Mr. Qin , your talent has also been recognized by all of China , including your innovation in music , many of which are pioneering , and many people are eager to imitate . I think many netizens , including other singers, are concerned about this issue .

What made you have such a strong musical talent ? ”

Guan Shihan’s voice just fell .

The singers of the TV station are all interested .

Qin Ye thought about it for a while , and said sternly, I think it was talent, it exploded in everyone’s ears like thunder !

What the hell ! Not so Versailles !

” Although it’s a bit troubling , there is no other explanation other than this !

Teacher Qin vividly explained what it means to work hard in front of Tianbin !

The barrage exploded .

However .

Qin Ye opened his mouth and said a joke . The spoil is important , but I think hard work is the key to a person’s success . ” In the last century , when it was pop music halls and dance halls , my parents met in the dance halls .

He began to talk about his experience , of course, this experience is not made up, but his previous life experience , he is such a step by step towards the road of music producer I remember my mother once told me that when I was one or two years old When I was sitting in a stroller , whenever I heard music , I would shake my legs with the melody !

His expression reminiscent of the time when my mother joked that it was because they liked dancing before they gave birth to me , and I inherited this gene ! ”

Hahaha !

The crowd laughed .

laughed ridiculously , and their expressions also showed that they felt sorry for Qin Ye for so long , and they already knew it .

The man in front of him who said that he experienced it when he was a child , his parents are no longer there !

this genius never mentioned it in public .

On ” Musicians for All ” , many contestants sold miserably , but this man whose life background was worthy of sympathy has never sold miserably until now . It is entirely because of the other party’s musical talent that makes people awe-inspiring !

So , when I was four years old , my parents bought me an electronic keyboard , which was popular at that time , they thought I was suitable for the path of music, which also started my life with music , I think many people have experienced it Have a similar experience !

Qin Ye continued .

Many people’s thoughts seem to return to the beginning of this century .

At that time, Huaxia was not so advanced , there were not so many high-end music classes , and there was no money to support children playing piano and other expensive things .

buy an inexpensive electronic organ in order to cultivate their children’s talents !

after three days of playing with their electronic keyboard , they were eating ashes there, but Qin Ye started a brilliant life with this. That is to say, when you practiced the piano at that time , you were just groping for the electronic keyboard yourself ?

Guan Shihan gestured at the picture of playing the piano !

smiled at Qin Ye and said , ” At that time, I was facing the school’s music textbook , and then I slowly pondered the strong sense of resonance alone , which made many people think about it !

I rub , now it seems that I missed an opportunity to become Teacher Qin ? I played for a day and I lost interest . ” Who isn’t ? I’m a little regretful now , why did I like to play with mud so much in the first place !” Upstairs, you said that I went to the bottom of my heart . I’m not interested in so many elegant things , so I’m interested in mud , and rolling in the fields sure enough , successful people are different from us ordinary people !

Netizens were sighed .

Only some singers are speechless !

You guys are thinking about shit , Lao Tzu started playing the piano at the age of four , isn’t he still like this bird ?

But Qin Ye continued , saying : Of course , my mother later discovered that I have a certain talent in music. In order not to waste my talent , my parents saved money for several years , and finally got my own piano when I was ten years old .

He kept talking about how he practiced the piano day and night when he was a child in his previous life .

[ painful experience ] when my mother forced me to practice the piano !

” If I had such a visionary mother back then , maybe I would be more successful now !”

“I have discovered the child’s wind since childhood , and devoted my whole family to dig it out. Teacher Qin’s mother is really great !”

” Thanks to Qin’s father and Qin’s mother , without them , perhaps there would not be those good songs now !” ”

Some viewers were stunned .

Of course .

The story line only talks about the age !

Because .

this life , when he was old , the family ushered in a change that was enough to destroy a child !

When Guan Shichi talked about this, he also stopped .

They negotiated , not to mention this past !

