you poke at the other party’s sore spot ?

He instinctively glanced at it, and although it was not big , it was not too small. Why did he misunderstand what he meant ?

You are a hooligan !

Lin Tong said angrily, cough, cough !

‘s okay , there is help !

Lin Tong’s eyes widened !

It was like meeting Qin Ye for the first time !

to spit at the other party , but Qin Ye’s phone rang .

Shh Qin Ye made a gesture of silence , leaving only Lin Tong staring at Qin Ye with resentment !

Connect the phone .

Hello , Director Yi !

Hey , Xiao Qin , do you know what’s going on on the Internet ?

What’s the matter ?

Qin Ye was a little confused !

It’s true that he has been busy with work , and he really didn’t pay attention to a post today . Nearly a million people left messages asking you to adapt ” Water Melody Song Head ” . Now we have received news , and some small singers have taken the lead . ”

good guy !

Qin Ye finally understood .

It doesn’t matter to him either. On this Mid-Autumn Festival night , the director team wanted to sing the young Huaxia saying !

He accepted it readily , and was also happy to have a leisurely and overpowering show , which was sung by Wang Qingqing . ” Left Finger Moon ” !

It’s a temporary change !

Qin Ye finally knew why the other party would say if he could sing in another field on the day of the semifinals !

Now there are singers who want to start with ancient poems . To be honest, Qin Ye really hopes that more people like this will sing and let them sing ? Hasn’t my program been finalized yet ?

Qin Ye asked back .

Hmm . That being said , but because of this , we have been robbed of too much attention on the Mid-Autumn Festival night .

why I called you to ask if you have the confidence to adapt it ? After all, the night after tomorrow will be a party . If you don’t have confidence , then forget it , and ” Youth China Talk ” will be more stable .

Qin Ye finally understood what the other party was thinking. He wanted to grab attention , but he was afraid that he would not make a good change , and then not only ruined the ancient poems and was sprayed out .

Also ruined the whole night after all .

This ” Water Melody Song Head ” is no better than the ancient poem that Qin Ye sang before !

The significance to everyone is too great , even ” Youth Huaxia ” can’t be compared !

Don’t look at how hot those people are now !

It really destroys the ancient poems in people’s hearts. I ‘m afraid that it will be irreversible and easy to guide . Look at what you said , isn’t this my specialty ? Don’t forget that this is what I learned . If you want me to change it, I will fix it for you later. ” So soon ?”

Dao was startled and said, ” It’s said that you write songs very quickly , do you want me to gain insight today ?

They didn’t want Qin Ye to adapt it before , and that was the reason !

Time was too hasty , I didn’t expect Qin Ye to be so confident !

That’s okay , if you think it’s good , change the program , if you think it’s not good , then follow the previous one .

Qin Ye smiled .

Then do this first , you give me as soon as possible , we still have up to three chances of rehearsal !

No problem .

The two hang up the phone !

Lin Tong looked at Qin Ye and asked carefully, do you really want to adapt this song ? If the adaptation is not good , at least half of the popularity you have accumulated before will be destroyed !

Qin Ye smiled slightly and said , do you think I will do something I am not sure about ? ”

Lin Xing looked at his self-confidence , and was a little dazed for a while. From the first day she met Qin Ye, the other party seemed to have no negative emotions like ordinary people , and his speech and behavior seemed to control everything !

Okay , you can change it as I said first , and use it in your studio , the TV station is in a hurry !

Well , I’ll arrange it !

Lin Tong also knew that Qin Ye had business affairs , so he didn’t care about being a hooligan to himself just now !

Guangdong Satellite TV .

Director , Wu Yutian’s ” Water Melody Song Head ” is ready .

Oh ? so fast ? Let me hear it and see how it goes ? ”

The director was a little excited .

This time .

But there are many TV station singers who want to temporarily adapt this song. If his TV station singer can do it well , he will definitely be able to show off. According to him , Qin Ye doesn’t seem to have any idea of changing the song !

The moment the music turns on .

The director is full of black lines. Is this person sick ? A song with nostalgia changed to rock ? The TV station’s reputation was completely ruined after this broadcast ! ”

The director said angrily .

No way , these little young singers can only do this !

This waste , let him change it again , can this be broadcast ?

Director , the day after tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival , it ‘s too late !

This kind of thing is still happening on many TV stations. Are you a fool ? Do you add electronic music to ” Shui Tiao Song Head ” ?

Director , don’t young people like this now ?

You only have access to the Internet in Tama Village ? Now netizens like the Chinese style !

Do you understand Huaxia style ?

Wasn’t it old fashioned before ? Where are these people ?

What kind of shit did you change this piece of rubbish ? This is ” Water Melody Song Head ” .? I think it’s someone who hits you ! ”

” Director , I’ll go back and change it right away !”

