” This is really another pinnacle of Chinese style . ”

The director was excited below .

The standard Qin style Chinese style !

No matter the lyrics and mood , they are top-notch .

” He is already a masterpiece of Chinese style , no one understands him better , and his talent is invincible . ”

The musical director of the crew said with emotion .

made music for decades , it was the first time he met an artist like Qin Ye .

Really like a living legend !

” Who laughs when the sword is drawn out of the scabbard . ”

” I just want to hold you in my arms today ”

” How cute you look when I look back, I smile with tears . ”

“The wine flag is blowing in the wind . ”

“The sword is drawn out of the scabbard . ”

music .

It ended in Qin Ye’s last deep but emotional singing .

It seems to carry a lot of regret and loneliness .

People have to be moved .

It also seems to understand the meaning of the song title ” Hongchen Inn ” !

Immediately afterwards , there was earth-shattering applause .

Countless students gave their most sincere applause to their idols on the stage ! .

Chapter 247 If Qin Ye drinks Tang wine , there will be more than three hundred Tang poems !

All the teachers and students looked at Qin Ye with enthusiasm in their eyes .

Including some old professors of the Chinese Department !

Somehow , Qin Ye, a student, has become the object of their study and research .

” Xiao Qin’s literary literacy is probably much stronger than me ~ . ”

A professor sighed .

” Yeah , this is really a talent . We may be a little stronger than Xiao Qin because of our age, but in the field of poetry and writing, I ‘m afraid we can’t compare – ah !”

Several people sighed .

Putting it on other stars , if they come to the school for a concert, they may not even watch it .

Qin Ye came over , they became small fans .

Of course .

This is not only because of Qin Ye’s fame and because he is a college student in Binhai , but because they like the Chinese-style lyrics written by Qin Ye .

For them , listening to Qin Ye’s songs doesn’t require music at all , the words alone can keep them listening for a whole day .

Mr. Li listened to the chats of colleagues around him , and his heart was full of joy . ” As expected of my best student , hahaha . ”

He couldn’t help laughing .

on stage .

Qin Ye waited for the screaming to subside a little, and then asked , ” What other songs do you want to listen to ?”

” Dongfeng Broken !”

” Like snow !”

” Broken Bridge Remnant Snow !”

All kinds of Chinese-style songs came from the mouths of crazy students .

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment , then said speechlessly, ” Don’t you want to listen to some youth campus stuff ?”

Hahahaha !

” I don’t want to !”

” After listening to the Huaxia style , where can I look down on other songs ?”

” We only like Chinese style !”

Numerous students eagerly said .

Qin Ye shook his head , but there was nothing he could do about the student .

” Okay , then let’s sing another song ” Like Snow ” !”

The music director quickly adjusted the melody to snow .

The beautiful Chinese wind sounded , and all the teachers and students were obsessed .

Because of my alma mater .

After Qin Ye finished singing , he continued to sing several Chinese-style songs .

All teachers and students listened to so many picturesque songs , and they were all satisfied .

After singing a few songs , Qin Ye also ended the performance .

Although .

Some teachers and students were a little reluctant , but most of them were satisfied .

You know , in the previous issues of “Qin You Ji”, Qin Ye only sang one song .

The staff began to clean up the site .

At this time .

The previous junior who sang the original Chinese style came to him and called him excitedly .

Next .

He was a little nervous again , and said , ” Senior Qin Ye , what do you think of this song I wrote ?”

Qin Ye was taken aback for a moment , looked at him with a smile , nodded slightly and said, ” Very good !”

With Qin Ye’s affirmation , his slightly immature face was extremely excited .

” Unfortunately , both the lyrics and music are much worse than what you wrote . ”

uh ?

Qin Ye was a little speechless and said , ” Don’t think so much , just study hard first . ”

” Mmmm . ” The boy nodded , and hesitantly said, ” Qin Ye student , can you accept me as your apprentice ?”

Qin Ye was taken aback .

good guy !

He is only a few years older than this boy , and he actually wants to worship himself as a teacher to see the boy’s eyes . He doesn’t have much desire for fame and fortune. Instead, he wants to learn from himself .

not good for him to directly refuse like this , /:./’2 ; ” : ‘, reject him , but it is impossible to accept an apprentice . High-level songs , I can accept you as a disciple and help you make records . ”

To be honest , the song written by this boy today is already very good .

It is estimated that it took many years to write such a song .

Fifty songs of the same level should be enough to stun this talented boy !

Who knows , the boy has become brighter after listening to his words !

” Really ?”

he asked excitedly .

