At this time, the camera has switched to the main stage !

There are several mentors sitting on it, even Wang Jiangang is impressive !

In front of them are basses , guitars , keyboards , drums, and more . There are also erhu and piano , and some other small instruments .

Haha , Qin Caizi is awesome , the entire program team is playing for Qin Caizi ! Bunker ! ”

” Fuck , does Teacher Qin use so many instruments for each song? What did he think in his head ? He can combine so many different styles of instruments .

Yes , you told me before that the erhu and the piano would appear in a song , and I wouldn’t believe it if you killed me . ”

You know the fart , this is called Huaxia style , do you understand ?

Just you understand ? Who doesn’t know it’s Chinese style ? Isn’t this Master Qin’s specialty ? Can’t you just feel a little bit emotional ?

The Internet seems to be arguing about this matter at this time .

Song information appears on the screen .

on the screen .

Song : Nunchaku Lyricist Qin Ye Composer : Qin Ye Performance : Qin Ye , All Mentors , Wang .

An exploding bass melody sounded , and the scene was completely ignited. I saw a mentor playing the bass , with his head turned forty-five degrees and looking up at the sky !

Proudly arrogant !

that popped up was terrifying. The scene and netizens found that their body was completely out of control under this melody !

Nod and bow and move your body !

Damn , what kind of magic is this , it can’t be stopped at all !

So arrogant ! hi ! ”

At this time .

The access to the drum kit, the rhythm of the drums , makes the melody even higher. Even the drum-playing instructor turned his head sideways and his body was shaking !

Then there is the access of the keyboard and erhu !

Everyone looks full of confidence ah ah ah ah ! Holy crap , I’m going to be cracked ! ”

Too awesome , this prelude , invincible ! ”

Blast ! Qin Caizi’s products must be high-quality products ! ”

Qin Ye hasn’t appeared yet .

The place was already blown up !

No one has appeared yet .

Rap like a machine gun has sounded !

The smoky smell of the Iwayaki shop is full of smoke , and next door is the National Art Museum .

the store , the tea ceremony , has three stages . ”

Everyone’s eyes widened .

Seeing Qin Ye wearing a black leather jacket , tight pants , and half-finger leather gloves on his left hand holding the microphone, he slowly appeared in everyone’s field of vision as the elevator ascended .

is also a nunchaku in his hand , which rotates like an electric fan with this explosive melody !

So handsome !

Cool !

Ah ah ah !

Some fans covered their heads and kept stamping their feet !

by this domineering appearance !

Xiao Yunyun , your husband is too handsome , he has never been so handsome before .

People in Su Lingyun’s dormitory also watched the live broadcast together .

A few of them had gold stars in their eyes, and they were obviously shocked by such an appearance, so that the corner of Bu Su Lingyun’s mouth raised , and her beautiful big eyes were squinting against the screen and jumping suddenly accelerated !

Wait until Qin Ye completely appears behind the stage .

Several lifts also appeared around !

A few rappers who had been beaten up followed Qin Ye with their nunchakus in hand .

They didn’t even have a microphone , but their mouths kept opening and closing , and their faces were excited . ” The boss who teaches boxing and martial arts , trains iron sand palms , and wants Yang’s gun . ”

” I’m best at hard-core kung fu , and I’m used to the golden bell cover and iron cloth . I have been fascinated by it since I was a child . ”

What kind of knives, guns and sticks , I want to look like . ”

What weapon do you like most , the nunchaku is soft and firm .

I want to go to Songshan Mountain in Henan to learn Shaolin and Wudang .

The machine gun-like rap bombing completely boiled the audience !

Especially the outrageous lyrics , it makes the scalp numb !

Golden Bell Cover ], ” Iron Cloth Shirt at the beginning , [ Songshan ) , [ Shaolin )

Wudang ) and so on, everyone knows the kung fu element. Before, if some singers sang these things , they would probably be scolded in Qin Ye’s mouth , but what did they do to make the audience boil , what should they do , what should they do ?

Breathe and breathe freely and do whatever you want . ”

When the anger sinks, Dantian’s palms are open . ”

Do what . ”

Travel thousands of miles a day with sandbags .

It is not surprising to fly over the eaves and walk the walls . ” Go and come . ” Boom if a dynamite was dropped in the auditorium, it would be crazy !

