Net fishing reels also began to leaven .

The news of Qin Ye’s appearance at Binhai University also spread .

At the same time , some students ( Qian Haohao ) took pictures of Qin Ye singing !

#Qin Ye returns to Binhai University again , and the principal greets him personally # # Qin Caizi incarnates as the owner of a pancake stall # # Teacher Qin returns to school , now creating a divine song # # ” Waiting for you to finish class ” #Various videos , crazy on Douyin and Kuaishou Pass !

However , all of them were clips after Qin Ye took off his mask , and no one had ever filmed them before .

And ” Wait for you after class ” directly ranked first on the day’s hot list .

On Penguin Music , there is also a live version of this song !

The comment section is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye !

” Fuck , all the songs that Teacher Qin created temporarily are so good ? It ‘s too awesome . ”

” ” Wait for your class ” , another campus comedy ! Even a cappella is invincible !”

“I envy Binhai University , I can listen to Teacher Qin Ye sing live . ”

” This song is really for us, right ? Why didn’t I study hard for three years in high school , and didn’t get into the same university as Teacher Qin , woo woo woo !”

” Upstairs , you can choose to go to Binhai University to buy omelettes ! You can see Mr. Qin when he returns to Binhai University next time . ”

” Fuck off !”

Netizens are excited .

from other colleges and universities are envious !

It really fits the lyrics .

If they study hard and get admitted to Binhai University , when Teacher Qin is in school, they can still be alumni with him for a period of time !

Now there is only envy ! .

Chapter 24 Sing again ! ” Red Dust Inn ” !

evening .

Binhai University Gymnasium .

At this time , it was already crowded .

Each student has a glow stick in their hands !

A scene like a concert .

Accompanied by Mr. Li, the three Qin Ye came to their professional side , ” Senior Qin Ye . ”

” Senior Qin Ye . ”

Several senior students this year said excitedly .

They all knew Qin Ye and had drunk together .

And more newly admitted juniors and juniors are adored .

Qin Ye smiled and nodded to them .

” This year , two new classes have been added , and the majors have become very lively . These little guys have always regarded you as a role model , how about you ? Would you like to show them the demeanor of seniors today ?”

Teacher Li smiled .

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment , then chuckled , ” I’ll try my best !”

What he did prepare today was a Chinese-style song .

” Let’s sit first . ”

Teacher Li greeted Qin Ye and sat next to him .

This time , in addition to Qin Ye , the school also selected some students who sang better .

The whole scene is like a gala .

Mu Shishi and Liu Hao also took turns performing the show .

However .

The most eye-catching is the program of a freshman .

He actually created a new Chinese style song !

” Fuck , this junior has two brushes . When did such a great god come to our school ?”

” Is this a tribute to Senior Qin ? He even sang a new song . ”

” I don’t know , is there going to be a second talented person in our school? ” ” This song is really touching . It doesn’t feel worse than some fire songs . Sure enough, all of our school are talented . ”

Countless people were excited 33 .

For them , this junior can sing original songs , or Chinese style , which is already awesome .

” Xiao Qin , this is also a student who just entered this year . Since elementary school music , he originally wanted to enter the Conservatory of Music . Because of you , he chose our Binhai University , and the school gave him a lot of points . ”

Teacher Li explained .

Qin Ye was taken aback for a moment , then pointed to his nose .

” Because of me ?”

” Yes !”

Teacher Li affirmed : ” He also wants to go your way !”

Qin Ye was speechless for a while .

you have a certain musical talent and then come to Binhai University to study literature ?

” What do you think of him ?” Teacher Li asked with a smile .

Qin Ye thought for a while and said , ” Not bad !”

, Teacher Li laughed .

” Of course , it’s far worse than you , but some students in their class gave him a nickname , called Xiao Qin Ye . ”

Alright !

Even Qin Ye didn’t expect that he would actually have a copy at school !

However , this apprentice is really talented !

the huge applause , the boy stepped off the stage and looked in Qin Ye’s direction again , his eyes a little excited .

that year .

Qin Ye started to become popular in the country with the song “The Story of Young China ” . Today , the same opportunity is in front of him, but he is well aware of the terrifying broadcast volume of ” Qin You Ji ” .

Therefore , he resolutely chose to sing this original song in front of his idol .

Hope to be close to Qin Ye .

At this time , the student host took to the stage : ” Thanks to our junior Zhang Yangtao for bringing us the original songs , do you think they are good ?”

” It sounds good . ”

The students responded enthusiastically .

” Junior Zhang Yangtao , what made you choose to sing a Chinese style song on such an occasion ? ”

the host asked .

Zhang Yangtao picked up the microphone and said , ” The person I admire most is Senior Qin Ye , and it is because of him that I chose to come to Binhai University . Today, singing this original song here is my tribute to Senior Qin Ye !”

