” Once Upon a Time ” once again ushered in a peak !

People who originally thought it was an old movie were also influenced by the fishing boat and walked into the cinema .

I want to see if this movie is as strong as it is !

The box office also rose like a rocket !

the tenth day , ” Once Upon a Time ” broke the 3.4 billion mark at the box office , ranking eighth in film and television !

Created the fastest box office record of 300 million !

Although the growth rate has decreased a lot , it is still growing at a very fast rate !

During this period .

Qin Ye even stopped two issues of ” Qin You Ji ” to make way for his first investment movie !

driven by all parties .

the fifteenth day , ” Once Upon a Time ” broke the Chinese film history record with an impressive record of 400 million box office ! ( parallel world )

Shock the whole network !

# ” Huang Feihong ” won the box office champion of the Chinese movie circle # #The best-grossing kung fu movie , the most in-depth kung fu movie # #The perfect cooperation between Qin Caizi and the king of kung fu # #wang fried combination , creating a new era of Chinese kung fu movies # Netizens It’s boiling !

Of course .

To say the most shocking thing is that many bigwigs of the Academy Awards some time ago did not believe it when they heard Ye Wenjie say that he would start the next stage of his film .

Of course , it’s not that the film is bad , but that Ye Wenjie’s achievements are too high !

Want to start a new stage easier said than done ?

But the reality has proved that Ye Wenjie’s words are not wrong at all !

This movie really amazed the whole China !

Even if it is not in the golden stage , it still sweeps the film circle !

The meaning of the film itself , there is no similar film can compete !

Qin Ye , the king of kung fu , with one character and one martial arts , seems to represent the thought and kung fu in the movie .

Really a blasting combination !

On the day that ” Once Upon a Time ” broke the record of Chinese film history .

Liu Tianwang : ” Congratulations , Wen Jie and Qin Caizi , you are really a natural partner . Warm congratulations to you for breaking the Chinese film history record , and I hope you can bring more such good movies ! One more mention , @ Qin Ye what? Time to invite me to make a movie ? I’m cheap !”

of a person of Liu Tianwang’s level shocked the entire network !

This represents everyone’s recognition of Qin Ye’s film talent !

Next .

Numerous well-known directors and actors have congratulated Qin Ye and Ye Wenjie !

Chu Yichen : ” The film made by Qin Caizi and the King of Kung Fu is more than a box office champion . In comparison , the ” Once Upon a Time ” I filmed was a lot of shame ! # Qinye # yewenjie ”

Du Xing : ” Qin Caizi’s productions must be high-quality products . I have made movies for so many years , and this is the first time I have seen such a talented singer . Others are enough to become a masterpiece , but it is your Virgo, and the film industry may change . It’s gone !”

Guo Tianwang : “…”

Actors : “”The stars come to the DPRK again !

This time !

It’s the movie world ! ! .

Chapter 242 All the official media praised ! Rush into the world with a kung fu movie !

Just when the whole network was discussing Huang Feihong .

of several news shocked the whole network !

Yangshi.com : ” In this school day , the talented Qin Ye joined hands with the King of Kung Fu to present a special gift to the whole country through the film , which not only showed the breadth and depth of Chinese Kung Fu . ”

” Moreover, it conveys patriotic thoughts through the film . This ” Once Upon a Time ” is extremely exciting and profound . The theme song even tells contemporary young people , ” Men should be self-improvement ” !”

” It’s an epoch-making kung fu movie . I hope Chinese filmmakers can be inspired to create more meaningful movies like this #.?”

CCTV again .

This time, even the King of Kung Fu was named and praised !

And .

Gave the highest affirmation to ” Huang Fei ~ Hong ” !

Is there anything thicker and heavier than the three words [ epoch-making ] ?

Originally , after Qin Ye participated in the Academy Awards and sang a meaningful song like ” Men Be Self-improvement ” , it was strange that Yang Shi , who was known as Qin Ye’s mother, did not praise him .

Now it seems that this is waiting for the movie together !

However .

What happened next was beyond everyone’s expectations !

People’s Daily : ” Congratulations to #.? for breaking the box office record of the Chinese film industry . China needs such a movie . Through Huang Feihong’s perspective , it not only tells us to remember history , but also teaches us that men should be self-improvement , and our generation should be self-improvement . It is a milestone Kung Fu movie in the Chinese film industry !”

Xinhuashe : “…”

The three mainstream official media are all in battle .

All define ” Once Upon a Time ” as a milestone in the film industry , which really shocked everyone .

Especially some filmmakers .

To be named and praised by a mainstream media is already smoking from the ancestral grave !

It can also elevate the status of your own film to another level .

three major mainstream media praised at the same time , and gave such a high evaluation , it is something they dare not even think about !

And it’s not over yet .

When the whole network was still sighing about the three major mainstream media , the giant of the Academy of Education also wrote .

” If the movie can also be included in the textbook , then the textbook-level ” Once Upon a Time ” must be the best choice . The meaning of this movie is more than the movie itself . The cooperation between the talented and the king of kung fu is perfect . I hope you can create a More such meaningful films will definitely be a blessing for China !”

Directorate General : ” ” Once Upon a Time ” , a very in-depth film , worthy of everyone’s taste , Qin talent and the king of kung fu, tell us through the film …”

Everyone did not expect that even the General Administration had written it !

The whole network exploded !

Next .