” So success is not accidental . If it wasn’t for your parents who let you practice the piano when you were young, and the fact that you have studied in a top institution like Binhai University in recent years , there would be no Qin Ye now !” Guan Shihan held his delicate chin .

Qin Ye thought for a while , then nodded : It can be understood like this . ”

good guy !

Binhai University , Li Longju and other classmates finally knew why Qin Ye suddenly became a blockbuster !

I originally thought that Brother Ye was relying on talent , but I didn’t expect it to be the result of hard work since childhood !

Sure enough , success is not accidental ! ”

They were also very sad .

At this time, the host continued to ask what made you finally create Huaxia Style ? Is it because of your major in college and the music skills you accumulated as a child that made you embark on this path ?

Yes and no .

Qin Ye said with a smile : To be precise, it was inevitable for me to embark on the path of music , but what style of music I chose was because of a thesis arranged by our class teacher and tutor last summer .

Thesis ?

Everyone is dumbfounded !

Mr. Li was very excited at home, and proudly said to his wife that he was going to mention me .

it , you’re the best , okay ? “The wife was angry .

Mr. Li was even more proud , and quickly took out his mobile phone and @ everyone in some teachers and students !

Some teachers are so angry !

Don’t be so chewy !

So many students know about your paper , does one take it seriously ?

Isn’t Qin Ye awesome ?

They were speechless .

” What kind of paper ?”

Guan Shihan asked curiously .

“The name is ” Inheritance and Exhibition of Ancient Literature in Modern Times ” . When I saw this topic on the Internet , I thought of ancient music in music .

This type of music is not very popular , but if it is supplemented by more popular instruments such as piano and guitar , will it make this music more popular ?

Then ( Qian’s ) through this modern culture , integrating ancient poems into songs may be beneficial to classical literature ! ”

the end, it proved that I succeeded , and this thesis defense topic has also become the defense topic of the graduation thesis !

The whole network exploded !

Countless singers stared at the screen with wide-eyed eyes. Xiao Tianwang was stunned at home .

other words , Qin Caizi was doing experiments in the entertainment industry in order to complete the thesis topic of his tutor ? The result swept the Golden Melody Award ? Let the whole music world be called a foil ? ”

He can’t digest it !

Cheung breathed a sigh of relief at home .

Just because of a dissertation by his tutor , Qin Ye chose ancient music and innovated it, and the result became popular all over the country !

Smash all his records off the horse !

even .

It’s a bit embarrassing to directly take away his top-notch status !

At this moment, all the singers seem to have found the source of all evil that causes them to have psychological shadows ! !

This year , they were beaten by Qin Ye so that they couldn’t find the north !

There seems to be only one voice in the entire music world !

Even Qin Ye was involved in the vortex of fishing reels recently , and no one could challenge his status !

As if invincible !

And the direct element that contributed to all this was just a paper ?

Netizens are frying !

It’s like home ! All I can say is that the instructor is awesome !

” A paper , let Mr. Qin create a Chinese style that swept the entire network and swept the Golden Melody Award !

” Haha , I guess other singers want to die, right ?

I really want to see who this mentor is , without him there would be no Xia Feng now !

If Teacher Qin is the originator of Chinese style , then this mentor is the guide of the originator ! Awesome pus!

Mr. Li is at home .

TV while watching live broadcasts on your mobile phone .

I saw the overwhelming discussion about myself .

He felt like he was about to float into the sky !

Are you going to become an internet celebrity ?

PS: The protagonist’s story is the author’s personal experience , but the author does not have the aura of the protagonist, nor has he embarked on the road of music [ cry ] ! regulation

Chapter 2 Children’s Day , Songs for Children

stop at this time .

There are countless college students who are also stunned . We are here to check all kinds of materials for the graduation thesis . Why did Qin Caizi create materials by himself ?

Mr. Qin misunderstand the graduation thesis ?