There were bursts of screams .

host faced the audience and said loudly , ” It just so happened that our senior Qin Ye also came to the scene today , and he also brought a Chinese style song , let us applaud and invite senior Qin Ye !”

Ahhh !

The place was completely insane .

All the students were shaking with excitement !

Qin Ye walked up to the stage with the microphone and said with a smile , ” Not bad !”

Zhang Yangtao, who has returned to his role, was shocked . What could be more exciting than being recognized by an idol ?

The classmates laughed .

” It’s very touching to come back here again . Since everyone likes the Chinese style so much , then I will bring you a song ” Red Dust Inn ” !”

When everyone heard the name , they felt that their hearts were filled with words .

” Damn it, Hongchen … Inn , why does my heart melt just hearing this name ?”

” Yeah , it’s really intoxicating . I thought that the younger brother just now was very talented , but now I realize that he is far from the senior Qin Ye .

” Are you kidding me, senior Qin, the godfather of Huaxia style ?”

” It ‘s the first time I heard Senior Qin sing live , I ‘m so excited !”

Zhang Yangtao was also shocked when he heard it. He was initially satisfied with his songs and now he was shaken .

At this time .

A beautiful Chinese style melody sounded in everyone’s ears !

The melody was gentle with a hint of sadness , flowing in the ears like a trickle , and the whole person relaxed .

Everyone’s eyes are bright , and the prelude alone has already killed more than % of Yuetan’s songs .

Someone sighed .

And Qin Ye was also looking forward to it , raised the microphone , and the beautiful singing sounded .

” The end of the world is wind and sand . ”

” The story of red dust is called concern ”

“The sealing knife is hidden under the fence of ordinary people . ”

“The Ancient Temple of Xianyun Yehe . ”

That beautiful singing directly outlines a beautiful picture !

Every word is extremely accurate (acbg ) !

True cherishing of words is like gold !

Qin Ye’s literary skills are also reflected to the extreme .

These poetic lyrics completely moved all the students at the scene , especially the Chinese department . All the students looked at Qin Ye with admiration .

” When will I be able to reach the level of Senior Qin Ye , I am so envious of me . ”

They looked longing .

Especially some freshmen who just entered the school , many of them came for Qin Ye’s name !

They all looked at Qin Ye with admiration on their faces !

” Quick horses are fighting in the rivers and lakes . ”

” It’s nothing more than fame and fortune . ”

” People who have a country in their hearts . ”

” How can you be happy and unrestrained . ”

” I just want to share China with you . ”

Throughout the scene of more than 10,000 people , all teachers and students waved light sticks .

I was intoxicated by Qin Ye’s soothing voice .

Following the singing of the followers , they came to a river and lake that belongs to the talented .

” Wow , is this the live version of Huaxia style ? It feels really good . ”

Mu Shishi’s red lips rose slightly , and there was still a smile on her face .

Although she was Qin Ye’s little fan girl , it was the first time she heard Qin Ye sing live .

Unexpectedly , this time she sang drunk .

” Who laughs when the sword is drawn out of the scabbard . ”

” I just want to hold you in my arms today . ”

“The wind in Hongchen Inn is like a knife . ”

“The rain falls and fate knocks . ”

Qin Ye directly used a complex singing voice .

Chic but with desolation , freehand with infatuation .

All kinds of emotions converged and hit everyone’s nerves .

” Who is the leader in any Wulin . ”

” I just bowed down for you . ”

wow !

Some female classmates were struck by such lyrics .

” Crossing the deserted village and the wild bridge to find the ancient way . ”

” Away from the hustle and bustle of the world . ”

” Liu Xu Piao holds the child’s hand at ease . ”

Beautiful !

Beautiful singing , lyrics , and visuals !

All the classmates seem to have seen that a hero who retired from the arena for the sake of his beloved !

So chic yet touching !

Zhang Yangtao sighed even more . After listening to Qin Ye’s song , he deeply realized the difference .

In front of Qin Ye, I am like a baby ” The other party’s Chinese style has matured to a situation that no one can imagine .

” However , I won’t give up , I must catch up with you . ”

He made up his mind .

And more audiences are full of smiles , listening to this extremely beautiful song , and soon .

Qin Ye’s soothing singing came again that day .

“The window lattice under the eaves reflects the branches . ”

” Have a tea with you on the floor . ”

” I will write you down firmly with fine brushwork . ”

” It is not elegant to carry a pen . ”

” Sighing under the lamp, the beauty is near the sunset . ”

” I say fate is like attending Zen without talking . ”

” You are full of tears like pear blossoms . ”

” The world above . ”

” Love and hate is like a freehand landscape painting . ”

The same melody , but another pair of poetic lyrics .

Created another sentimental mood .

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