album is coming soon .

The King of Kung Fu is also preparing to make a new movie , and he didn’t even come up with the script .

This time, he also talked to the other party about partnership investment and the animation production of ” Big Fish and Begonia ” . He also has to supervise the film industry, which is more profitable than music and variety shows .

Of course, you can’t lose the big because of the small !

Well , since Qin Caizi said so , let’s talk about it here today , it’s not too early , it is estimated that the little guy is waiting for the celebration banquet !

Even 30 million was rejected by others without mercy , /:./’2;”:’, absolutely .

He no longer has permission to talk to Qin Ye !

Hmm , I’m really sorry .

Qin Ye finished speaking .

The three left together .

on the way .

Qin Ye knew from the conversation between the two that this new variety show killer had decided to participate , and he had a small stake !

Just when the program group held a celebration banquet .

The Internet is frying again because of Qin Ye’s performance !

#Qin Caizi creates Divine Comedy for Huaxia Kung Fu again #

# ” nunchucks ” #

#lyrics burn to the explosion #

# ” Rap Listen to Me ” ended successfully #

#Huaxia Kungfu is the best #

All kinds of news quickly became popular !

The thing that made the program team worried happened like this !

Qin Liu stole all the light by himself !

hot search , except for the entire program group occupying one .

The rest are all Qin Ye’s .

even .

many people remember the champion who should have been highly anticipated !

And the video clip of Qin Ye’s performance went crazy online .

Especially the scene where Qin Ye appeared .

With that explosive melody !

Simply domineering to have no friends !

Stimulate the adrenaline of every audience !

Just when some people were sighing about Qin Ye’s influence , a piece of news came out quickly , and it became popular on Yangshi.com : ” Congratulations to China’s first rap variety show ” Musicians for All ” successfully ended , and thanks to Qin Ye for his work. The quintessence of China [ Kung Fu wrote this song , it is very burning and exciting , Chinese Kung Fu will never fail ! My generation should be self-improvement # Qin Ye #.?# nunchuan # ” Musicians of the People ” !

When some viewers saw the news , they all cried out !

This is a real-time follow-up , haha , this should be the most honored time for rap, right ? Congratulated by the official media , it is estimated that I will wake up laughing from a dream ! ”

‘s like a good family . I seriously doubt that Yangshi.com has many fans of Teacher Qin. Don’t talk nonsense . As we all know , our talented Qin is the son of Yangshi ! [ Funny ] [ Funny right , it seems like this has happened a few times . Damn , Teacher Qin is still invincible . This should be the strongest background in the entertainment industry , no wonder it’s so popular !

One person seemed to understand the crux of the problem .

Things are as they expected .

in the banquet hall .

so excited that they could not wait to lift the table when they learned that their show was congratulated by the sheep !

The scheduled opening has been postponed !

Several people in charge of the program group left the venue directly .

Running to the side , thinking about how to reply Yang Shi’s congratulations .

typed it , but I felt it wasn’t perfect .

The other players felt inexplicably nervous .

” What should I do ? Even Yangshi is paying attention to us. Can I still sing those songs in the future ? ”

Sing your sister , this time it’s a roll call , do you want the roll call to kill you next time ?

Hey , it makes me a little nervous , I don’t look like the original me , do I really want to write like Teacher Qin ? How can I have such a text ?

Some rappers start to worry about gains and losses .

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