Qin Ye ?

What came to Mou Ran’s mind , he only felt a brief lack of oxygen in his brain , covered his head for a long time , and took a breath !

Hurry up and call your secretary !

Immediately instructed to go on , delete all news related to Qin Ye , and let the idiots of Fenglin Weekly give me some restraint during this time !

The secretary looked at him in shock !

He has worked here for more than ten years , and this is the first time he has seen such a panicked and affectionate boss !

Yes , I’ll do it right now ! ”

Wait for the secretary to leave .

The boss lay slumped on the sand !

Hope you don’t get burned ! ”

He was still a little worried and made a few phone calls in person to ask if the situation left any clues !

After doing everything , after making a few more calls ,?stopped and this time .

Liu Yiwei is stupid .

Unexpectedly, it was really shocking !

Looking at an article that was just edited to discredit Qin Ye on the computer , he could not wait to press the delete button to the ground !

” This revenge , I ‘m afraid I won’t be able to avenge it .

he said bitterly .

stop at this time .

on the Internet .

about Qin Ye is constantly being cleared !

Including some candid photos of Qin Yao and Lin Yumei .

Photos that can be found with a simple search .

Now it takes a few pages to find it !

It’s like disappearing from this world !

Finally .

Caught some people’s attention !

#?Apple Media deleted all the lace news about Qin Ye overnight #

#Apple Media deleted the news asking Qin Ye to apologize #

#Xiaoaodongfang temporarily closed the entertainment section #

All kinds of news are hot all over the net !

Netizens cherish the alliance !

” I control , Mr. Qin really recharged .”

” How can these run faster than dogs ?”

” Wori , is this a truce ? I just wanted to spray , but there’s nowhere left !”

” Impressed ! Why do I have a creepy feeling , this is Teacher Qin’s cold ? Is the Oriental Dragon Net so powerful ?”

“I just went to search , Teacher Qin’s song is still there, hurry up and download some fans in Hall T.

During this period of time , downloading Qin Ye’s songs has become the most common vocabulary. Although I don’t know why, I always feel that Qin Ye looks cool. Many singers are also confused !

Not so much, right ? A song is about to be blocked ? I sing a lot harder than Teacher Qin ! ”

A rapper gave a cold face. He was wondering if he was going to sing those diss songs that he sang, and it would be scary to take off the shelves quickly !

However .

of a piece of news shocked everyone. “Oriental Dragon.com ” previously commented on Qin Caizi’s new song ” Besieged on All Sides ” , which was made by Gu Mou, the editor of the entertainment section , who took advantage of his position for personal emotional reasons .

Now the company believes that Gu, who is a media person , cannot maintain the objectivity of the report , and has suspended him from his job , and all the news he works is now deleted . ”

The company is deeply sorry for the false guidance brought to the public .

stunned !

Silly !

one expected that even before such a result , Qin Ye would give Qin Ye to correct the wrong media .

Attitude has taken a big turn !

News editors have been suspended ?

good guy !

I’ll go , is this the vindication of ” Besieged on All Sides ” and Teacher Qin? I think what he said before makes a lot of sense . Why did the media who commented so aggressively before , cowardly so quickly ?

Intuition tells me that something big is happening ! ”

Nonsense , the news that was still on the screen before disappeared without a trace , this is the calm before the storm !

Listening to this tone , Teacher Qin should be fine, right ?

Just when the melon eaters were still stunned, a news hit the whole network again !

This time everyone knows the reason for all this !

#This Saturday night at 8 o’clock , Qin Ye will be a guest on CCTV ‘s ” Night Talk ” , and I will show you the real Qin Caizi # Boom everyone didn’t expect that it was Yang Shi !

Then all this can explain how powerful the Oriental Dragon Network is , it is just a private media facing the official media’s dimensionality reduction blow , and it can’t blow up the entire network if you want to admit it !

Of course .

It’s not that no one has thought about this , it’s just that it’s a fantasy .

Although those media didn’t reveal Qin Ye’s real news , those photo news really made people think wrong !

In addition, Qin Ye just sang a very insulting song ” Besieged on All Sides”, which is also the reason why many officials who have good friends with Qin Ye have not come forward !

In the face of the incident that caused the city to be troubled , Yang Shi has never made a statement or never thought of it !

during this sensitive period .

Yang Shi really stood up and invited Qin Ye to appear on the show again to prove to Qin Ye !

As for these media wanting Qin Ye to apologize ?

I am afraid that I can only wait for a good pregnancy in my next life !

I rely on , as expected of Yang Shi’s own son ! “.

Chapter 2 The strongest PR ! Dissertation topic exposure

Just when the whole network is paying attention .

” Night Talk ” is here Saturday night !

The show is also live !

with Guan Shihan and perfect the script at the same time .

After the two got it right again , it was time for the final singing .

Guan Shihan listened to Qin Ye playing the piano and singing at the side, making her look handsome !

This is a great talent who can be both literary and martial. When he wants to spray people, he can spray you into confusion through songs, but when he starts to reason with songs , it is so appropriate and convincing !

The key is . Sounds great !

Wait for Qin Ye to finish singing .

She applauded , admiring Dao Qin’s talent is really good ! ” Qin Ye smiled and said thank you , it ‘s an award !

