” I’m looking for a chance to talk to him , and for my new work this year , I also want to invite him to write the theme song . ”

Chu Yichen said sternly .

The two were chatting and chatting , and the screen lit up at this time .

who were still discussing in a low voice suddenly became quiet .

I want to enjoy this first movie that is praised by many netizens as the Wang Zhuang combination !

oh oh !

soon as he came out , there was a sound of surprise .

of a lion dance on a Qing Dynasty ship .

The Chinese elements are directly filled .

” Qin Caizi really has a soft spot for these Chinese elements !”

Tang Qianqian smiled .

Next , is the curiosity of foreigners about the lion dance .

It seems to represent that era , the difference between Eastern and Western cultures !

At this time , the accident happened .

Evil foreigners , directly shoot the lion dancers with foreign spears !

After it was over, he burst out laughing .

Everyone felt a strong grief and anger !

The simple design directly shows the darkness and humiliation of that turbulent era to the extreme !

” Too advanced . ”

Some employees exclaimed .

They are all practitioners in the film and television industry, and they can better understand what the film wants to express at a deeper level !

At this most tense moment , Huang Feihong played by Ye Wenjie directly took over the lion dance !

Obstructed by the foreign guns of foreigners , with his own efforts , he succeeded in picking green !

Finally took over the important task of training the militia !

The audience is thrilled !

There was warm applause at the scene !

” It was a perfect beginning . It took a few minutes to introduce the background through the story , created friction , and finally turned the tide . It has depression , blood , and a strong Chinese style element . It ‘s really amazing !”

Chu Yichen said with admiration .

He knows that just rushing to the beginning , he has already killed % of similar movies in the country !

However .

Just after he finished speaking , the picture in the promotional video appeared , Huang Feihong took the militia group to practice martial arts by the sea .

The general order that shocked the whole network sounded !

” Men Be Self-improvement ” is here ! !

” Arrogant and arrogant smile ten thousand waves !”

” Hot blood beats red sun !”

Hearing this kind of singing again , plus the foreshadowing in front , everyone instantly felt that the pores all over their bodies exploded !

Too hot !

So burning !

There has been applause from the scene !

And such interspersed , it amazed everyone present !

Finally .

The film has ushered in the feature film segment .

opening scene is when Thirteenth Aunt returned from studying abroad and took pictures with the camera of that era !

But unexpectedly (acbg) , the camera caught fire and scalded the uncle’s head and bird cage !

As a martial artist, Huang Feihong’s reaction is very sensitive , and he escaped the catastrophe .

It even kicked the camera !

The deep foundation of kung fu is displayed to the extreme .

Then there is the dialogue between Huang Feihong and Thirteenth Aunt .

Huang Feihong’s pedanticism as a man in the old era , and his thirteenth aunt’s return from overseas , were influenced by advanced ideas .

between two people who seem to be in different worlds broke out many laughs !

Many employees laughed out loud !

Chu Yichen kept shaking his head .

” Absolutely , absolutely amazing !”

Tang Qianqian was a little curious and said , ” Why is it absolutely impossible ?”

Chu Yichen thought about it and said , ” If I guess correctly , Qin Caizi wants to use the role of Thirteenth Aunt to create Eastern and Western cultures , and there will be friction at that time !”

He once filmed a Wong Fei Hung , and he has a deep understanding of this .

But at that time , they used the role of Thirteenth Aunt , more of a love line .

did not rise to this level .

He has already admired Qin Ye to the point of being in awe !

” It’s a deep film . ”

Chu Yichen said sternly .

Tang Qianqian nodded blankly . He also learned a little bit through the explanation , but not as deep as Chu Yichen !

The plot continues .

The entire next plot revolves around the role of Thirteenth Aunt !

Pork Rong , Liang Kuan and other characters appeared one after another .

They are not very famous actors , but they live the roles !

Especially every time Huang Feihong makes a shot , he is so passionate !

At first .

They also felt that it was because Ye Wenjie’s movements were so beautiful and unrestrained !

But gradually they are not right !

Because … every time Huang Feihong appeared , it was accompanied by the song ” Men Be Self-improvement ” !

Chu Yichen’s eyes widened , at this moment he seemed to understand the meaning of this song !

But he did not have any disgust , this song is too classic !

Let them not get tired of hearing it , and every time it sounds , it can make everyone’s blood boil !

” It’s really amazing !”

Chu Yichen praised .

He’s already been completely captivated by the story .

” Once Upon a Time ” he shot , although foreigners also appeared because of the background of the times , the main friction was still between Huang Feihong and many martial artists .

Qin Ye’s ” Once Upon a Time ” took a different approach .

In the conflict with other martial artists , the tragic character of Master Yan was created !

More , is the friction between foreigners !

Invincible in fights , with the blessing of ” Men Be Self-improvement ” , it is even more enthusiastic !

In particular, the duel between Huang Feihong and Master Yan made people couldn’t help but be amazed !