Local officials , TV stations , and local media also took turns to pay tribute to ” Once Upon a Time ” !

Take this movie to an unprecedented peak !

Ah ah ah !

Countless netizens were stunned .

” Fuck ! Will my teacher Qin’s movies also be included in textbooks ?”

” Even the strongest screenwriters would not dare to write scripts like this . Almost all the official media who called them have publicly praised them . It ‘s really destiny !”

” And the evaluation given is so outrageous , this movie is going to be consecrated !”

” Is it already conferred a god ? Whether it’s box office , word of mouth , or status , who can compete ? Wang Zhuang combination !”

” It’s the first time I’ve seen such a scene in the film industry !”

Many people in the entertainment industry were even more shocked to the point of being speechless .

so many bigwigs , just assigning one of them can raise their status by several grades !

And now , with all the blessings in one , what is the experience ?

It is truly unprecedented !

And the facts prove it .

Just that day .

This film, which set a record in film history , once again ushered in a skyrocketing box office !

had already fallen by more than 100 million , ushered in the second spring day’s box office , reaching 300 million !

of 300 million after half a month of release !

The total box office has also reached 100 million !

With more than a week to go before its release , many feel the film may set a box office record that will never be reached .

Magic City .

Hotel ballroom .

” Cheers !”

” Cheers !”

Several tables of people toast at the same time !

Everyone had a smile on their face .

It was the celebration banquet held by Qin Ye and Ye Wenjie’s company !

The core staff on both sides were all present .

Because of the venue , ordinary employees were arranged in another small banquet hall .

And here , separated by a screen .

Qin Ye and Ye Wenjie, the two bosses , sat together .

They are all members of the direct line at this table .

Su Lingyun , Lin Tong , Master Liu , executives of the two companies, etc. !

didn’t come back because of the schedule !

After everyone had a drink .

They all sat down , Ye Wenjie’s resolute face was slightly red .

been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he seldom drinks , and his alcohol intake is not large .

But today he was very happy and drank a lot !

” Xiao Qin , thanks to you this time , not only did I break many records in the Chinese film history , but I was praised by so many leaders . I have never been so glamorous since my debut . ”

Ye Wenjie was slightly drunk .

As the first person in the film industry , to be able to say such words is enough to see the horror of this achievement !

” Haha , Brother Jie , is n’t this a routine operation for talented Qin Qin ?”

His company CEO chimed in .

Qin Ye shook his head with a smile , and said, ” Where , this is the first time I have faced such a big scene !”

Everyone was in disbelief !

This guy may have been named and praised by the official media more than the entire entertainment industry combined .

estimate .

They were so excited that they couldn’t sleep , but the great genius was at ease .

Ye Wenjie glanced at him angrily , and said , ” Speaking of which, I really want to shoot ” Once Upon a Time ” for the second time !”

Qin Ye told him that there are currently six ” Once Upon a Time ” series decided !

Qin Ye shook his head and said , ” Uncle Ye , take your time , I plan this series every year , so that the audience will not have aesthetic fatigue . ”

Ye Wenjie nodded .

Now , he didn’t realize it himself , and the dominance of the cooperation between the two was gradually in Qin Ye’s hands .

However .

He didn’t care if he found out . With such box office results, couldn’t it be said that all Qin Ye’s arrangements were correct ?

” You and Uncle have the same bottom line . Is the second style similar ? I’m itching now !”

Ye Wenjie laughed .

… for flowers …

” Of course , but secondly, I will add elements of Chinese and Western medicine into it . Uncle Ye, don’t worry , it won’t be worse than the first . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

Everyone was shocked to hear that .

” Compendium of Materia Medica ” came to mind impressively !

Liu sighed and said : ” Qin Caizi , these Chinese elements really bloom with amazing charm in your hands !”

Qin Ye just smiled .

As his relationship with Ye Wenjie deepened , his relationship with Lao Liu also became harmonious .

The two have also collaborated on movie soundtracks !

” Uncle Ye , when you choose the role , the second movie will start . Director Lin is also making this kind of movie for the first time . If there is anything that doesn’t work well , you should take more care . ”

Qin Ye said politely .

Then , he gave Lin Tong a wink .

The latter quickly understood , picked up the wine glass on the table , and said , ” Mr. Ye , please give me more advice in the future . ”

Ye Wenjie smiled nonchalantly , and clinked glasses with Lin Tong .

” I’m also looking forward to working with Director Lin !”

He knew that Lin Tong was almost equivalent to Qin Ye’s spokesperson in movies !

, Lin Tong breathed a sigh of relief .

No matter how big her background is , facing a giant like Ye Wenjie in the Huaxia entertainment industry is still a lot of pressure !

” Xiao Qin , we need to organize more such associations in the future . ”

Ye Wenjie laughed .

The success of ” Once Upon a Time ” also made him want to strengthen his relationship with Qin Ye .

” Sure , do n’t worry , Uncle Ye , my goal is not only the Chinese film industry , I also want to rush to the world with Chinese Kung Fu movies !”

Qin Ye said aggressively .

His words shocked everyone .

Lin Tong even stared at him blankly .

This seems to be her dream too .

Many of her classmates at the American Film Institute are now in Hollywood .

Among them .

There is a very good Chinese girl who is even taken by Hollywood companies and started to be a director !

just .

The two have never dealt with each other because of their different philosophies .

Due to her family education since childhood , she has a soft spot for Chinese elements .

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