Guan Shihan gave him a blank look and said , how can you say that, with this song , you will definitely be able to whitewash it ! ”

Seeing Qin Ye’s inexplicable expression , she immediately reacted .

Because I was too excited , I was embarrassed to tell the truth . I mean , it will definitely change the negative opinion of the public towards you during this period !

she hurriedly said .

Hmm . All about the same .

Qin Ye was a little speechless .

It’s no wonder that the ratings of this show are not high , and it has nothing to do with this beautiful host !

Qin Ozi , in addition to the questions on the script , in order to enhance the effect of the live broadcast , I may ask some other questions temporarily , you have to be prepared .

Guan Shihan smiled .

I also hope that Guan will be merciful .

The two chatted for a while and then got ready to leave !

And the time has come to more than seven o’clock in the evening !

This live broadcast .

It will also be broadcast live on Yangshi’s online live broadcast platform and Yangshi’s three sets of simultaneous live broadcasts .

Advertisements are playing in the live room !

In this era , Yangshi is still far ahead in TV ratings !

on the live broadcast of Internet TV , it is far inferior to Mango TV and Penguin Video !

At most, hundreds of thousands of people watch each time .

People are more accustomed to watching YangTV on TV, but today is different .

With the previous popularity , it has not started yet . This time , the online number of Yangshi Network TV has also exceeded 10 million !

TV ratings have broken through a percentage point , and these two figures are still increasing !

” Even after being caught in various fishing reels for so long , Mr. Qin’s popularity seems to be unaffected , and no one can stop him .

The staff exclaimed .

He completely believed what the netizens said !

When other stars have this kind of thing , they are reduced to amateurs !

And Qin Ye , is reduced to . The barrage in the superstar live broadcast room is even more explosive !

To support Mr. Qin , Mr. Qin is invincible !

Haha , my teacher Qin is hanging up again . This is the strongest PR team I have ever seen , is there ?

” Mom Sheep finally remembered that it’s not easy for her to have such a biological son !

I see Yang Shi’s actions this time , as if he is telling others that if there is any problem with my son , only I can say it , and none of you can say it !

funny )

Upstairs , you are such a goddamn talent . However , it seems to be the truth . Looking at the media , I know that Teacher Qin is going to be seen as a sheep , and he moves faster than a dog !

Die-hard fans are thrilled !

before .

Qin Ye has been harassed by those media , they can hold their breath now .

Seeing this media , like a lost dog , are you excited ?

Of course, the media involved in this incident report are also very nervous , especially Apple Media Group !

They didn’t know what Yang Shi’s attitude was . It would be fine if it was just for Qin Ye’s name !

I’m afraid I’ll keep pursuing it .

Fortunately .

They have been doing this for so long , and they are not leaking anything , at least they will not touch the law on the surface !

Even if Yang Shi is against Qin Ye again , it is impossible for them to mess with them because of this. This is also their previous reliance !

I have already figured out the rules of this line, but .

They still want to see how Yang Shi can “whitewash” Qin Ye . After knowing the attitude , they have a good heart !

Liu Yiwei also watched the live broadcast !

The heart is also up and down !

before doing this , no matter how much Yang Shi admired Qin Ye , he would not directly support Qin Ye after he broke such news !

The first half of the plot is exactly as he imagined !

Especially after Qin Ye sang ” Besieged on All Sides ” , although they were angry , they were sure that Yang Shi would not intervene in this matter. They still underestimated Yang Shi’s fancy for Qin Ye , even if the talented man sang abusive songs openly. , Yang Shi is still willing to stand up for the latter. It seems that there is no evidence of hammering Qin Ye to death in the future, and I am afraid that there is no way to move him . .

He even had an illusion .

Even if Qin Ye and Lin Yuyan were photographed in the same room for several hours , as long as they didn’t get a photo of the two of them on the bed , I’m afraid there would be no way to completely hammer this talented man to death .

He was a little reluctant to take this list .

Hot potato !

Just under all kinds of thoughts .

The show officially started .

The picture has already arrived in the studio , and there is a small audience at the scene .

Guan Shihan was wearing a doctor’s white dress , standing on the stage, and said welcome to ” Night Talk ” , I am the host Guan Shihan !

There was warm applause .

After talking about the foreshadowing , she laughed and said that the guest invited to our show today is a big boy . He is still a college student who is about to graduate , but he has become popular all over the country .

He created a brand new genre of music , and the brilliance he achieved in just one year is enough to make countless people look up . ”

What’s the story behind this brilliance ? Let us have our guest today , Mr. Qin Ye from Binhai University !

Ahhh !

There were bursts of screams at the scene !

When the handsome Qin Ye walked out of the passageway , the entire internet became even more boiling !

Teacher Qin ! ”

” Qin Ozi ! _

husband !

All kinds of pop-up screens !

at home with a look of relief .

I used to worry about Qin Ye’s incident , but the impact was too great, and now I think too much. Even if there is no sheep to rectify the name , Qin Ye is not the average person can compare to you , Mr. Qin !

Hello . ” Qin Ye shook hands with her .

The two came to the sand and sat down !

The interview also officially started with much anticipation .

The opening is the two sides chatting like friends .

From some daily trivia , to the behind-the-scenes stories of some songs .

The audience listened with gusto !

They found that songs they knew very well had so many stories !

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