” How can it be fake ?”

Qin Ye was a little funny .

” Then can I add your contact information? I ‘ll find you when I’ve written thirty poems . ”

The boy was excited .

” Okay !”

Qin Ye agreed with a smile , adding his prestige and flattering the boys !

” Senior Qin Ye , I will definitely write fifty songs as soon as possible . You can’t go back then . ”

The boy said seriously .

Qin Ye nodded . If he could really write fifty poems at this level , then the other party probably wouldn’t have to take him as his teacher .

He didn’t know that in the future, the boys would really hold fifty classic songs , so Qin Ye would have no reason to shirk .

And this cheap apprentice also embarked on the path of the master .

Overwhelming another generation of singers breathless !

After the show .

left the scene under the escort of everyone .

To his surprise, he saw the couple making pancakes waiting there .

He thought about it and walked over .

” Uncle and aunt , do you have any idea to expand your business ?”

When the couple heard Qin Ye’s words , they were a little puzzled .

Qin Ye quickly explained and said , ” I think your pancakes are delicious and should be eaten by more people , so I want to endorse your pancakes !”

It’s not just the couple this time .

Even the crew members were stunned !

all know , Qin Ye has the greatest commercial value in the entire entertainment industry .

heard that I don’t know how many big brands want to speak to Qin Ye , but this genius didn’t agree !

This time, he actually said he wanted to endorse pancakes ?

They all doubted that they had heard it wrong .

same goes for the couple, who were shocked for a moment , then shook their heads in panic , ” Xiao Qin , our small business can only support our family in a month, how can we have so much money to ask for your endorsement ?”

Everyone knows Qin Ye’s endorsement , at least tens of millions of people start .

With this money , they still sell a hairy pancake ?

Qin Ye knew that the two had misunderstood what he meant , and explained : ” You don’t need to pay , I just think your pancakes are very delicious and worthy of promotion . In this way , I will pay , you will provide technology , and I will make money . 4 How is it ?”

ah ?

couple was dumbfounded again . With their business acumen , they thought about it for a long time before they knew the key !

This is such that gold is going to fall from the sky !

Qin Ye not only wants to endorse , but also invest !

The two only felt that the greatest opportunity in this life was in front of them !

” As long as you don’t dislike it, of course we are willing . ”

The man said excitedly .

” Do you have time now ? Otherwise , you can go to the hotel with me , and we will talk about cooperation . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

Now many celebrities rely on their fame to make money and get some hot pot restaurants !

In fact , they just came up with a name , and those bosses aggressively recruited franchisees under the banner of stars, and the franchise fee alone is astronomical .

even .

Some bosses run away after earning black money , and the celebrity suffers from it .

However , they don’t care either .

After all, the real money and silver have already fallen into the pocket , so who cares about the life and death of the franchisee ?

Of course Qin Ye would not allow such a thing to happen , so all aspects must be strictly checked .

I didn’t plan to make any franchise , and directly operated the whole country .

But it takes these two couples to pass on their own technology , and Qin Ye manages it through the company .

” No problem , we have time . ”

The couple quickly agreed and left with Qin Ye .

A staff member is messy !

Qin Ye’s endorsement made them doubt life !

So different !

the same day .

When Qin Ye talked about pancake endorsements , the program team also started editing .

The next day , it was finally time for the new episode to air .

After two weeks of cooling , the enthusiasm of the audience did not even decline in the slightest .

more than ever .

Some related news has already been popular all over the Internet .

Moreover , the video clip of Qin Ye singing ” Wait for you after class ” has long since spread .

Countless netizens want to know why Qin Ye sang this song .

night .

The show finally aired .

Tens of millions of netizens poured into the live broadcast room for the first time .

At the beginning of the show , the director asked Qin Ye and the three to learn pancakes . Netizens burst out laughing when they saw the three of them imitate !

Especially on the second day , teachers and students who bought hand-cooked cakes complained that they were not as delicious as before , which made people laugh !

” That classmate , I advise you to be kind . You just endure the pancakes that Teacher Qin made for you ?”

” Damn it , it’s a waste of money , why don’t you eat it for me !”

” Please , I’m tracking the trash can now , is there any chance to retrieve this pancake ?”

” I really want to swear twice !”

Netizens are complaining .

Don’t talk about them , even the few Binhai college students who threw away the pancakes wanted to die when they saw this scene again .

” Fuck , I actually threw away the pancakes made by Senior Qin Ye !”

They regret it !

And netizens watched TV with relish .

The show finally came to the scene where Qin Ye sang ” Wait for you after class ” !

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