Blast through !

A Minsheng audience stared wide-eyed ! Isn’t this my native language ? Teacher Qin too ?

He felt like he was going to die !

… begging for flowers and Qin Ye also waving his nunchaku , walking from the main stage to the catwalk , with his younger brother beside him .

Nearly fans are boiling !

They kept screaming and stretched out their hands , eager to rush to the stage !

So handsome !

” One horse step forward , one left hook , one right hook .

A word of danger to people who piss me off .

Repeatedly .

A cigarette I don’t smoke .

It’s been around for many years .

The whole place is on fire !

Even the invited media side , no one can keep standing .

One by one stood up excitedly !

next second !

what to do , what to do .

” I opened the second vein of Ren and Du . ”

do , what to do .

” The sign of the sick man of East Asia .

what to do , what to do . ” I was kicked out .

Listen to these uplifting lyrics .

Everyone felt trembling all over !

Next .

blood flow speed up all over the body , it seems that there is a kind of hidden energy in the blood flowing all over the body !

Then it exploded !

” What the hell , this word , I’m boiling !

” Burn , cry , burn to cry !

Excited , so special , so imposing !

What was all those rap songs in the past ? Why don’t they write this kind of lyrics !

The entire Internet felt that because of this paragraph , it was shocked and invincible !

Ye Wenjie was at home, and when he heard this , he felt as if he had been stabbed by something !

Originally, he didn’t know much about music , especially rap , but Qin Ye began to pay attention .

To be precise, he was paying attention to Qin Ye .

Because .

He was already arranging to cooperate with Qin Ye to make a movie .

” If only I had this song in that movie , that would be great .

He sighed .

I just hate Qin Ye for not debuting earlier .

At the same time, he is eager to cooperate with Qin Ye .

Because .

When he blocked Wang Linhan , the two songs the other party gave him really made him bloody !

Quickly use the nunchaku , hehehehe .

Quickly use the nunchaku , hehehehe . ”

Those who practice martial arts must remember that the benevolent is invincible .

Who is practicing Tai Chi , the wind is flourishing .

Upright and unyielding integrity , hum .

The spirit of martial arts was thus sung .

But it makes me feel warm !

In many people’s minds , this is not a song. It is clearly that Teacher Qin is reasoning with them. He is indeed a genius !

I am used to their son , and I have been fascinated by them since childhood .

I want to go to Songshan, Henan to learn Shaolin and Wudang .

At this time .

The sound effects of other instruments are suddenly reduced .

Erhu music , which was originally very low-pitched, has been completely released. It is soft and passionate like an erhu solo !

Stunning the audience !

For the first time, many people discovered that the erhu , which they thought was very irritable and very earthy, has a very amazing charm !

But Qin Ye made this traditional musical instrument popular !

It turns out that Erhu can also be used in rap , which is really taught ! ”

Several championship candidates in the backcourt sighed .

Soon .

Qin Ye’s rap strikes again .

Quickly use the nunchaku .

He handed out the microphone !

Everyone : ” Kouheng hum !”

Qin Ye : ” Quickly use the nunchaku .

People : ” Hey hey !

in the audience looked excited and excited !

Some of the singers who watched the show were stunned !

such a scene really exist ?

But it’s a new song !

It can only be said that the infection is invincible !

What weapon do you like most , the nunchaku is soft and firm .

I want to go to Songshan Mountain in Henan to learn Shaolin and Wudang .

when singing here .

Qin Ye has already threw the nunchaku in his hand to a [ lucky audience and he himself came to the piano that had been empty all along and jumped with his fingers !

of the piano seems to make people calm down in this explosive song , interspersed like this .

Make everyone feel numb !

Stunning the audience !

So handsome !

Soon .

Hurry up and use the nunchakus .

I defend with a knife hum . ”

Nice roundhouse kick .

In the second half of the whole process, the perfect combination of tradition and modernity is completed with the cooperation of erhu and drum kit !

This is the Chinese style !

Some people are about to applaud and cheer !

suddenly .

The explosive melody is back !

For such an arrangement , everyone has only two words to describe the freshness !

Thrill !

Finally .

This explosion sound is completely over !

The audience couldn’t control their excitement !

” Qin Wudi !

So fried ! ”

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