If the graduation thesis has to be realized , who can graduate ?

Once again, they felt the dimensionality reduction attack of the genius .

Guan Shihan smiled and said : If this is the case , it must be the most exciting graduation thesis in China this year. I also listened to your song , and I realized that ancient poetry can be beautiful like this !

Everyone is smiling !

the past, when they read ancient poems, they just felt that Qin Ye’s songs were great , which made them realize the beauty of ancient poems and the touching stories in ancient poems .

Kind of is forced to learn !

The other is that he became curious about ancient poetry and became interested. Which one is more for people to learn , Qin Ye smiled at a glance , and said , ” Actually , the luckiest thing in one’s life is to know where he came from and where he went. go .

The former is not only to know who gave birth to you and raised you , but also to know what made you . Your character , etiquette , morals , values, etc. are inseparable from the nurturing of China’s five thousand years of civilization .

Therefore , it is necessary for us to understand the precious wealth that these ancestors left us , and to celebrate them !

There has been warm applause and the barrage has been swiped again !

As expected of Teacher Qin , what he said is so reasonable !

” Mr. Qin is really thorough !”

” If Teacher Qin is really a teacher , his students must be the happiest students in the world !

Many netizens admire Qin Ye .

Qin Ye waited for the applause to subside a little , then said solemnly : So , through our company , I will launch animation works after graduation , and in the form of animation, I will tell everyone some historical common sense that not everyone knows .

Oh !

The film exclaimed !

” Good guy , is Teacher Qin going to get involved in the animation industry ?”

heard that the new version of ” Once Upon a Time ” by Mr. Qin and Mr. Ye Wenjie is about to be finished !

Teacher Qin is really blooming more , and it’s all so meaningful. Now it’s songs to teach us classical literature . Now, are we going to teach us history through animation ? I really don’t know what the historical animation filmed by Teacher Qin will look like ?

” If it is produced by Teacher Qin , I will definitely support it !”

Yongrui Group .

Lin Tong heard that Qin Ye was going to shoot another anime , his eyes lit up and he had to fight for it ! ”

She is determined !

Although she didn’t even know what Qin Ye was going to shoot .

But she knows Qin Ye well and knows that what Qin Ye can say here is definitely a good thing !

site .

Guan Shihan was also stunned , not knowing how to answer for a while !

There is no such paragraph on the script , she was a little curious and wondered what kind of anime ? ” No spoilers here , but I won’t let everyone down .

Qin Ye smiled .

He was also improvised .

Originally , he didn’t want the characters that everyone added to him to be too strong , which would restrain him .

But now .

Now that Yang Shi has expressed his position by inviting his own program , he knows that his position may not be changed, so it is better to make him more brilliant .

He also wanted to use the [ China Five Thousand Years Memorabilia ] that the system rewarded before !

Although he hasn’t finished receiving it yet , it’s enough for that anime !

Guan Shihan also had a resentful look on Qin Ye ‘s face when he saw Qin Ye selling him .

She also knew that she could n’t waste any more time on this , and cut back to the topic again !

chat and chat .

The two talked about what happened during this time .

we all know , you have always had a smooth journey , but recently it seems that you have encountered some troubles with fame .

Guan Shihan smiled .

Her words caused an uproar on the Internet !

The melon was still hot recently , and some melon eaters instantly became excited and wanted to see how Qin Ye talked about it .

Qin Ye nodded helplessly and said yes , I don’t think anyone wants to have some paparazzi lurking around them , spying on your private life all the time !

Do you think they can hurt you ?

Guan Shihan continued to ask .

Qin Ye pondered for a few seconds and said , ” How do you say it ? It’s not entirely up to me , but whether those paparazzi’s actions have touched his bottom line . ”

of paparazzi . Although the good one keeps harassing you , but if you talk to him carefully, he will listen , so he just walks away with his tail tucked !

puff !

couldn’t help laughing when they heard this !

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