” ” Change your sister , get out , you don’t deserve it ! ”

The tragedies in the world are born on major TV stations !

All kinds of rollover incidents !

who want to jump on this wave of popularity and explode like Pixel Ye have been added to doubt their lives !

They are panicking !

Didn’t the audience like this before ?

Otherwise .

How can I possibly make money off music ?

How has the world changed ?

A director had to sigh :

” In the Chinese music scene , there is really only one Qin Ye , this rubbish can’t even get the heat !”

” Director , I can’t blame them all . This song is too hard to change . I heard that Qin Ye also sang ” Youth China Talk ” this time , and he didn’t write any new songs !”

sex ? ,

Director One said , ” It seems that not every word can be turned into a song. In their impression , Qin Ye seems to have never sung a song a second time in public !

And thousands of netizens also prepared melon seeds snacks .

Prepare to select the strongest ” Water Melody Song Head ” in the Mid-Autumn Festival !

Chapter 1 The whole army was wiped out ! Not a single one can beat ! ? Seeking full order ?

Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium .

Yangshi’s Mid-Autumn Festival is held here .

At this time .

All gathered here .

Also divided into different small circles .

there is a circle , but there are only two people, Wang Qingqing and Qin Ye .

Those who came to say hello left with only two symbolic greetings .

of status , they are on the same ground as Wang Qingqing !

In terms of popularity , it was crushed by Qin Ye , which was really out of place !

At this time .

The director is present .

” Easy guide early !

Easy to guide ! ”

Director Yi nodded at them , but instead of preparing to start work as usual, he walked over to Qin Ye and Wang Qingqing !

The singer looked at them a little bewildered .

I saw them chatting in a low voice . Occasionally, Wang Qingqing looked at Qin Ye with surprise !

This puzzled them .

After the discussion between the three people seemed to be over , the director walked to the front .

Today’s rehearsal was temporarily changed , because Qin Ye’s program was temporarily changed to a press , so the program schedule was changed ! ”

Everyone was shocked !

There was a whispering voice at the scene !

Don’t blame them for that .

The finale of this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is Wang Qingqing .

Although Qin Ye’s ” Youth Chinese Story ” is also very amazing , how can He Dehe dominate the stage at the Yangshi large-scale party ?

I also grabbed the position of the National Demon King. Be quiet . Now listen to me and wait for the sequence of the show .

The director began to arrange .

The hustle and bustle stopped instantly .

But one by one is still suspicious !

Finally .

Arranged .

Qin Ye became the finale , and Wang Qingqing became the finale !

” Let’s rehearse in this order , time is tight , and hands and feet are quick . ”

” Yes , Director !”

Big-name stars should come down .

Since Wang Qingqing himself has no opinion , why do they outsiders have to say anything ?

soon .

rehearsal went on in an orderly manner , and each program was very exciting !

‘ Mr. Qin , I’m going to prepare , looking forward to your performance ! ”

Wang Qingqing smiled .

that the big devil had no choice but to say :

” I’m sure you won’t be disappointed !”

” Haha , as expected of Teacher Xiao Qin !”

Done .

She went to prepare , although she hadn’t heard Qin Ye’s adaptation of “The Song of Water Melody ” !

is absolutely amazing to have the director discuss changing positions with her !

She took the stage , and her solo performance of ” Left Finger Moon ” still amazed the audience !

All stand up and applaud !

expected of Teacher Wang , this singing is really strong .

They were sincerely moved .

Everyone knew that Qin Ye would be on the court soon .

To be honest , if there is no teacher Wang Qingqing , there is really no problem with this song pressing on the stage .

The singer was so embarrassed that even he, a long-established figure , was quite convinced by Qin Ye .

After hearing the host’s introduction, there was an uproar in the audience . I heard that other TV stations were almost killed , but I didn’t expect Qin Ye to be on his own !

To be honest , I’m a little bit looking forward to what the ancestor of this singing style can change this song to !

Qin Ye sings one song !

Even in broad daylight , they still felt their homesickness pouring into their minds .

expected of Mr. Qin , a song made me want to go home . ”

They finally understood at this moment .

Qin Ye not only adapted this famous term , but also changed it very well !

Except this .

No one in Huaxia can grab Wang Qingqing’s position as the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching .

Coupled with the news that many TV singers will adapt ancient poems before , the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has received unprecedented attention .

The time was very lively .

Just when the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was about to start .

an apartment .

man walked to the living room and watched his son keep watching with two mobile phones and two tablets !

Hands are still typing !

What are you doing ? ”

” Watching the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala ?”

Can’t watch TV ? And what do you mean by that ? Open so many devices ?

The son laughed .

You don’t understand this, do you ? I am a judge , and I have to rate the contestants of each TV station !

The man was even more confused .

Asked about the situation ,?know why .

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