In terms of plot , it keeps revolving around the differences between Eastern and Western civilizations .

Expose the reality of that era , human nature, and more !

It really is a three-pointer !

In a blink of an eye .

The plot has progressed to the end !

The original pedantic Huang Feihong , in order to save the thirteenth aunt who represents modern women , chose to break the stereotype and escaped with the help of the cell boss !

This seems to symbolize that the pedantic Wong Fei-hung slowly began to accept new things and became well-informed !

The whole show has reached its climax !

on the ship made everyone hold their breath .

Especially on the bamboo ladder, the decisive battle with Master Yan again , one tough and one soft contest , showed the violence and beauty !

Coupled with the domineering ” Men Be Self-improvement ” , it can ignite everyone’s passion !

Originally .

Everyone felt that this section would end with Master Yan being defeated by Huang Feihong .

The result was again beyond everyone’s expectations .

Defeated is defeated , but Master Yan, who was wearing a golden bell and an iron cloth shirt , finally died under the bullet of the foreigner !

He also said the words that shocked everyone .

” Master Huang , no matter how good our kung fu is , we can’t match the foreign guns of foreigners !”

This not only touched all the audience , but also touched Huang Feihong !

Let him truly realize the essential gap between the East and the West !

But in the end , Huang Feihong relied on his own kung fu to kill the foreigner with a foreign gun and rescue the Governor .

It seems to prove it for kung fu again !

At the end of the film , Liang Kuan performed the apprenticeship ceremony !

And Huang Feihong, who has always been pedantic and represents the man of the old era , put on a suit !

Shocked !

Chu Yichen was deeply shocked by this movie !

” This kind of thought , depth , only Qin Caizi can write !”

He was in awe .

Every place has a unique meaning !

And , that’s just what he’s been up to .

“I believe that with the talent of Qin , there are still a lot of things that I haven’t seen . I’ll have to read it again another day . ”

Chu Yichen murmured .

At the end of the video , I returned to the picture of the promotional video again , accompanied by the music of ” Men Be Self-improvement ” .

The meaning is even more profound !

” let’s go . ”

Chu Yichen whispered .

Everyone nodded and looked at the screen that had been blacked out a little reluctantly .

The impact of this movie on them is too strong !

And with the hit of ” Once Upon a Time ” !

Countless people flocked to the cinema .

Box office out today !

# ” Huang Feihong ” box office 720 million on the first day # # ” Huang Feihong ” broke the box office record on the first day of Chinese film history # #.?’s royal BGM# Douban score is as high as . points !

More than all the movies in the ” Once Upon a Time ” series !

Countless fans were thrilled .

” Haha , it ‘s so awesome , it’s so refreshing , it ‘s completely different from the Wong Fei Hung movies I’ve seen before . ”

” Have you noticed that every time Huang Feihong appears, it is accompanied by the music of ” Men Be Self-improvement ” , it ‘s so explosive !”

” In this BGM , no one is my Master Huang’s opponent ! [ Dog Head ] ”

” I have to say , my teacher Qin really has an idea . This must be designed by my teacher Qin !”

” Come on ! The Chinese film history record is right in front of you!”

Netizens are excited !

However .

More audiences , but rarely pay attention to the meaning of the film itself .

Until … a parsing video came along !

” We can see that the very beginning of this film …”

” Here , Huang Feihong’s feudal ideology still rejects Western culture !”

” Here , through dialogue , Huang Feihong has begun to think about the cultural differences between the East and the West !”

” Go here …”

commentary is coupled with the video , and the whole network is popular at once !

Many interested people also noticed the blogger’s information for the first time , from ” Star Media ” !

end of the video , the blogger also gave a summary !

” This must be the most amazing Huang Feihong movie I’ve ever seen , if someone else makes Huang Feihong , it belongs to the popularity of this national hero .

” But Mr. Qin’s Huang Feihong does n’t seem to be just Huang Feihong !

” He seems to be a microcosm of the old times. He went from pretending to be a celestial dynasty , secluded from the country , slowly learning about Western culture and advanced technology , but was very resistant , and finally insisting on Eastern culture , but at the same time he began to accept Western culture ! Make up for his own Insufficient . ”

” Mr. Qin is not only shooting Huang Feihong !”

” It’s an era !!”

Shock the whole network !

At this moment , many netizens came to their senses !

Then there is a feeling of scalp tingling !

” Fuck ! I thought it was just a kung fu movie , could it be a literary movie ?”

” If someone interprets the movie like this , I must think he is thinking too much , but the blogger’s analysis is so reasonable , I have to be convinced !”

” Yes , I said that Teacher Qin’s pattern cannot be just a kung fu movie , and now the key is revealed , I am gone !”

” At this moment , I seem to understand the meaning of ” Men Be Self-improvement ” , which is definitely a milestone in the history of kung fu movies !”

” I can’t find any grooves in the film at all , it ‘s perfect !” Driven by various fishing reels .

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